Crank DAT Gopherboy

Yeah - it really, really sucks.

As much as I hate to admit it, the "Teach Me How to Bucky" video was very well-done. Catchy song, attractive young women and men throughout the video, high production quality, etc. This response by the U is an abomination and an affront to any quality standard that exists. Terrible song, terrible performance, less-than-stellar "talent", looks like it was recorded on a cell phone camera...I could keep going, but I'm embarrassed that our kids were so thoroughly outclassed by the Dolly Madison contingent on this one.

Yeah, I had to quit watching about 45 seconds into it. I'll take your word that it doesn't get any better.

Yup. Sucks. It's not even a relevant song anymore. we need a song called "Stroke the post," although some may be offended if they don't know the reference.

good god...this embarrasses me...nothin says the the U lik skinny rich white kids trying to rap...

Yeah - it really, really sucks.

As much as I hate to admit it, the "Teach Me How to Bucky" video was very well-done. Catchy song, attractive young women and men throughout the video, high production quality, etc.

Plus it was made when "Teach Me How to Dougie" was popular. Crank Dat Soulja Boy was popular 4 years ago. The video literally embarrasses me.

Plus it was made when "Teach Me How to Dougie" was popular. Crank Dat Soulja Boy was popular 4 years ago. The video literally embarrasses me.

I'm embarrassed and I didn't even click on the link. They could have at least went with "Do the Golden Gopher" or just had Goldy crip walking (a timeless classic).

Everyone needs to settle down. It looks like "Zip Zap" made this on his own. Bruininks' secretary is thanked in the credits for letting them film with the President. I'd hardly call this an official U sanctioned anything. It's just a college kid making a funny, yet swag video.

Everyone needs to settle down. It looks like "Zip Zap" made this on his own. Bruininks' secretary is thanked in the credits for letting them film with the President. I'd hardly call this an official U sanctioned anything. It's just a college kid making a funny, yet swag video.

Teach Me How To Dougie is a recent song. Crank That is now 4 years old. Sorry there's nothing swag about it.

Everyone needs to settle down. It looks like "Zip Zap" made this on his own. Bruininks' secretary is thanked in the credits for letting them film with the President. I'd hardly call this an official U sanctioned anything. It's just a college kid making a funny, yet swag video.

While not university official, it seems Goldy's Locker Room is buying in ...

Not Good

This is at best a poor imitation, and the lyrics and music quality are really poopy.

Agreed, there isn't a single redeeming thing about this train wreck. Everyone involved should be ashamed of themselves, and exiled/transferred to River Falls as soon as possible.

I'd rather watch Rebecca Black's "Friday" again before that atrocity.

Is anyone in the media or pr department at the U under the age of 40? Not one person stood up and said, "Uh, maybe we shouldn't be printing merchandise about a played out song from 2007"?

The video alone was bad but the shirt makes this whole thing cringe worthy.

It is about as good as our basketball team was this year.

My question is why was this posted in the football forums when the song was directed at/for our basketball team?

Oh, Hey! Teach me how to sucky!

/ that t-shirt should be burned before it's made.

I can see why a U student would want to use Crank Dat as they frequently say "the UUUUUUUUU" in the chorus but the spinoff lyrics are poorly written and you might as well have me performing on that song.

"Bucky" does a nice job of playfully putting down all of the other BX teams but can still be enjoyed by all ages and embraced even by conservative types.

Advantage Wisconsin. ugh.

Bo Ryan danced better to this song 3+ years ago...add this to our latest embarrassment pile.

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