Joe Schmit has a couple of Bruininks coaching tweets


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Nov 11, 2008
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"UM President Bob Bruininks extremely confident #Gophers will get great coach. He's on Sports Wrap Sunday 10:45 pm"

"Bruininks: 'There is not any lack of interest in this job. We will stretch $$$ to get right coach who can turn program around."'

Go Gophers!!

"UM President Bob Bruininks extremely confident #Gophers will get great coach. He's on Sports Wrap Sunday 10:45 pm"

"Bruininks: 'There is not any lack of interest in this job. We will stretch $$$ to get right coach who can turn program around."'

Go Gophers!!

Make no mistake, BB is in charge of this hire not JM.

How so. JM has the final say on who the next coach will be. JM make the hire not BB.

JM will do the grunt work and will probably make the announcement but it will be BB's decision as to who to hire and what to pay.

Read and watch what what BB has said and done in the last month. The gloves have come off and he is digging in to get this right. It may have been JM's call last time but not this time.

JM will do the grunt work and will probably make the announcement but it will be BB's decision as to who to hire and what to pay.

Read and watch what what BB has said and done in the last month. The gloves have come off and he is digging in to get this right. It may have been JM's call last time but not this time.

no it is not. JM is the one doing the hiring, JM has the final say on the hiring. i am not sure why you think BB has the power, when he does not. JM is the person who will be hiring the coach not BB.

BB will help JM, but JM will be the one to pick the coach not BB.

I don't need to listen to what BB is saying.

This is exactly what we need. A University President who doesn't know any more about football than the average fan in the stands hiring the next coach. Bruininks has made plenty of bad decisions since he has been the U's president. Let's hope the new football coach isn't another one of them.

no it is not. JM is the one doing the hiring, JM has the final say on the hiring. i am not sure why you think BB has the power, when he does not. JM is the person who will be hiring the coach not BB.

BB will help JM, but JM will be the one to pick the coach not BB.

I don't need to listen to what BB is saying.

Oh really?
Try this

BB HAS the power and is making sure it is done right this time.

This is exactly what we need. A University President who doesn't know any more about football than the average fan in the stands hiring the next coach. Bruininks has made plenty of bad decisions since he has been the U's president. Let's hope the new football coach isn't another one of them.

Maturi hired Brewster. Do you not think a 'little help' from the boss this time might be better.

"UM President Bob Bruininks extremely confident #Gophers will get great coach. He's on Sports Wrap Sunday 10:45 pm"

"Bruininks: 'There is not any lack of interest in this job. We will stretch $$$ to get right coach who can turn program around."'

Go Gophers!!

Great to hear. BB is the one stearing the ship on the hire.

Maturi may be in control of the search but I bet he will have to get the Prez's seal of approval before pulling the trigger. This time around the Prez is adamant on getting a proven winner.
Maturi definitely has some guidelines set out for him this time around.

Again don't believe what BB said, i finish with this debate. BB is the president, but where in the damn world does it said, he has the power to hire the coach. I have not seen anywhere it said that. so don't throw a fit when someone disagree with you.

I'm not throwing a fit. If and when I 'throw a fit' you will know.

All I was trying to point out was that he has the power over the athletic dept.

We may disagree on who is really in charge of this but I firmly stand behing my statement.

BTW I have no 'sources'.

I also get the strong impression that funBobby will be the one to give the final approval on the new coach, although nominally it will be Maturi's hire.

And further, I think it is a good thing BB is behind most of this stuff. I really think BB regrets not being a bigger part of the search which eventually brought us Brewster.

When Maturi was at Denver he wanted to hire Bo Ryan. Bo Ryan was then at UW-Plateville. The president at Denver at the time, vetoed that decision. So yes, the president does have the final say in a hire, if he wants too.

Just to be clear BB will be the one approving the stretching of the dollars for the right coach. If JM wants a coach BB doesn't approve of the dollars will not be there.

Maturi hired Brewster. Do you not think a 'little help' from the boss this time might be better.

Bruininks is the person who gave Brewster only two weeks to hire a coach last time when he insisted that Mason be fired after the Texas Tech bowl game. And he is the person who approved Masons's contract extension the previous year. And since Bruininks also personally interviewed Brewster and approved his hiring he deserves every bit as much blame as Maturi for what has happened since. Bruininks should not be trusted anymore than most GopherHolers are willing to trust Maturi to get this next hiring right.

