Gophers Maroon and Gold Scrimmage Recap and Analysis


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
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I'm eagerly awaiting thoughts and analysis of today's scrimmage by those who are able to attend.


Go Gophers!!

Here are quick quotes from Pitino:

On Flip:
He was always very good to me... he let me speak to the team. He loved the gophers, this university was important to him.
His family is in our prayers, we lost a great gopher legend.
When I 1st met him, I was so surprised of the knowledge he had of our team. I was still learning and he knew every player. He had a great passion for the gophers.
When I came here, I thought he was from here...
He loved the fact that he went to MN and was the wolves coach
Billy Donovan spoke about flip a lot. I knew from watching practice he was a great coach and loved being on the court.

On the scrimmage:
What needed to happen was maroon needed to kick their butts, and I think they we're waiting for it today. Gold won yesterday. It didn't seem to bother them that much. I tried to stir it up. Joey and Carlos were really good.
I think that Dorsey has to be one of the fastest guards in the country. Jordan was playing the 5 spot and won't be in the future.
Davonte was injured, when healthy, he's one of the better athletes on the team
More than anything, it will be a long year for those guys transferring
Gas will be back next week.

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Kevin Dorsey has unbelievable speed and quickness. He get up and down the court faster than anyone on our roster. Made a few freshman mistakes trying to force passes into the post but I think he has a very bright future.

Dupree mcbrayer I wasn't really expecting much from him but he had a very good game. Always seemed under control and finished well around the basket.

Ahmad Gilbert shoot wasn't going in today and had quite a few unforced turnovers. Looked timid in my opinion.

Davonte Fitzgerald looks all of 6'8 and is very well put together. Looked hurt out there and was noticeably limping during the game. Has a good looking shot would have been interesting to see him at 100%.

Reggie lynch is very big. Didn't look like he has much polish with his back to the basket. Looked good as a roll man just catching and going up which I imagine how he will be used. Had one nice block on a dunk attempt my Murphy.

Jordan Murphy seems to be our best rebounder on the team currently. Is very active and a good leaper. Made one good move to the basket and got an and 1 opportunity. Was guarding lynch most of the game because of the injuries.

Charles buggs is still a phenomenal athlete his pregame dunks were ones I haven't seen since Rodney left. Looked more comfortable driving to the basket and made a couple of nice plays. Almost dunked on lynch which would have been by far the play of the scrimmage.

Nate mason looked like his same old self. Under complete control of the offense and made plays whenever they needed him too. Had no problems handling the pressure from Dorsey.

Carlos Morris I thought had a very good game. Played within the offense and had 20 points. He and mason are probably the only two on our team that create there own shots at this point.

Joey king undoubtedly the best shooter on our team. If he gets an open shot he's most likely gonna make it. He seems to be a leader on this team.

Kevin Dorsey has unbelievable speed and quickness. He get up and down the court faster than anyone on our roster. Made a few freshman mistakes trying to force passes into the post but I think he has a very bright future. Dupree mcbrayer I wasn't really expecting much from him but he had a very good game. Always seemed under control and finished well around the basket. Ahmad Gilbert shoot wasn't going in today and had quite a few unforced turnovers. Looked timid in my opinion. Davonte Fitzgerald looks all of 6'8 and is very well put together. Looked hurt out there and was noticeably limping during the game. Has a good looking shot would have been interesting to see him at 100%. Reggie lynch is very big. Didn't look like he has much polish with his back to the basket. Looked good as a roll man just catching and going up which I imagine how he will be used. Had one nice block on a dunk attempt my Murphy. Jordan Murphy seems to be our best rebounder on the team currently. Is very active and a good leaper. Made one good move to the basket and got an and 1 opportunity. Was guarding lynch most of the game because of the injuries. Charles buggs is still a phenomenal athlete his pregame dunks were ones I haven't seen since Rodney left. Looked more comfortable driving to the basket and made a couple of nice plays. Almost dunked on lynch which would have been by far the play of the scrimmage. Nate mason looked like his same old self. Under complete control of the offense and made plays whenever they needed him too. Had no problems handling the pressure from Dorsey. Carlos Morris I thought had a very good game. Played within the offense and had 20 points. He and mason are probably the only two on our team that create there own shots at this point. Joey king undoubtedly the best shooter on our team. If he gets an open shot he's most likely gonna make it. He seems to be a leader on this team.

Pretty spot on. Agree with all of this. Mason looks like a senior as a sophomore. Impressive player.

Kevin Dorsey has unbelievable speed and quickness. He get up and down the court faster than anyone on our roster. Made a few freshman mistakes trying to force passes into the post but I think he has a very bright future.

Dupree mcbrayer I wasn't really expecting much from him but he had a very good game. Always seemed under control and finished well around the basket.

Ahmad Gilbert shoot wasn't going in today and had quite a few unforced turnovers. Looked timid in my opinion.

