Horton Hears a Who

Dec 14, 2009
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Weber was too much for them.
They beat him! They mauled him. They started to haul
Him into his cage! But he managed to call to the Brewster:
"Don't give up! I believe in you all!
A gophers a gopher, no matter how small!
And you very small gopher will not have to die
If you make yourselves heard! So come on now and try!

The Brewster grabbed a Horton, he started to smack it.
And, all over Dinkytown they whooped up a racket.
They rattled tin kettles, they beat on brass pans,
On garbage pail tops, and old cranberry cans!
They blew on bazookas and blasted great toots
On clarinets, oom-pahs and boom-pahs and flutes!

We have found our man Horton, and in that we can plan...

Hi Pantherhawk, got your face out of the latest Harry Potter long enough to come and bother us. When do you create your next awesome light saber photo?

Someone has too much time on their hands. However, the word association that came up for me up was from a spoof listing of adult Suess titles from a few years back: "Horton Hires a Ho". Not to worry though, Mike Price has dibs.

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