June Jones, Mike Stoops, Jerry Kill, Randy Edsall, Chris Petersen, Greg Schiano, etc.


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Nov 11, 2008
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If we don't announce a coach tomorrow, my gut tells me that we've got a tentative deal in place with a HC who is coaching this weekend. The list includes those above and a few others like George O'Leary, Dave Wanstedt and a few others:


If we were going to hire a coach who is currently out of the game (Bellotti, Fulmer, Leach, etc.) I would think this deal would have been announced the first part of the week as the details probably would have been worked out by then. If we were going to hire an existing coach that isn't coaching this weekend (Calhoun, Hoke*, etc.) then I would think that these coaches would want to move quickly after their regular season ends so they could get a jump on recruiting.

*I put Hoke in that group as I would hope that both the U and Hoke wouldn't wait until December 16 to save $500K when this is a critical time for recruiting and putting together a staff.

So just a pure gut instinct tells me that if we don't make a move tomorrow than our guy is coaching this weekend.

If true, which coach this weekend would you most want?

Go Gophers!!

I believe it's obvious the coach is coaching this weekend, and there would be no other reason to explain it. How long does a coach take to declare interest or disinterest? 1 day at the most?

Agree with the OP. There's still a chance that private jet brought someone back tonight, or even tomorrow morning, but it also may be that Maturi was finalizing things with the guy's agent. I've been wondering about the chances of Petersen for quite awhile and wouldn't mind that one bit.

June Jones, Eh? There's some offense for ya!

By the way, let's keep in mind that as doubtful as it is, we know nothing factual about Harbaugh -though Doogie claims four sources say he isn't interested. Hey! It must be Harbaugh!!

Agree completely. It is definitely someone coaching this weekend. I hate to be a buzz kill for some of you, but I believe it's got to be Edsall. He's the only BCS coach out there who meets Maturi's stated criteria. Personally I would be excited by this hire as I believe he is a solid program builder who espouses hard-nosed, defensive football, but I know that many of you are probably choking on your own vomit with this prediction... :eek:

Assuming no Petersen, I would probably be most interested in June Jones. He had a very good run at Hawaii and has really overachieved so far at SMU. He's got his own system that has been proven successful over many years. My main concern with Jones is recruiting as he hasn't recruited big time athletes against big time competition.

By the way, let's keep in mind that as doubtful as it is, we know nothing factual about Harbaugh -though Doogie claims four sources say he isn't interested. Hey! It must be Harbaugh!!

If it is Harbaugh, Joel will subsequently become universally popular, and he'll deserve it.

By the way, let's keep in mind that as doubtful as it is, we know nothing factual about Harbaugh -though Doogie claims four sources say he isn't interested. Hey! It must be Harbaugh!!

I hope I'm wrong on Harbaugh. I would walk to Palo Alto to help him move here.

If it was Harbaugh, it would have been going down this week because he is already done coaching.

No sight of Maturi here at Stanford (unfortunately)

I keep praying to see Maturi here on "The Farm" with Harbaugh but it hasn't happened yet. It sounds dumb but I seriously daydream about walking to or from my parking spot, which is next to the Stanford Stadium, and seeing Harbaugh with Maturi on my way to my office. If I could buy enough sandwiches or salads from the Sports Cafe to ensure that Harbaugh would come to the U of M, I would. Argh, I was hoping something interesting would come of the epic plane tracking today between Minneapolis and Philly. Anyway, back to the darkness!!!

I agree. I feel that an announcement would have been made already if our guy wasn't coaching this weekend. I don't know why, but I just have this gut feel that it's Petersen. Too much wishful thinking, perhaps, but it makes a ton of sense for both parties.

About a month ago, I made a list of my top 15 candidates for our head coaching job. At that time the list included such dream candidates as Chris Petersen (#3 on the original list) and Dan Mullen (#5), as well as some middle-of-the-road candidates such as Randy Edsall (#6) and longshots such as Randy Shannon (#13), who was still at Miami at that time. Slowly I've removed candidates from the list and whittled the list down to three, soon to be two. All of the above were eliminated, one at a time on the way from 15 to 3. Keeping true to form, I am going to trim the list to two today and one this weekend but I'm really starting to hope that I'm wrong for having eliminated Petersen and Mullen (who would be absolutely amazing hires). I would also welcome a June Jones or Mike Stoops hire and could warm to the hiring of Randy Edsall or Greg Schiano. Unfortunately for them (and me), none have made the cut to two, which is:

1. Al Golden
2. Jerry Kill

The latest candidate to be removed from my list is Troy Calhoun, whose candidacy seems to have lost some momentum as of late.

If we don't announce a coach tomorrow, my gut tells me that we've got a tentative deal in place with a HC who is coaching this weekend. The list includes those above and a few others like George O'Leary, Dave Wanstedt and a few others:


If we were going to hire a coach who is currently out of the game (Bellotti, Fulmer, Leach, etc.) I would think this deal would have been announced the first part of the week as the details probably would have been worked out by then. If we were going to hire an existing coach that isn't coaching this weekend (Calhoun, Hoke*, etc.) then I would think that these coaches would want to move quickly after their regular season ends so they could get a jump on recruiting.

*I put Hoke in that group as I would hope that both the U and Hoke wouldn't wait until December 16 to save $500K when this is a critical time for recruiting and putting together a staff.

So just a pure gut instinct tells me that if we don't make a move tomorrow than our guy is coaching this weekend.

If true, which coach this weekend would you most want?

Go Gophers!!

I've been saying all week that the U targeted their coach weeks ago and that they are:

1) likely coaching this weekend; and
2) are also waiting for the bowl bids.

A quality coach would not hamstring his current team by announcing his departure before season's end and before bowl line-ups are announced. He will offer to stay to coach the bowl game and will be turned down. He will get his recruiters lined up, and get 'er going.

I've been saying all week that the U targeted their coach weeks ago and that they are:

1) likely coaching this weekend; and
2) are also waiting for the bowl bids.

A quality coach would not hamstring his current team by announcing his departure before season's end and before bowl line-ups are announced. He will offer to stay to coach the bowl game and will be turned down. He will get his recruiters lined up, and get 'er going.

Said quality coach won't want to turn down or potentially miss out on a $2+ million 6 year contract over one bowl game, especially when that might be more than double what they currently make.

I keep praying to see Maturi here on "The Farm" with Harbaugh but it hasn't happened yet. It sounds dumb but I seriously daydream about walking to or from my parking spot, which is next to the Stanford Stadium, and seeing Harbaugh with Maturi on my way to my office.

Because it's normal to interview for a new job in the office of your current job...

Said quality coach won't want to turn down or potentially miss out on a $2+ million 6 year contract over one bowl game, especially when that might be more than double what they currently make.

My point was that a classy guy waits until after the bowl game is set. Your departure could affect a bowl bid. You offer to stay and coach the game. You offer.

I find myself in the group that thinks Maturi has his man and he is coaching this weekend. Everything has been quiet for the last few days. If true here are my hopes in order.

Chris Petersen
June Jones
Skip Holtz
Jerry Kill
Mike Stoops
Randy Edsall

I'm leaning towards Riley from Oregon State myself.

If the poster Crazy Joe Devola or whatever his name is - isn't stringing us along - the pieces all seem to fit for it being him.

Either that or it will be someone boring and underwhelming.

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