Davonte Fitzgerald looks all of 6'8 and is very well put together. Looked hurt out there and was noticeably limping during the game. Has a good looking shot would have been interesting to see him at 100%.

Reggie lynch is very big. Didn't look like he has much polish with his back to the basket. Looked good as a roll man just catching and going up which I imagine how he will be used. Had one nice block on a dunk attempt my Murphy.

Jordan Murphy seems to be our best rebounder on the team currently. Is very active and a good leaper. Made one good move to the basket and got an and 1 opportunity. Was guarding lynch most of the game because of the injuries.

Charles buggs is still a phenomenal athlete his pregame dunks were ones I haven't seen since Rodney left. Looked more comfortable driving to the basket and made a couple of nice plays. Almost dunked on lynch which would have been by far the play of the scrimmage.

Nate mason looked like his same old self. Under complete control of the offense and made plays whenever they needed him too. Had no problems handling the pressure from Dorsey.

Carlos Morris I thought had a very good game. Played within the offense and had 20 points. He and mason are probably the only two on our team that create there own shots at this point.

Joey king undoubtedly the best shooter on our team. If he gets an open shot he's most likely gonna make it. He seems to be a leader on this team.

Thanks for the recap. I don't even know which freshman I am most excited about anymore.

I was very impressed Murphy, Dorsey, and McBrayer of the freshmen. Lynch is big. Should be an interesting year.

Just reminding people that Lynch and Fitzgerald are not elible this year.

At one point Mason and Buggs moved to try to trap Dorsey but he just blew through. Great poise & speed, made a nice pulled up jumper and a 3. Dupree will be fun, has great speed.
Morris made several passes and you can see had some assists, which is hopeful.
Buggs had one nice shot and then, well, was himself. I was not encouraged. But, remember, he is just a junior with 2 more full years here to fulfill his promise.

Neither Bakary or Gas played, so no real chance to see how the team will work since, as I said, lynch & Fitz are transfers.

There is some great hair on this team. Lynch sports a great 'fro, and Mason and Dorsey have similar looks with the shorn sides and tall top. Dorsey wins the facial hair battle for a total look that says, "Don't be thinking I'm just a freshman." Murphy is stylish with a look more trimmed than M& D. Buggs' hair somehow comes to a point on the top of his head which doesn't make it for me, and Joey continues with what might seem a modified neo-supremacist look on someone else, but on him, like very tall 1st grader.

I thought to start the game Dupree looked very impressive- looked to get into transition and did a nice job of finishing. As the game wore on he seemed to disengage a bit when he was neglected offensively- so hopefully this will be something coaches work with him on. Solid overall.

Murphy looks great- really lets game come to him, plays with a lot of confidence, not a guy you need to worry about, just gonna come in and do his job.

Dorsey is a great competitor- similar to Mason in his ball handling prowess, very confident with the ball. Jumper looked a little iffy, but basic mechanics are there. Made a nice looking 3 toward end of game. More comfortable slashing into lane and trying to create- nice get.

I feel bad Gilbert couldn't get one to go down. Stroke looked nice in warm ups. Needs to get more comfortable handling the ball- good size

Fitz was off tonight- took a lot of jumpers and was short majority of misses. Would prefer to see him use size to get easier buckets inside, should be a nice piece next year.

Lynch obviously has really nice size and knows how to use it on the defensive end. Not a sophistocated offensive player at this point- just puts his head down and tries to bull through d. Needs to get coached up on footwork, will add much needed depth next year.

Dorsey will be hard to keep off the court.

Morris had a very good game, completely under control.

King is definitely our best shooter and knows how to find an opening to spot up. This team will need his scoring.

Fitzgerald was definitely off tonight -- either not aggressive enough or was not totally healthy yet.

Mason is so solid. Buggs is still an enigma.

This team will be really fun to watch. The athleticism and size is definitely apparent. Dorsey/McBrayer/Murphy will all play a ton this year.

Thanks for the recap. I don't even know which freshman I am most excited about anymore.

Was really impressed with Murphy and Mcbrayer, great gets. Didn't think Dorsey was as fast as DeAndre, but was still extremely quick.

Mason looked even better then I expected and I'm a huge fan. Kid has 'it', whatever the hell 'it' is.

Gilbert has a very nice stoke, but was off.. & Buggs had some nice drives, but just don't see how Pitino thinks either of these guys can start this year (he sees a lot more in practice then my from this scrimmage).

Fitz, Murphy and Kontae should be a great rebounding core next year.

Hard not to like Reggie, seems like a great guy and a force. He lost the tip to Murphy (not a huge deal) and Mason out-jumped him to tip a rebound away. Somewhat slow and not much of a vertical, still think he is a good pick up and can get the job done.

Morris and King should have really good senior seasons.

Sharp didn't get much run, but made some nice drives and dishes.

If they can do what they did with Mo's offensive game in one summer to Lynch that would just be amazing. Think Mo with defense... man o man... Think Mo, with the ability to catch a pass.... Wow!

