Greeks and Athletics to team up for Philanthropy

bump. this is a great initiative by U of M athletics and the U of M greeks. well done.

Bump: this is outstanding. Next they need to get tailgate competitions between the groups in the Victory Lot.

This is a fantastic idea! I hope some of the Greeks doing this post on here, or give their contact info - so we can direct any people buying tickets to do it through them. Not sure who deserves credit for this idea, but well done!

What is going on? Where is the athletic department that wouldn't do anything new ever? I'm starting to get scared. The AD moves we're seeing smack of creativity. The Gophers are 4-0. MAYANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As a Greek alumnus it's cool to see the action we wanted when the stadium first opened. I emailed the current Greek advisor to get a bit more background about it, but any way we can get butts in the seats (especially for homecoming) and you can involve philanthropic donations, not to their own pockets, is a good idea!


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