Demry Croft

I'm a little surprised by the response to this article. I didn't think this was a hate on Demry or PJ kinda post ... just interesting. At least I find it interesting.

I believe PSU’s Rob Bolden had even worse stats with a much better supporting cast. Croft went to MTSU, was doing ok, got hurt, became embroiled in an assault lawsuit, and last I heard was bumping around the minor leagues. No, I didn’t watch the video.

I would think that in Fleck’s program where serving and giving is a component, guilt by association weighs pretty heavy.

You’re either all in or all out in this program.

Just a thought but if you don't know if something is a fact you probably should avoid posting that it is...

Croft was not a D1 QB, pretty clear he had some off the field issues while here and he left/was run off. Is what it is, happens all the time when there are coaching changes. Croft had a chance to prove he could play and was so bad they talked a former walk on into coming back for a final year.
So do you not see that keeping that video would only happen if he was treated a certain way over it? I'm sure he had other issues, and I understand what you're saying.

When I saw the title of the thread, I wondered if someone was curious about whether Croft had any eligibility left.

I guess it's possible someone just has a lot of bad luck but it's usually not coincidence when bad things keep happening around you.

As in, there’sa whole lot of extra detail not there. Croft isn’t on a crusade saying Fleck is a horrible person. The story is just told as crofts feeling of the facts. There’s not really anything to get worked up about in my eyes
Based on the video, he probably got suspended for no reason. One could say it looks like the investigation, of there was one, was superficial and lacking.

Based on the video, he probably got suspended for no reason. One could say it looks like the investigation, of there was one, was superficial and lacking.
Don't remember all the specifics of the situation (what was actually confirmed and what was rumor) but I feel pretty confident he got suspended for solid reasons.

Demry doesn't strike me as a real high character individual.

Based on the video, he probably got suspended for no reason. One could say it looks like the investigation, of there was one, was superficial and lacking.
sure. and even if so, i still don't view it as really all that negative of an indictment of any coach. sounds like he asked him to pay a fine and croft said no so he kicked him off the team. oh well.

Based on the video, he probably got suspended for no reason. One could say it looks like the investigation, of there was one, was superficial and lacking.

Yeah, I tend to think (and this my personal bias) the university adjudication system as dissected in 2016 was farcical at best, and deeply biased and structurally unfair at worst. Institutions tend to glide on inertia and a determined lack of self-awareness or self-improvement which could implicate past decisions and policies.

Some people claim to have inside knowledge of what happened here. That’s probably as valid as any UM investigation. It doesn’t matter, he’s gone whether unfairly maligned or not.

Well there are facts here. He was told to pay for the door and that had some effect to his playing status. He didn’t break the door.

Might want to look up the definition of "facts".

Not good at links but there is a new one on YouTube that talks about why he left MN. Not a positive look at Flecks handling of him. It comes up when i searched Minnesota gophers football. Has video exonerating him of troubles. Now Fleck may have gotten rid of him for talent reasons but that's not how this news story reports it.
How can he, “break his silence”, when he hasn’t stopped talking about it since leaving?

This isn’t news. Everyone here remembers the door story and Demry getting suspended. He’s also the guy that had been dropping stupid comments to the media about things like Fleck bucks.

Kicking Demry off the team is an example of the reason that I like PJ. He sussed out a dude that was going to cause problems, got him away from the team, and a year later he was arrested for assault. Good riddance.

Getting ahead of stupid stuff like this is what PJ was hired to do.

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