Gophers are in a fragile state of mind and Kill Apologized to Goetz - Strib


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Nov 12, 2008
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“He’s not the only one,” Kill said Sunday. “I mean, these kids care. I had several of them call me, and they’re afraid they’re letting me down — everybody down. I mean, how would you like to be the quarterback or the offensive line walking out of that stadium? Those guys get abused.”

Kill said his top priority this week is restoring his offensive players’ confidence before what figures to be an even tougher test Saturday against Frank Solich’s 3-0 Ohio squad.

With an injury-depleted offensive line, the Gophers rushed for just 104 yards against Kent State. Leidner completed 17 of 27 passes for 184 yards but remained inconsistent, tossing two interceptions. The Gophers had true freshman quarterback Demry Croft warming up on the sidelines, but Leidner wound up playing the whole game..

During the presser, when asked about the booing, Kill said: “Maybe I need to get fired tomorrow. I don’t know. We don’t have an AD, so I can’t get fired tomorrow, but they’re probably booing me. They probably deserve to boo me. I probably deserve to be fired today. So is that good enough for you? Huh? I’m just asking?”

Norwood Teague resigned last month, but the Gophers do indeed have an athletics director – interim AD Beth Goetz. Kill apologized to her after the press conference. He clarified his remarks Sunday.

“I think people took me out of context,” he said. “If I don’t get the job done, I should be fired. I’ve got no issues with that. Because I’m the guy who’s running the show.

The "We don't have an AD" remark did bug me a bit because it might be perceived as Kill marginalizing Goetz for being a woman. I think Kill let emotions get the better of him and meant no offense. It happens to the best of people.

The "We don't have an AD" remark did bug me a bit because it might be perceived as Kill marginalizing Goetz for being a woman. I think Kill let emotions get the better of him and meant no offense. It happens to the best of people.

marginalizing Goetz for being a woman cripes

The "We don't have an AD" remark did bug me a bit because it might be perceived as Kill marginalizing Goetz for being a woman. I think Kill let emotions get the better of him and meant no offense. It happens to the best of people.

Silly. Marginalizing her because she's interim and if she tried to fire him for performance-related reasons, he knows she'd be right out the door behind him.

The "We don't have an AD" remark did bug me a bit because it might be perceived as Kill marginalizing Goetz for being a woman. I think Kill let emotions get the better of him and meant no offense. It happens to the best of people.

Absolutely. Coach is carrying a heavy burden right now and and some will say "that's why he gets paid the big bucks". Fair enough but he is human and to the fans it is obvious that the Kent St. game was emotionally draining, just imagine the stress he is experiencing right now trying to get us back on track and keeping up the teams morale. Fans that are dishing out personal attacks on some of the players etc...need to STFU cause you would not be happy about that crap if it was being said about your kids. It just cracks me up that a bunch arm chair coaches and quarterbacks have all of the answers...most of which have never stepped on the field other than on fan appreciation day and running around like ants at a picnic trying to get the players autographs, the same ones they run their mouth about ! How about a little encouragement for our team and full support or get off the bandwagon cause we don't need your a$$ anyway. Handle your business Coach Kill and do what you do ! Sorry for the rant....actually HELL NO I'm not ! GO GOPHERS !!

Silly. Marginalizing her because she's interim and if she tried to fire him for performance-related reasons, he knows she'd be right out the door behind him.

I just meant saying that the PERCEPTION of the remark is that Kill doesn't think Goetz is a factor because of her gender. Good grief. Get a grip people.

The "We don't have an AD" remark did bug me a bit because it might be perceived as Kill marginalizing Goetz for being a woman. I think Kill let emotions get the better of him and meant no offense. It happens to the best of people.
lol. As many will likely point out, to view this as sexist is incredibly off the mark. She may be the "AD," but in terms of authority to do everything a non-interim AD can do has nothing to do with her gender.