Even if they cannot get his offensive game to equal Mo, all those other addititions to his game should be solid in the system Pitino wants to play, which I still believe doesn't include a back to the basket scorer like we featured last year.

Rim protectors and garbage collectors.

Forgot to mention....kudos to the players and coach Pitino for staying after and signing autographs. All the players were very genuine and engaging. My kids had a great time getting the autographs.

Forgot to mention....kudos to the players and coach Pitino for staying after and signing autographs. All the players were very genuine and engaging. My kids had a great time getting the autographs.

Konate, Gaston and Reggie were above and beyond fantastic with kids/fans.

If they can do what they did with Mo's offensive game in one summer to Lynch that would just be amazing. Think Mo with defense... man o man... Think Mo, with the ability to catch a pass.... Wow!

Even if they cannot get his offensive game to equal Mo, all those other addititions to his game should be solid in the system Pitino wants to play, which I still believe doesn't include a back to the basket scorer like we featured last year.

Rim protectors and garbage collectors.

Mo was actually quite skilled as a freshman.

Thanks for the recap. Doesn't look as interesting as the Tip-Offs but I still really wish I could've gone. I'm surprised there wasn't more talk about Dorsey's offensive game based on his stats. I can't believe Carlos led the assist/to ratio--that's a hell of a ratio though (5:1). This is the most excited I've been to see the freshmen class since Royce and Rodney and now we have another one just as exciting.

per Marcus:

“Joey and Carlos were really, really good,” Pitino said. “I think that Dorsey has got to be one of the fastest guards in the country. I don’t know who else is quicker than him. He makes (former Gophers guard) DeAndre (Mathieu) look slow. And DeAndre was extremely fast. Dupree has the skill level we’re looking for. Jordan was totally playiing out of position today. He was playing (center). Hopefully he’ll never play that. (Gilbert) has to develop. So I like our freshmen class a lot.”

Pitino said the Gold team beat the Maroon team twice in scrimmages recently, including on Saturday. So he kept the same groups together for Sunday’s game. The teams seemed uneven with the starters facing the reserves.

“I was intentionally trying to stir it up to them,” Pitino said. “The first thing (the starters) said to me was ‘don’t pick against us.’ So that was good.”

Go Gophers!!

per Amelia:

Kevin Dorsey paused his attack, uncertain.

Suddenly, his youth, his lack of time spent on Williams Arena’s floor showed.

The Gophers’ speedy freshman guard cocked his head.

“Which way is the locker room?” he asked, making his way back to the court from the autograph tables set up in the arena’s concourse after Sunday’s public intrasquad scrimmage. “Isn’t it this way?”

It wasn’t, but fellow newbie Jordan Murphy grabbed his teammate and guided him in the right direction, two freshmen finding their way in a new place, a new life.

Lucky for the Gophers, navigation on the court seems like it might come much more easily.

Go Gophers!!

I feel like McBrayer and Coffey are going to be hard to handle on the wing. Both lefty's too. Really love how this team is going to look in 16-17.

Dupree reminds me of a tall Lil Dre.
I thought so too.

I agree with Pitino that Dorsey is faster than little dre. I'm very, very excited about seeing him this year.

If we had Lynch & Fitzgerald available this year, I'd be more optimistic about the year. Thats the main reason I went yesterday - because i knew it would be the only real view of these two. I'll enjoy seeing the development of these young players, but it could be tough if 'the center does not hold'. Murphy looks like he'll be a solid player, but not at that position!

(bonus points to anyone who names the literary reference)

I thought Dorsey had the most upside for the newcomers, he is much more physical than I figured he would be, not even close to being ready to play a lot at PG yet though. Give him some time to develop and watch out.

Murphy is good around the basket, they didn't have anyone last year that could rebound and put back rebounds like that, at this point he will probably get the most playing time of the freshman because of a need.

Morris, Mason, and King really dominated the scrimmage, the thing about Buggs he really moves the ball well, if he can start to shoot with a little more consistency that foursome would be hard to defend, it just looked like they were playing more cohesively than they ever did last year.

Lynch really started out slow but played well in the second half, wish he was eligible this year, if he gets a little room he is pretty effective around the basket, with Morris, King, and Mason shooting on the perimeter he could have been an asset.

I didn't walk away with as much of a doom and gloom perspective as I thought I would for this season, they obviously need to get the centers back but they are going to have pretty good depth as the season progresses and the freshman develop.

Konate, Gaston and Reggie were above and beyond fantastic with kids/fans.
Went to school and played with Reggie for a couple years, great guy. Also went to school and played with Stephon Sharp for a while too. He's a great guy as well, a lot quieter than Reggie though haha.

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Go Gophers!!

Mo was actually quite skilled as a freshman.

I remember his shot being nice but even as a senior I never thought mo as having nice foot work. In my opinion, he had a body and he knew how to use it as a junior and senior. From what I'm reading lynch has a similar situation, would be nice if he learns how to use it appropriately and also defends.

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