Great Reusse column: Kill's vision paying dividends for Gophers


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Nov 11, 2008
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per long-time Gopher fan, Pat Reusse:

Nobody offered up more fun than Tim Brewster. Coach Brew was a parody of a Big Ten football coach from his opening news conference/pep fest.

And now what do we have?

We have Jerry Kill — looking healthy, popular with all — with athletes who tackle and cover on defense, move people up front on offense, and with coaches who have taken two- and three-star recruits and turned them into effective Big Ten players and now are getting commitments from an occasional four-star.

The Gophers have been OK for two seasons, and they are going to be better this fall. They have a shot to win the Big Ten West. Good thing I’m a two-per-week columnist these days, because this is going to be a tough adjustment, using Gophers, football and contender in the same sentence.

Go Gophers!!

Good article. Proof that Pat can acknowledge a good coach, even if he thinks he lays it on a bit thick.

I remember, in 1987, listening to KSTP 1500, and hearing Reusse refer to the World Series-bound Twins as "we," then poking fun at himself by saying "listen to me."

Pat was a Twins fan who mocked them in their futility. Pat is a Gopher fan who mocked them in their futility. I look forward to hearing him refer to Kill's Gophers as "we."

Does no one hold a grudge anymore?

Gophers do not need Reusse's affirmation. I personally don't care what he thinks.

Nice read.

I think there was more than one person who took Coach's "Country Jer" speaking style and "aw shucks" demeanor as the vehicle to dismiss the potential for success. Patrick certainly fell into that camp.

This has mostly been extinguished by the performance on the field, where the "quality trajectory" appears to still be going up.

Nice place to be. Even with Reusse.

Nice to see the old curmudgeon jump on the wagon.

There has been a lot of years of geezo peezo so it's easy to understand why Reusse and all long suffering Gopher fans have been wary of the country charm.

Feeling good about our football program takes practice and risk. But, as Reusse points out, maybe it okay this time.

BleedGopher (or StarTribune marketing) FYI - There is nothing "Great" that comes from the pen of Reusse.

Did Pat basically accuse of Jerry of being fake a few years ago?

Probably accused more of being "sly" beneath that "aw shucks" demeanor...questioning what kind of sly he was.

Now we know he's "sly like a fox" a good way.

I don't get all the hate for Reusse. He gives credit where credit is do, and when he rips a team/player/coach, it is usually because that team/player/coach deserves ripping.

Does no one hold a grudge anymore?

I do.

My mother had a saying "Love me, love my dog". For thirty years I have watched - He Who's Name Will Not Be Uttered In My House - kick, punch, spit on, pour gasoline on, and set fire to my dog. Don't kid yourselves, when Kill has a down year, and, sooner or later he will, the Mean Spirited Bastard will haul out the long knives and start carving.

I understand TCF will soon be filled with bandwagon jumpers but we can do without HWNWNBUMH. He has ripped and mocked, in the meanest way possible, decent people - coaches, players and fans. This whole bit about liking the Gophers is nothing but a bit - I have heard him on the radio, more than once, talking about how much he hates football of all types. The snake is just waiting, while poison fills his fangs, for the opportunity to strike again.

I don't get all the hate for Reusse. He gives credit where credit is do, and when he rips a team/player/coach, it is usually because that team/player/coach deserves ripping.

Yeahhh, well, everyone is entitled to an opinion, but agree or disagree, it's darn hard to not comprehend why a lot of us have turned our backs on a blatant cheap shot artist. For me the sad part is that he's capable of outstanding work, but too often seems wrapped up in other efforts.

I don't get all the hate for Reusse. He gives credit where credit is do, and when he rips a team/player/coach, it is usually because that team/player/coach deserves ripping.

He was smart enough to figure out Brewster day 1 while most of us (myself included) drank all the kool aid we could find. Reusse calls a spade a spade. People don't like that he rips on Gopher football... well, there has been a lot to rip on the past 40+ years.

Nothing New to the Few

Kill's vision has opened many an eyes
The rodents have aligned to claim the prize.
Naysayers have turned into high praisers,
While the preachers have reached the lowest of misers.
Salvation will be sought at the bank
We will meet each other at the 50 to give thanks.

From the Room of the Beavcoon

Who rhymes "praisers" with "misers"?

It is just artistic license, with a long and rich tradition, such as rhyming "main" with "again." Or "room" with "Beavercoon."

One more example:

I am starting to enjoy Beavercoon,
Please don't send me to my doom.

Those of you that refuse to 'click on' the Strib because of Reusse or Souhan; remember there a many other Strib employees that depend on the well being of the paper, many of them good people.

Those of you that refuse to 'click on' the Strib because of Reusse or Souhan; remember there a many other Strib employees that depend on the well being of the paper, many of them good people.

Ill read a Reusse column, but soupcan? i draw a hard line. I never liked him anytime anyway, and that article that shall not be named was the last straw.

Those of you that refuse to 'click on' the Strib because of Reusse or Souhan; remember there a many other Strib employees that depend on the well being of the paper, many of them good people.

Those of you under 30. A newspaper is a printed blog with ads that your parents and grandparents still pay to have delivered to their houses even though they couldn't tell you why anymore.

It keeps me regular, and my laptop is warm on my bare thighs.

Those of you that refuse to 'click on' the Strib because of Reusse or Souhan; remember there a many other Strib employees that depend on the well being of the paper, many of them good people.

Name one. :confused:

Those of you that refuse to 'click on' the Strib because of Reusse or Souhan; remember there a many other Strib employees that depend on the well being of the paper, many of them good people.

This is great.

Did Pat basically accuse of Jerry of being fake a few years ago?

He's not the only one. It's easy to love your coach when the team exceeds expectations and the future looks bright. The real test comes when subpar seasons slide by. The media and the fanbase will turn quickly. And there have been folks involved with the team that have expressed that there is a part of Kill more interested in Kill. Most folks here will dismiss that and maybe its not a problem. No one is perfect after all.

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