Those of you not paying attention, or are unfamiliar with the concept of giving or receiving loyalty, miss out on the basic foundation for the Kill regime, despite the number of ways it is explicitly stated, observed, and practiced. Kill's reaction was tamed down from what plenty of us with he'd done. He backs his players and coaches, and the disloyal boo birds ought to have been overwhelmed by those who love everything that is being accomplished.

Silly. Marginalizing her because she's interim and if she tried to fire him for performance-related reasons, he knows she'd be right out the door behind him.

He was probably just trying to mitigate or make a joke about how unlikely his firing was gonna be. Like mentioned before not Kill's best moment. Guessing he didn't think about the reaction focusing on Goetz rather than himself.

lol. As many will likely point out, to view this as sexist is incredibly off the mark. She may be the "AD," but in terms of authority to do everything a non-interim AD can do has nothing to do with her gender.

Those of you not paying attention, or are unfamiliar with the concept of giving or receiving loyalty, miss out on the basic foundation for the Kill regime, despite the number of ways it is explicitly stated, observed, and practiced. Kill's reaction was tamed down from what plenty of us with he'd done. He backs his players and coaches, and the disloyal boo birds ought to have been overwhelmed by those who love everything that is being accomplished.

You've said that you've followed Kill's career for years. Has he always been this sensitive to criticism or since he's had such success didn't he get any?

Why are our players in a fragile state of mind? Minnesota probably ranks in the lowest 20% nationally when it comes to fan's expectations. This should be one of the easier places to be a player.

Why are our players in a fragile state of mind? Minnesota probably ranks in the lowest 20% nationally when it comes to fan's expectations. This should be once of the easier places to be a player.

How do we know that it's not going on with other programs also ?

How do we know that it's not going on with other programs also ?

On an unrelated note, do you think Tyler has his redshirt pulled on Saturday and sees the field against Ohio?

I kind of hope there was an email left for Kill from Goetz requesting him to be in her office at 7am today, where she flat told him:
"We may not have an AD, but I can fire you....that being said, stop that 'fire me then' crap!"

.....moving on.

Somebody get out the buff and shine, because there are a few dings in the armor right now. Geezo, peezo, man! Gotta get me some of that dag nab chili to get my heat index up! And, where the fudge is the Kool-Aid. Pour me a flask of that immediately, IV drip, and not slowly.

The AD should be a little miffed. I wonder if there were words between the AD and Kill that got him angry beforehand. Why would it otherwise come up now. Track team issues? Reduction of the facilities for phootbaalll. Honestly, there seems to be a major distraction going on behind the scenes besides linemen limping around and team focus. What seems to be the undertone of the last week that sets up a presser that went awry for country (calm down) Jerr.

Why, dear Lord? Why Minnesota?

On an unrelated note, do you think Tyler has his redshirt pulled on Saturday and sees the field against Ohio?

I believe he worked in at LG yesterday and I think that is the plan for now. I must say though that Joe B. is one tough customer to be playing with "bone on bone" issues. I hope that if they do pull his RS, which I think will happen, that he can help provide a spark to our OL and we can steam roll Ohio.

Somebody get out the buff and shine, because there are a few dings in the armor right now. Geezo, peezo, man! Gotta get me some of that dag nab chili to get my heat index up! And, where the fudge is the Kool-Aid. Pour me a flask of that immediately, IV drip, and not slowly.

The AD should be a little miffed. I wonder if there were words between the AD and Kill that got him angry beforehand. Why would it otherwise come up now. Track team issues? Reduction of the facilities for phootbaalll. Honestly, there seems to be a major distraction going on behind the scenes besides linemen limping around and team focus. What seems to be the undertone of the last week that sets up a presser that went awry for country (calm down) Jerr.

Why, dear Lord? Why Minnesota?

I don't even know where to start with this post.

