City Pages Closing


Nothing To Say
Jun 7, 2011
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Well this sucks! Did NOT see that coming. Another 2020 punch in the gut.

I wonder if CP could do something like The Current -- independent, member supported. I don't read it as much since moving to Rochester, but it always seemed to have a strong following. Or maybe MPR/APM could just buy it.


What?! The Socialist Pages is closing? Surely the city counsel could find funds...

Well this sucks! Did NOT see that coming. Another 2020 punch in the gut.

I wonder if CP could do something like The Current -- independent, member supported. I don't read it as much since moving to Rochester, but it always seemed to have a strong following. Or maybe MPR/APM could just buy it.

It has been a weekly read for me since its beginning. With that written, it has become a shell of what it was. Barely any pages to it anymore and it of course had gone 100% "woke". I knew it was in trouble as soon as it stopped showing pics of what people around town were wearing. The explanation was that it wasn't fair to people who couldn't afford to have style.

Would still read it 2-3 times a month though IMHO, it was outclassed by the Twin City Reader. The Reader was shutdown when somebody, the Village Voice maybe, bought them both and closed the Reader down.

Bad choice but it happens.

Good Luck to the 30 people who lost their jobs. Story says that the Strib will try and find jobs for them.

It appears the prop up
Money is falling away and the house of cards is coming down. Today I saw a food giveaway with over 100 cars waiting.

I was more of a Twin City Reader person, but I read City Pages from time to time when I lived in the Cities or went up there for games/concerts.

Back in the pre-internet days, City Pages and the Reader were a great source for reviews of new music, movies, concerts, etc. and they had movie and concert listings - a great help for planning weekend activities.

My memory is shaky - which one (Reader or City Pages) had the personal ads in the back? (SWM seeks........) that was always fun to read.

My memory is shaky - which one (Reader or City Pages) had the personal ads in the back? (SWM seeks........) that was always fun to read.
I think both did if I remember correctly. My favorite one was from some female stating: I like Stereolab, date me." Stereolab was/is a band from France.

Where will GoodasGold get his strip club coupons?

Where will GoodasGold get his strip club coupons?
This is not Good! Those ad pages were huge exposure for my escort service, although it’s basically been closed since Covid. The drug distribution is still a $$$ maker for me, but I did lose one of my contractors to a street shooting two weeks ago. Oh well, he can be replaced.

I'm surprised the Communist party let their propaganda publication fail.

I can recall when City Pages was an essential part of weekend planning. Hey, Austin Healy is at Dibbo's!

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