Ex-Badger Zack Baun tests positive for diluted sample at NFL scouting combine


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
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per the Wisconsin State Journal:

Former University of Wisconsin linebacker Zack Baun informed all 32 NFL teams that he tested positive for a diluted urine sample at the NFL scouting combine, according to ESPN's Adam Schefter.

Schefter reported Tuesday afternoon that Baun told teams the diluted test was due to consuming too much water in order to increase his weigh at the combine weigh-in.

According to the U.S. Drug Testing Centers, diluted urine could be the result of over-consumption of water or an attempt to mask substances that would trigger a failed test.

Go Gophers!!


“Baun told teams the diluted test was due to consuming too much water in order to increase his weigh at the combine weigh-in.”

Is it possible to drink a lot of water and ... hold enough to make a difference at a weigh in?

Like how many pounds of water could you possibly hold just from drinking (outside of the fact that we ARE mostly water)?

If you combine a NSAID with a lot of water a person could gain up to two kg without suffering ill effects. Then stopping the NSAID would lead to a diuresis of very dilute urine.

Just look at the way Baun is built. No way is that natural.

A gallon of water weighs 8 pounds so I would guess he could probably retain close to an extra 15 pounds of a guy that size. We used to have kids to this to bump up a weight class in high school and it was less, but I want to say the kid gained like 8-9 pounds.

Just look at the way Baun is built. No way is that natural.

I disagree, he looks pretty natural to me.


His biggest knock for being an NFL edge rusher is his size. He weighed in at 238 lbs.

If you want to knock a Badger for not being natural, take a look at Taylor who is 3 inches shorter than Baun but only 12 lbs lighter. And ran a 4.39.

I think he looks pretty natural IMO. I could be wrong, but generally I notice in two things in guys who use PED's...usually their shoulders look extremely massive (like very large boulders), and their muscles will look very dense. Again, I could be wrong here.

The trying to hold a bunch of extra water weight feels flimsy but I guess it could be possible. NFL teams are obsessed with numbers so maybe a few extra lbs would make a big difference for him...maybe.

Seems like teams would be savy enough to catch tricks like this or be able to tell the difference in natural weight vs. temporary water weight but maybe this is a trick that works. Or he is trying to cover something else.

I had an old roommate who would weigh himself and then eat a whole watermelon. Then for fun we'd guess how many pounds he tacked on after he finished it. I vaguely recall around 5 lbs.
I miss those days when we had no money and would just sit around the house and look for ways to entertain ourselves. Oh,...wait.

I had an old roommate who would weigh himself and then eat a whole watermelon. Then for fun we'd guess how many pounds he tacked on after he finished it. I vaguely recall around 5 lbs.
I miss those days when we had no money and would just sit around the house and look for ways to entertain ourselves. Oh,...wait.
FredCox = Winner of the Avatar of the Day Award, nice job.

My buddy and I used to do this before every weigh in before football season. We were a couple of skinny receivers and they put our height & weight on the team website so we’d drink as much water as we could before going for weigh in. Usually added 5 or so pounds lol


I doubt that's bullshit. Very few players are stupid enough to smoke weed right before the combine. A lot of players absolutely try to drink as much water as possible before the combine. He's probably telling the truth.

And for those claiming steroids... I'm pretty sure you have to cycle on and off of them. I doubt any player would be cycled onto anything during the combine.

I suppose if they tested him immediately before weigh in Braun’s explanation might make sense. Otherwise he’s likely doping - not a surprise. He’s a Wisconsin player.

The new CBA disallowed it as a strike so not sure how much it impacts him in the eyes of the NFL.

My buddy and I used to do this before every weigh in before football season. We were a couple of skinny receivers and they put our height & weight on the team website so we’d drink as much water as we could before going for weigh in. Usually added 5 or so pounds lol
Did they became suspicious when they saw you guys in high heels, too?

Is it possible to drink a lot of water and ... hold enough to make a difference at a weigh in?

Like how many pounds of water could you possibly hold just from drinking (outside of the fact that we ARE mostly water)?
Basic biology. Water doesn’t go directly from your mouth to the exit. It has a few stops on the way. Basic math. You not only gain calories when you eat. You get the weight of the food or drink as well. For a guy that size to pick up 10 pounds in a few minutes is easily achievable.

I experimented today with this. I drank about 2 liters of water (max I could hold before I had to run to the washroom). Weighed myself before and after drinking the water. I gained 4.5 lbs just from consuming the water (did not eat any food yet today).

Makes sense. 2 liters is about 68 fluid ounces. A fluid ounce of water weighs 1 ounce. There are 16 ounces in a pound. So the math would work out to be around 4.25 pounds of weight. Now you just need to measure how much your urine is diluted because of it and we'll be good to go.

I experimented today with this. I drank about 2 liters of water (max I could hold before I had to run to the washroom). Weighed myself before and after drinking the water. I gained 4.5 lbs just from consuming the water (did not eat any food yet today).

THAT is dedication to your post....

Statements like this make our fan base look silly.
To me it wouldn't be a shock if he was doping. A lot of players are. Even in MLB where the consequences are severe, players still are doing it. Now if Wisconsin does it more than other programs, that is up for debate.

I experimented today with this. I drank about 2 liters of water (max I could hold before I had to run to the washroom). Weighed myself before and after drinking the water. I gained 4.5 lbs just from consuming the water (did not eat any food yet today).

That should get you like +10 Gopher Score points.

Statements like this make our fan base look silly.

If you think a glib comment about a border rival is the one thing that makes us look bad I’ve for some news for you. Besides, as I said the weight of evidence is that he was probably diluting unless the sampling was held at the same time as the weigh rin. I don’t know why that easy to find fact hasn’t been investigated or mentioned in the stories I’ve seen. Nobody is going to purposefully walk around for hours with a full bladder. There is a reason dilution was flagged until the recent CBA change at player request. IMO the public attitude towards PEDS has softened significantly anyways.

I experimented today with this. I drank about 2 liters of water (max I could hold before I had to run to the washroom). Weighed myself before and after drinking the water. I gained 4.5 lbs just from consuming the water (did not eat any food yet today).

You probably clocked a really good time (hand=timed, of course) on your way to the washroom. Probably a personal best.

I experimented today with this. I drank about 2 liters of water (max I could hold before I had to run to the washroom). Weighed myself before and after drinking the water. I gained 4.5 lbs just from consuming the water (did not eat any food yet today).

The probably unnecessary word of caution: Healthy kidneys can only handle about 1 liter per hour. Low sodium in the blood (hyponatremia) can happen if you go beyond that.

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