Gophs learning that negativity directed at program can be eased by a win


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
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Here's hoping the players rally around each other and earn some much needed fun and smiles against NU.

From Marcus of the Pioneer Press:

Gophers players are learning that negativity directed at the program could be eased by the power of a win

Gophers players are learning that the anger directed at their football shortcomings could be calmed with a victory in Saturday's Big Ten opener

It has become more difficult each week for University of Minnesota football players to bite their tongues and not let out their frustration after disturbingly poor results going into Big Ten Conference play.

After all, the fans aren't holding back. Their criticism is escalating.

Players like redshirt freshman Ra'Shede Hageman can't help but hear talk from disgruntled Gopher faithful about how much they must lack talent for losing to a lower-level team like South Dakota and how coach Tim Brewster should be fired already for starting the season 1-3.

Just walking through campus to class, opening e-mails or messages on social networking sites or looking at Internet chat boards following the football team, players have found comments that could set them off.

Hageman said in high school he and some of his younger teammates might have reacted differently to the type of harsh criticism they're receiving now.

"But it's just part of growing up," said the former All-America tight end at Minneapolis Washburn High School. "We don't need all that attention of us retaliating or talking back to other people who say negative stuff to us. People are always going to say negative things, but it's how you take that energy and make it positive."

That's the message Brewster and captains like senior quarterback Adam Weber are trying to get the team to understand this week, how responding to the negative talk can distract them from trying to turn around their season Saturday against Northwestern (4-0).

"You have to be smart," Weber said. "You never realize who is watching. The biggest point isn't just older people and media looking at it, it's the younger people looking at your Facebook. I think that's the toughest part for someone that's 21, 22 years old. You realize that there are 12-year-olds reading your Facebook. So the words you (use) and the messages you say go a long way."

Weber said some players might have brushed off the idea of careful posting on Facebook, MySpace or Twitter pages in the past, believing they're not saying anything that bad and should be able to get away with just being a normal, impulsive college student.

But that was before junior Troy Stoudermire vented last Wednesday about his talent not being respected and that he was "no longer a gopher." His comments resulted in a suspension from the team.

Stoudermire realized his mistake and apologized to Brewster and his teammates. They allowed him to be reinstated, and he is expected to play Saturday. Stoudermire's case was an example that each player has his own responsibility to "watch what they say," sophomore linebacker Keanon Cooper said.

Cooper, who was Stoudermire's teammate at Dallas Skyline High School and has known him since fourth grade, wasn't aware of how upset Stoudermire was last week. Cooper said he would have said something to Stoudermire, but they aren't roommates and play on opposite sides of the ball in practice.

"I would honestly say that I've never seen him do that," he said. "Troy is very confident. He knows he's good. But I would say that he kind of understands (now) that sometimes he was telling it the wrong way."

Stoudermire wasn't available to talk to media after Tuesday's practice, but he was remorseful on his Facebook status.

"I apologize for my actions to my teammates, fans, and coaches," he said on his page Tuesday. "I deeply regret letting my emotions get the best of me. I handled this situation incorrectly and realize the consequences of my actions. We are all here for one overall goal and that is to win championships. I hope we can move on from this, and I will do anything to help my team win. I am proud to a Gopher and let's go beat Northwestern!"

Brewster said he didn't think it would be right to eliminate the use of social networking sites by his players, even though it resulted in Stoudermire using bad judgment.

Freshman cornerback Brock Vereen said he always thinks twice about what his parents and Brewster might think about what he posts on Facebook because he knows he's representing the Gophers and his family.

"I think what you do is you just talk to kids about understanding the importance of making good decisions when you're utilizing electronic media," Brewster said.

But Stoudermire's situation still provides a lesson to the entire team on how players will talk about and respond to their experiences — good or bad. And there's only one way to stop the criticism.

"Of course, there's going to be negativity out there," Vereen said. "The best way to end it would be to win."

Go Gophers!!

And this answers my question about Troy.. lol

Hopefully the team understands that the only way to shut up the negativity is to win every game from here on out. Every one. Until then, they are going to be scrutinized. And rightfully so.

Big Ten wins COUNT!

We need some Big Ten wins to keep the final game of the season from becoming the unthinkable: another "kinnic North" incident of the scope of the final dome game in November of 2008. We NEED fan support to keep iowa fans out of our beautiful TCF BANK STADIUM. I don't care where anyone stands on the coaching situation, the administration situation, the quarterback situation or any thing else related to Gopher Football. We NEED to hold on to our tickets and keep the yellow and black clad iowa hordes OUT of OUR stadium. Students, old-timers and every fan in between: Be Gopher Fans and keep iowa fans out of there. We can NOT let our first game for Floyd end the way the last game for Floyd ended in that house of torture...that dome.

