Gopher Nation vs. Gold Country


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2014
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Diversion from the signing day hoopla...

I find myself annoyed by every sports team in the country referring to their fan base as "_________" nation. It's done to death....

I note Heather Fleck using the term "Gopher Nation" a lot..... I much preferred the good old "Gold Country" moniker.......... far closer to unique.

Perhaps someone could set up a poll....

I'm not really a "nation" fan either.

But if we were say good enough to qualify... I'd deal with the silly name while I enjoy the wins....

Put me in the category of not caring what people say. I personally don't use either term.

I personally use gopher nation just to annoy old people and Brewster haters. Everyone disliked him as a coach, but I'm talking about people who are still not over it.

Apparently, Creamer and Marsette are not considered "Helphers".

Fleck said helphers put team first before I. This class is all about helphers.

Diversion from the signing day hoopla...

I find myself annoyed by every sports team in the country referring to their fan base as "_________" nation. It's done to death....

I note Heather Fleck using the term "Gopher Nation" a lot..... I much preferred the good old "Gold Country" moniker.......... far closer to unique.

Perhaps someone could set up a poll....

Gold Country all the way.....

And to add a little bit more, the term "Gold Outs" also bother me a lot! That also borrows from others that have black or white in their colors and makes total sense. "Gold Out" does not.

"Solid Gold" all the way baby!!!!! Now that makes sense!

Maybe even the dense Minnesota fans could understand that and we could have a successful "SOLID GOLD" game. That would look awesome on TV.

Gold Country. They can refer to Dinkytown as Dinkytown Nation though.

Gold Country sounds like old people, Gopher Nation is too much of a Brewster reminder.

Diversion from the signing day hoopla...

I find myself annoyed by every sports team in the country referring to their fan base as "_________" nation. It's done to death....

I note Heather Fleck using the term "Gopher Nation" a lot..... I much preferred the good old "Gold Country" moniker.......... far closer to unique.

Perhaps someone could set up a poll....

Agreed,but the good thing about Heather so far is she's been REALLY receptive to the fans on Twitter. Maybe if enough of us post it on Twitter it'll be a direct line to PJ about it. I mean it does make complete sense to stand out on our own instead of following the pack on this one. Im pretty young and it doesn't strike me as "Old People" when I hear it. Kinda makes me think of a land of prosperity,I like it.

Land of golden enchantment or something like that

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Gopher Football.....A Gathering Storm. I'm looking at having t-shirts made with a funnel cloud coming down over TCF with a rotating M at the vortex

Minimum order is 100 Lots of people interested...25.00 a shirt because of the graphics.

Ruppert you should tie into the boating thing, get in the boat or get out of the way. Tornadoes are bad omens, or poor ju ju for TCF stadium

I would go with Elite Boat Rowing Nation.

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Golden Shower Country is the way to go.

Gold Country evokes a 1975 marketing effort by poor Paul G.

Gopher Nation blows and is Brewsterism at the worst.

Row the Boat looks like a winner, since the student seem to live it and maybe we can get rid of that awful SkI U Mah chant with the PA announcer bellowing away. Maybe there is a better way , but that never worI will live and die with Row the Boat, but please no oars on the uniform, other than in the event of a Rose Bowl game, maybe, Ok not not ever.

Gold Country is old people.

Kiss my arse!!!! Gold country is tradition just like Ski-U-Mah, Bronco, 7 National Titles, etc.... it is unique. All that blah, blah Nation crap is just cookie cutter rah, rah... Anytime I hear someone say Gopher Nation I don't see them as a true fan!

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