Good press conference


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2008
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I was impressed by Maturi's press conference. He spoke real.

A lot of people are on Maturi's back for this. He took a chance and failed. I'd like to see if he can't bring on a big name here. It looks like the program is behind him to do such to provide a "competitive" coach.

He seemed especially animated when the reporter got the wrong date for the end of his contract, shorting him a year. He seemed quite eager to correct that error. Perhaps the board of regents can straighten that out by giving him his walking papers.

Two things, he applogized to Coach Brewster for the leak. Second he seemed a little vague as to how Tony Dungy's offer to help would fit into a search agency and Joel stating he would make the choice. Broke the candidates into two groups, those out of coaching ie Mike Bellotti who could start soon vs. those who could not accept until the season ends. He also said the next time he meets with media it will be to announce the new Coach.

Well, at least we now know that Maturi will have the final decision on selecting the new coach. This is very good news. Joel has experience in this area and Bruininks still has confidence in him. Just like with Tubby's hire I think Joel is going to hit a home run this time around.

I am extremely surprised that the U is letting Joel make this hire.

I'm for not letting him jack up this hire. Please let someone who doesn't seem to be in love with Becky Badger make the call.

I'm torn here. Maturi is, as a whole, a great AD. As for football -- one must ask if Brewster was the choice due to him being the only one willing to take the allotted funds. With Bruininks upset, it sounds like the funds cap will elevate -- thus allowing Maturi to hire someone better. Either way, I got the impression that Maturi is making the choice, but that Bruininks has him under a microscope with a 'you're a big boy now, hire the right guy -- or suffer the consequences.'

Going on my 9th coach I think since I became a fan, but I'm stupid enough to be hopeful. Overall, I like the job Maturi's done. I really thought that Brewster could pull it off (at least until the South Dakota QB ran that keeper for a TD). However, this has been such a debacle that maybe we'll get it right this time. Not sure Maturi is going to have that much freedom even with the president being a lame duck. This choice will be scrutinized and monitored. Also, with an example of what can happen, the resolve to get it right will be greater than ever since there is that nice new stadium to fill. Glad people there are pissy and embarrassed. Already looking forward to my 9th Gopher coach. However, I sure hope the first words out of his mouth aren't, "Rose Bowl."

(Are people keeping track going to count Horton?)

I'm torn here. Maturi is, as a whole, a great AD. As for football -- one must ask if Brewster was the choice due to him being the only one willing to take the allotted funds. With Bruininks upset, it sounds like the funds cap will elevate -- thus allowing Maturi to hire someone better. Either way, I got the impression that Maturi is making the choice, but that Bruininks has him under a microscope with a 'you're a big boy now, hire the right guy -- or suffer the consequences.'

A great AD does not:

  • Fumble three firings of his high profile coaches.
  • Allow a leak like the one that happened on Friday happen.
  • Hire a guy without a lick of experience and wonder why it didn't work out.
  • Consistently wax nostalgic about his former job at the schools biggest rival.

Joel Maturi is a great Assistant AD. He has taken the solution that Tom Moe put in place and made it work. He's bungled most of his major decisions and has been bailed out by alumni (cutting sports debacle) or circumstances (Monson firing fumble and not getting in the way of Tubby coming to Minnesota) except when it came to hiring a new football coach.

We haven't learned a damn thing if he makes this hire. He fired Brew and still doesn't have a list of candidates. He learned nothing from his last mishandling of a coach.

If we were serious about fixing this, we would have followed the Nebraska play book during the Calihan debacle -- Maturi would have been fired today. If an AD wasn't in place by the end of the season (likely) the president would have fired Brewster before the Iowa game. A new AD or an interim AD would be put in place by the end of November (Mr. Moe, can you save us again?) and a new coach would have followed shortly.

I am hopeful a big name coach is fed up with unrealistic expectations and will make it his priority to come here.

One last thing:

I was never a fan of Brewster. I don't think he ever should have been hired.

That being said, he's a good man and deserves better than what happened over the past few days. No one deserves to be treated that way. We made it clear as an institution that we are second class when it comes to athletics and Tim Brewster didn't have anything to do with that.

Yes, the program will be better off without him, but the piling on after the fact on this board is poor form that is in line with how bush league our AD and President look at this point. If you're still pissed at Brewster, ask yourself what he did other than try his hardest. It is not his fault he was an unqualified hire.

We need to fix the football program and the hockey program, and in order to do that, Maturi has to step aside. Good bye Joel. You're next!!!

The U is a research institution who happens to be consistently in the top 10 schools overall in athletics. He screwed up on football, but he's succeeded elsewhere. Wait for his choice before you lynch him. You never know what his hand was when he had to hire Brewster. I've a feeling he's got much more to work with this time, albeit with much more at stake.

I thought it was a good press conference. Seemed JM was very apologetic and upset about the leak. The time table this time is much better than last time. L Frazier sounds interesting.

If I were him, I would not want Brewster to be the lasting memory I leave fans with. I would back the truck up to the best available coach who is willing to come here and just throw money at him. If you hire an excellent coach and things look better 2-3 years from now when he retires, he looks like a genius. Otherwise people will wonder why we let him hire 2 bad coaches in a row.

No matter what, he has to get this hire right or we are heading towards Northwestern of the 1980's.

He hired Tubby Smith, he hired Enrico Blasi as Miami hockey coach which was a genius hire. He was going to hire Bo Ryan at Denver but was vetoed. Has made great non rev hires at Minnesota.

Excellent Summary CaliG

A great AD does not:

  • Fumble three firings of his high profile coaches.
  • Allow a leak like the one that happened on Friday happen.
  • Hire a guy without a lick of experience and wonder why it didn't work out.
  • Consistently wax nostalgic about his former job at the schools biggest rival.

Joel Maturi is a great Assistant AD. He has taken the solution that Tom Moe put in place and made it work. He's bungled most of his major decisions and has been bailed out by alumni (cutting sports debacle) or circumstances (Monson firing fumble and not getting in the way of Tubby coming to Minnesota) except when it came to hiring a new football coach.

We haven't learned a damn thing if he makes this hire. He fired Brew and still doesn't have a list of candidates. He learned nothing from his last mishandling of a coach.

If we were serious about fixing this, we would have followed the Nebraska play book during the Calihan debacle -- Maturi would have been fired today. If an AD wasn't in place by the end of the season (likely) the president would have fired Brewster before the Iowa game. A new AD or an interim AD would be put in place by the end of November (Mr. Moe, can you save us again?) and a new coach would have followed shortly.

I am hopeful a big name coach is fed up with unrealistic expectations and will make it his priority to come here.

One last thing:

I was never a fan of Brewster. I don't think he ever should have been hired.

That being said, he's a good man and deserves better than what happened over the past few days. No one deserves to be treated that way. We made it clear as an institution that we are second class when it comes to athletics and Tim Brewster didn't have anything to do with that.

Yes, the program will be better off without him, but the piling on after the fact on this board is poor form that is in line with how bush league our AD and President look at this point. If you're still pissed at Brewster, ask yourself what he did other than try his hardest. It is not his fault he was an unqualified hire.

Maturi MUST go. Pres Bob and Regents - do YOU get it?

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