Homecoming Question


Grizzled Veteran
Mar 3, 2009
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With the game a 2:30 start vs. Nebraska, has there been any talk of possibly moving the homecoming parade back to Saturday morning?

Is it too much of a nightmare to do it even at 9 or 10AM, traffic wise? I understand why they do it Friday night, but it's just too difficult to leave work, pick up the family in the EP, pack the kids up, and get down to the U, only to do it again 12-14 hours later.....

Maybe I'm the only one who feels this way, in which case I'll shut up & eat some Country Hearth bread......

I was skeptical when I heard about Friday night too. I think it's more geared to have people come back and make a weekend out of it. Plus many other schools do them Friday night then have pep rallies.

I would definitely attend if it were on Saturday. It's too much of a pain in the backside to make the trip (I live about 4 miles away) twice in less than 24 hours. The traffic and parking issues aren't worth my time....But I understand why they do it on Friday.

If you're interested to change the Homecoming parade to Saturday morning, then definitely email the Homecoming Committee. If we have enough current student body and alumni support for the change, then the committee "may" do it. There is still plenty of time to arrange things, I'm sure.


I personally like to have the parade back on Saturday morning since the game is at 2:30 PM this year. Imagine the tailgate atmosphere with the parade on campus on game day!

While at the parade last year I notice that there were many kids and was with a group of people who wern't going to be at the game. This allowed the people who had kids to get them to the parade and home and then enjoy the next day. Yes there are many pros and cons for Friday night parades and Saturday. I personally like them split (Friday and Saturday), and yet I hear it for those people who want everything done in one day. One of those deal where it is not going to work for everyone and simply allow the staff to put on a good home coming week without a lot of flak. Providing good thoughts to the committee is one thing, but flak is another thing.

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