Big Ten season starts on Saturday. The wins minus losses in the Big Ten will tell us exactly where our program stands, our coach stands and our administration stands. But, when that last game of the Big Ten schedule rolls around...we must stand tall and stand strong and we MUST show up and use our own tickets. That is the one thing we have control over. Be there. We fought hard and long to get this stadium. Now we, the fans must DEFEND our stadium from the invasion from the south. Who hates iowa??????? Don't let them in! Use your ticket yourself. And if you can't be sure a Gopher Fan is there in your place. Be strong. Be focused. Be THERE!

Who hates iowa??????? Don't let them in! Use your ticket yourself. And if you can't be sure a Gopher Fan is there in your place.

I would love it if this were the case but I cannot find gopher fans to buy my tickets at what I paid for them. I think the only way for people to get $$ back on what they paid (if they cannot attend) is to get what the hogeye fans will pay?

I would rather rip up my tickets then sell them to a hogeye

I would love it if this were the case but I cannot find gopher fans to buy my tickets at what I paid for them. I think the only way for people to get $$ back on what they paid (if they cannot attend) is to get what the hogeye fans will pay?

WTF...sell them to a Gopher fan you greedy bastard! Seriously! Once I spend the money on the tickets I don't worry what I get back for the games I can't attend.

Buying Gopher tickets is synonymous to supporting the program. This is not the stock market.

No question that after reading comments from the Gopher players its obvious they are far more mature than the majority of the posters here on GH.

I am very serious about the need for unity amongst Gopher season ticket holders.

The memory of that 2008 game: the last bashing in the dome is my most painful Gopher nightmare EVER. The score. The hordes of iowa creeps and creepettes. The arrogance of ferentz to be throwing bombs late into the fourth quarter with the score 55-0. The boorish attitudes and behaviors of those iowa types was just too much.

In 2010, we HAVE TCF BANK STADIUM. For some of us, we lived in the fear that we would never see a return to an on campus Gophers ONLY Football Stadium. We can NOT let the hordes of drunks, scoundrals and socially unclean iowa types into our stadium.

One other thing: we will NOT see a repeat of that 55-0 score. The Gophers may not win, but, IF we fans can help hold the spirit of the Gopher Team where it needs to be...they WILL battle a very good iowa team. You WILL get your moneys worth.

I often say that the non-conference portion of the schedule can only hurt a team and never really helps a team, other than the possibility of getting a team an invitation to what most would call a meaningless bowl game. (I don't see any bowl game as being meaningless myself though.) What matters to me is Big Ten Conference play. As far as I am concerned, I would LOVE to have the non-conference portion of the schedule cut back in order to play every other team in the Big Ten.

So, from my perspective, the Gophers ARE just getting ready for their first game of the season. The Big Ten Conference Schedule is about to begin. EVERY snap...every quarter...every game has real meaning now. This is "play for pride..." time. Big Ten wins minus Big Ten losses will give us a fair and accurate picture of exactly how every phase of Gopher Football is being conducted. It will compare apples to apples. There can be no "spin doctoring." The conference standings will give us the truth.

We have a prexy who is lame duck. We have an ad who is dependent upon that lame duck prexy. We have a football coach who is dependent upon the ad who is dependent on the lame duck prexy. It all stops at the top.

We, have now voiced our displeasure with everything going on in the football program. It is now in the hands of a lame duck prexy. We shall overcome one way or another. The lame Duck prexy is going away in June of 2011. That is FANTASTIC! The ONLY job we Gopher fans have now that the Big Ten season has arrived is to USE our tickets ourselves . Have fun at the Big Ten games. And be STRONG in numbers and resolve against the creeps and creppettes from iowa who want to take over our stadium in November. One way or another, the football games will come and go. However, this is the FIRST time iowa fans have had a chance to darken our doorstep. We MUST keep the masses and hordes out. 2010 will NEVER happen again. Do NOT let the nightmare of the "last disaster in the dome in 2008" be repeated the first time we play iowa in THE BANK in 2010. I may be kidding the iowa fans a bit here and over-emphasizing my dislike for iowa, but, we need to show up and fill our own stadium when Big Ten foes come calling. DEFEND our stadium! That is the ONLY thing that is our power as fans. prexy's mess up. Athletic directors can be incompetent. Football coaches are hired by sometimes incompetent athletic directors and prexys who sometimes mess up. But fans have complete control over their own tickets. Use your ticket: keep a creep or creppette from iowa OUT of TCF BANK STADIUM!

Great to see that Wren is back on the board.:rolleyes:

Great to see that Wren is back on the board.:rolleyes:

Good observation. On the Strib blog Wren now posts under MrJones1 or something like that. He got a lot of enjoyment by slamming GH often. It's at least his fourth of fifth moniker but the same old Fire Maturi, 5 BT Wins, and "I Told You So", etc. *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#e.

Wonder how he got back in GH?

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