Devoe Status

Gold Vision

Well-known member
Nov 20, 2008
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Very disturbing tweet by Myron.

Something isn't right. Tubby says he will determine Devoe's status in the next 24 hours. Not all related to his health. Stay tuned.

This team struggled without a go to scorer tonight.

Tubby says he could have played tonight.

Now they are saying academics. He could miss the opener.

I'd rather poor school habits than "I don't want to be here" but neither is good. Can't we have one drama-free team around here? :(

yup our offense will struggle without devoe, hes the ONLY guy on this team that can consistently score on his own. That being said, I think Hollins could be that guy down the road, I really like the way hollins has looked so far. Very skilled, athletic, and smooth

Could it be something as stupid (unacceptable) as skipping some classes and Tubby is making his point?

I think Joseph being gone (if that is the case) drops the Gophers from a 10 or 11 win team in the B10 to a 8 or 9 win team. Back to the bubble with no Devoe, IMO...

Great to see you're already salivating over the idea of Devoe not playing the entire season. Not sure why you're even talking about the possibility of that happening.

I think Joseph being gone (if that is the case) drops the Gophers from a 10 or 11 win team in the B10 to a 8 or 9 win team. Back to the bubble with no Devoe, IMO...

Could it be something as stupid (unacceptable) as skipping some classes and Tubby is making his point?

That's what makes sense to me, especially when Tubby says that HE will decide. It's likely a violation of teams rules of some sort: skipping class, skipping mandatory study hall, etc, etc.

Great to see you're already salivating over the idea of Devoe not playing the entire season. Not sure why you're even talking about the possibility of that happening.

He usually seems to enjoy the glass-half-empty approach when discussing the Gophers.

Wouldnt you rather have devoe sit out friday than when the games actually count? if there is some kind of actual problem here and tubby just didnt sit him to rest the injury for hte season and see how the team does, id rather get it out of the way now and not when we play real teams.

its probably just myron being myron. prolly got it from a 'source' thats close to the team

Maybe he agreed with me that he should be starting. :)

I recall reading a comment (I think that it was a tweet) from Devoe or someone purporting to be him after the NSU game. The quote was very sarcastic and spoke to Devoe being unhappy with not starting and having limited PT as his reward for his indespensible contribution and floor leadership last season when Al went missing. It indicated that a kumbaya atmosphere did not exist.

When I read it I thought that it was strange and uncharacteristic of something that would come from a Tubby Smith led organization. I shrugged it off, yet it has bothered me ever since.

This has been a horrible sports season in MN. Gopher basketball was the one team to feel good about. Now we're not even to game 1 and we're back to the same old crap as we dealt with all of last year. It's hard not to just assume the worst-case will happen.

Now we're not even to game 1 and we're back to the same old crap as we dealt with all of last year. It's hard not to just assume the worst-case will happen.

Someone in the media pointed out a few weeks ago that Al was only the second player that Tubby's ever had that went ineligibile for academics. If Devoe is having a problem, which we don't even know if he is, the chances would seem, likely, that it will get straightened out.

No worries.

7 players with 8 points or more without him. I agree that we are a much better team with him. However, that why Tubby plays so many players. It provides depth for us because stuff happens. This will be a fun team to watch with or without hm. I hope it is with him.

I'm of the opinion that Devoe is the most important player on the team. His skill set is the most difficult to replace given what else we have on the roster.

Without Devoe, they go from a borderline top 25 team to squarely on the bubble in expanded field of 68.

If it's an attitude problem, I'd be upset as well if I were Devoe and not starting. Devoe should start over Al and it's not even close. He should be starting. If it's an academic problem, then Tubby has to do what he has to do.

Perhaps Tubby is cutting off what happened to Al last year at the pass? I agree with the above poster who indicates that it is better that he be disciplined now for whatever reason than in late December.

For the Chicken Littles, I want to point out that there is no report of a crime of any kind, various disciplinary measures happen all the time in most programs (especially ones with good coaches), and Tubby has a history letting the players know who is the boss, and it isn't them (recall Texas A&M last year).

Perhaps I should be worried because of Devoe's importance to this team, but I am not. We'll see.

Just noticing Myron is online-

Any other info on Devoe's status?


Other people have mentioned this but I thought it was worth repeating. Being a starter is not that important when you have the depth that this team has. Al is not a scorer, but he is a great defender and handles the ball well.

Devoe is our most important player whether he starts or not. Whether he starts or not, he will get the same amount of minutes, and he will be in the game when it matters most. I'm sure Tubby has communicated this to Devoe, I'd be surprised if the reason he didn't play against Winona is an attitude problem.

Tubby has proven time and time again that he will platoon players, and on any given night players that you would not expect to contribute end up having huge nights because of Tubby's system. Like it or not, Tubby will play ten players. Who do you want coming off the bench to lead the "second" team? I don't think Nolen gives us enough offense to be that guy. With Devoe coming off the bench, the offensive production doesn't slip.

Great to see you're already salivating over the idea of Devoe not playing the entire season. Not sure why you're even talking about the possibility of that happening.

Devoe has a leg injury that may force him to redshirt. I know Tubby said there's more to it than his health and we know Sid is about as reliable as a pile of rocks....but i'm just throwing it out there fro mwhat I heard on the ride to work this morning...

Not good.

Well, there is another thread on this but since this one is more active, I will add it here too:

According to SID, Devoe has an injured leg and will probably have to redshirt this year.

I know, I know... Sid. But, where would he get that? I am not seeing that discussed elsewhwere. The only likely leg injury that would require a year off would be an ACL and I doubt it would take this long to have that be known, especially considering Sid says the injury happened in Canada this summer. I know Sid has lost it... but has he COMPLETELY lost it?

I thought that Devoe injured his hamstring - not ACL/knee related - earlier this summer.

I know Sid has lost it... but has he COMPLETELY lost it?

Well, he did write an article last week about Bryant Allen not playing basketball anymore the day after Allen gave an interview about him playing basketball again.

I thought that Devoe injured his hamstring - not ACL/knee related - earlier this summer.

Here was the story from September-

Updated Sep 21, 2010 2:37 AM ET

Gophers coach Tubby Smith said a strained quadriceps injury might not keep junior guard Devoe Joseph from playing on the team's upcoming trip to Canada.

Smith was pleased to see Joseph participate in a full practice Monday. The Toronto native stopped playing for Canada's national team last month after experiencing pain from a torn thigh muscle.

"I felt pretty good, but I still have to see some of the doctors," said Joseph, who averaged 9.4 points, 3.0 assists and 25.5 minutes a game for Minnesota last season. "We'll see what happens from there. The injury was a strain, which is a slight tear in the quadriceps muscle. Basically, my quad was just tight one day. I thought I was good to go. I was playing hard defense and I just felt it pull."

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