He was probably just trying to mitigate or make a joke about how unlikely his firing was gonna be. Like mentioned before not Kill's best moment. Guessing he didn't think about the reaction focusing on Goetz rather than himself.
Have to disagree. This was, perhaps his finest moment as a Coach. He directed ALL attention...(and at the point in time ALL attention was ALL negative attention...) to himself. He sheltered his coaches...his players and he stood there as a a a a leader and he basically said this is all my responsibility and if you are going to criticize my students, my staff: I will NOT have it. I have NEVER respected Coach Kill or any other coach at the U of M any more than I did at that moment in time. I TRUST Coach Kill completely after watching him stand there and say: "the buck stops here... You don't like it, bring it to me. I back my players. I back my staff..."

Have no fear, people, Coach Kill...his Staff...his Student Athletes WILL do everything in their power to improve the effectiveness of the offense. But, also remember, please: the focus of the team in 2015 IS DEFENSE. And: DEFENSE can win games the same way offense can.
Believe me: there will be some games this year when the offense will rise to the occasion and be MAGNIFICIENT at precisely the time it must be MAGNIFICIENT. Student athletes: learn how to accept responsibility from you coach. Staff Members: LEARN from your mentor. There IS a time and a place to draw a line in the sand and to be certain everyone KNOWS where that line is.

I think things are going to get a little better. This is college football. Progress...not perfection is what this Gopher Program needs. A "cut above..." is what is needed. Coach Kill's Press Conference set the tone and gave me hope for the rest of the season.

To me: that press conference was Coach Kill's most MAGNIFICIENT moment up until THIS point in time. With Coach Kill, I am pretty sure that if you "stay tuned..." there will be many more SHINING and MAGNIFICIENT moments. Those press conferences immediately following a game are times when emotions can come out. And, in this case: I think it gave Coach Kill a stage and an audience to do EXACTLY what needed to be done at EXACTLY the right time. Thank you for being a LOYAL, STRONG and HONEST man and coach. To the Coaching Staff and the Student Athletes: Believe what Coach Kill says to you. He backs it up. You CAN go to war with THAT man! Beat the stinking Bobcats, Gopher!

You've said that you've followed Kill's career for years. Has he always been this sensitive to criticism or since he's had such success didn't he get any?
People have cried everywhere he has left. I'm guessing, but think this is the first time he's ever been booed...when exceeding virtually everyone's expectations for where things would be at this stage of his tenure. To me it's disgusting and I'm pretty sure the majority would have overwhelmed a small faction of dissenters at all previous stops. Anyone saying "this is tame compared to..." crap, or justifying this because "we deserve better" or "he's paid a lot" are people that don't stand for anything of value as humans.

People have cried everywhere he has left. I'm guessing, but think this is the first time he's ever been booed...when exceeding virtually everyone's expectations for where things would be at this stage of his tenure. To me it's disgusting and I'm pretty sure the majority would have overwhelmed a small faction of dissenters at all previous stops. Anyone saying "this is tame compared to..." crap, or justifying this because "we deserve better" or "he's paid a lot" are people that don't stand for anything of value as humans.

Oh, good Lord. Exaggerate much?

People have cried everywhere he has left. I'm guessing, but think this is the first time he's ever been booed...when exceeding virtually everyone's expectations for where things would be at this stage of his tenure. To me it's disgusting and I'm pretty sure the majority would have overwhelmed a small faction of dissenters at all previous stops. Anyone saying "this is tame compared to..." crap, or justifying this because "we deserve better" or "he's paid a lot" are people that don't stand for anything of value as humans.

We get it you bow at the alter of Jerry Kill, he's your Joe Paterno, your pontiff of the pigskin. Was Mason your Mother Theresa?

I like good people, and hope the bad ones see the errors of their ways. It's more fun being me than GW and sonnygarcia, and I feel sorry for them, and those who spend so much energy on the most negative feelings they can conjure. I enjoy my life and am grateful for having the opportunity to follow this football program. It's not all perfect, but persevering as the underdog is the ultimate.