Bruininks is the person who gave Brewster only two weeks to hire a coach last time when he insisted that Mason be fired after the Texas Tech bowl game. And he is the person who approved Masons's contract extension the previous year. And since Bruininks also personally interviewed Brewster and approved his hiring he deserves every bit as much blame as Maturi for what has happened since. Bruininks should not be trusted anymore than most GopherHolers are willing to trust Maturi to get this next hiring right.

I do agree with your points, but I think BB wishes he was more involved last time and is adament about getting it right this time. He has also been very public in his statements that the U is very serious about this hire and how important the football program is to the vitality of the University of Minnesota.

We haven't seen this much commitment from the administration that I can remember. Someone correct me if I am wrong.

We all want the same thing-the right coach. Let's all hope we succeed this time.

How so. JM has the final say on who the next coach will be. JM make the hire not BB.

The president has already stated publicly that the final decision will be reviewed by his office. Joel may present his choice, but, the President is reserving the right to veto that decision.

Station 19, I agree with you. BB is very much involved. Why is he going on "Sports Wrap" if he is not involved?

Bruininks is the person who gave Brewster only two weeks to hire a coach last time when he insisted that Mason be fired after the Texas Tech bowl game. And he is the person who approved Masons's contract extension the previous year. And since Bruininks also personally interviewed Brewster and approved his hiring he deserves every bit as much blame as Maturi for what has happened since. Bruininks should not be trusted anymore than most GopherHolers are willing to trust Maturi to get this next hiring right.

This did not happen. BB DID NOT personally interview Brewster. He has stated on multiple occasions that he never met Brewster in person prior to Brewster being hired. BB only had a phone conversation with him.

Station 19, I agree with you. BB is very much involved. Why is he going on "Sports Wrap" if he is not involved?

While I also think he is very involved, I'm guessing part of the reason he is getting out there in the media is because Maturi doesn't speak with the forcefulness that RHB does and that RHB thinks it is important to send a clear message of institutional support for winning.

Again don't believe what BB said, i finish with this debate. BB is the president, but where in the damn world does it said, he has the power to hire the coach. I have not seen anywhere it said that. so don't throw a fit when someone disagree with you.

A. Like you are doing here
B. Please learn how to properly use verbs and plurals....

Seeing him referred to as BB makes my skin crawl, considering how we normally use BB.

While I also think he is very involved, I'm guessing part of the reason he is getting out there in the media is because Maturi doesn't speak with the forcefulness that BB does and that BB thinks it is important to send a clear message of institutional support for winning.

Good point.

While I also think he is very involved, I'm guessing part of the reason he is getting out there in the media is because Maturi doesn't speak with the forcefulness that BB does and that BB thinks it is important to send a clear message of institutional support for winning.

And Joel specifically said that the next time he talks to the press it will be to introduce the coach. PRB probably doesn't want to create a media vacuum to be filled by the idiots at KFAN.

This did not happen. BB DID NOT personally interview Brewster. He has stated on multiple occasions that he never met Brewster in person prior to Brewster being hired. BB only had a phone conversation with him.

It's always fun when people disagree with themselves.

Seeing him referred to as BB makes my skin crawl, considering how we normally use BB.

Ha ha...I thought about that when I was typing my post. But the shorthand is so much easier. Maybe we should use PB for President Bruininks? Or RB for Robert Bruininks? Or RHB (since his middle initial is H)? I nominate RHB as the new shorthand and I've updated my previous post to reflect this.

It's always fun when people disagree with themselves.

I apologize. I am of the mindset that a personal conversation, in the context of hiring a football coach, would be a face-to-face meeting, as opposed to approving a hiring based on a phone conversation. That's all I was trying to differentiate.

How so. JM has the final say on who the next coach will be. JM make the hire not BB.

Think about it, Maturi will determine what candidates to interview, do the interviewing, will be the face presented to the media, but Brunicks will make the decision. If he doesn't want the selected candidate then no offer will be made. It is Bruinicks decision. You are very naive to think otherwise.

Think about it, Maturi will determine what candidates to interview, do the interviewing, will be the face presented to the media, but Brunicks will make the decision. If he doesn't want the selected candidate then no offer will be made. It is Bruinicks decision. You are very naive to think otherwise.

You hit the nail on the head. +1

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