Killing Maturi today

Maturi has a hard time making a decision and when he does it is usually wrong.

1.) Monson - He lost control of the team the year Humpries played, he was never going to be effective after that happened. It took Maturi three years to get rid of him, amid rumors that he fired Monson the year before he actually did it. Again another mid season firing. Who would want to coach in an environment like that, he is lucky he got Tubby.

2.) Mason - Fired him on impulse after the bowl game without any plan about going forward.

3.) Brewster - Really was the result of number 2, but turned into an awfull choice. The mid season firing really doesn't instill confidence.

He has completely botched these two programs. If there is any fan based left it is a wonder at all. Tubby and BB may save whatever is left of Maturi's legacy this year.

The jury is still out on Tubby.

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