Brilliant! Say dumb things in press conference to take pressure and questions about players off the table. Tomorrow will be more of the same.

Word for the day - MAGNIFICENT.

For extra credit, please post a four paragraph tirade spelling the word correctly,
at least four times.

Hint - turn on spell check.

Have to disagree. This was, perhaps his finest moment as a Coach. He directed ALL attention...(and at the point in time ALL attention was ALL negative attention...) to himself. He sheltered his coaches...his players and he stood there as a a a a leader and he basically said this is all my responsibility and if you are going to criticize my students, my staff: I will NOT have it. I have NEVER respected Coach Kill or any other coach at the U of M any more than I did at that moment in time. I TRUST Coach Kill completely after watching him stand there and say: "the buck stops here... You don't like it, bring it to me. I back my players. I back my staff.

Have no fear, people, Coach Kill...his Staff...his Student Athletes WILL do everything in their power to improve the effectiveness of the offense. But, also remember, please: the focus of the team in 2015 IS DEFENSE. And: DEFENSE can win games the same way offense can.
Believe me: there will be some games this year when the offense will rise to the occasion and be MAGNIFICIENT at precisely the time it must be MAGNIFICIENT. Student athletes: learn how to accept responsibility from you coach. Staff Members: LEARN from your mentor. There IS a time and a place to draw a line in the sand and to be certain everyone KNOWS where that line is.

I think things are going to get a little better. This is college football. Progress...not perfection is what this Gopher Program needs. A "cut above..." is what is needed. Coach Kill's Press Conference set the tone and gave me hope for the rest of the season.

To me: that press conference was Coach Kill's most MAGNIFICIENT moment up until THIS point in time. With Coach Kill, I am pretty sure that if you "stay tuned..." there will be many more SHINING and MAGNIFICIENT moments. Those press conferences immediately following a game are times when emotions can come out. And, in this case: I think it gave Coach Kill a stage and an audience to do EXACTLY what needed to be done at EXACTLY the right time. Thank you for being a LOYAL, STRONG and HONEST man and coach. To the Coaching Staff and the Student Athletes: Believe what Coach Kill says to you. He backs it up. You CAN go to war with THAT man! Beat the stinking Bobcats, Gopher!

I just wanted to make sure that anyone who has Wren on ignore got to read this..

We had a horrible offense last year.

One week we hung 51 on Iowa.

There will be ups and downs.

All this bluster is for two simple reasons: To bring the heat off Leidner personally and to cover for the players who weren't physically able to dominate Kent State like they thought they would be able to.
Whatever you think of Leidner, he's taking a beating in the media and by the fans and it has gotten out of hand. Kill is laying himself out there to take the attention off Mitch.

The O-line issues and TE issues have crippled this offense. Limegrover and Kill's identity has always been running the ball and building from that.
I thought Pirsig and Bjorkland looked really slow at CSU and not all that happy after the game(lots of the players were happy), they must be hurting.
It's time for this staff to dig deep into their experience and find a path forward that build confidence and a temporary way to score points until the bruisers up front heal a little bit.
The obvious and stupid way to spark the offense is to play Croft. It has the potential to backfire and ruin alot of things including Leidner, Croft, and this season. I don't see it yet.
I think the redshirt comes off Moore this week to rotate in with Bjorkland. He seems like the type that might mix it up a bit and bring a fresh attitude .
Then I think they should come out on Saturday with a few "fun" plays to get some of the young skill guys involved.
It could backfire in the context of the game, but doesn't ruin the season if it falls flat. Nothing gets an offense feeling better about themselves than some razzle dazzle.
Get some big plays by manufacturing with a few tricks and you can ride the running game as ugly as you like into a W with the defense.
Long term, nothing gets better until guys heal up though, which is scary.
We miss Epping, Olson, Goodger and Plsek right now.

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