CBS: Welcome to the silly season of college football recruiting rankings


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Nov 11, 2008
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per CBS:

College coaches have hits and misses all the time. Recruiting sites are no different. They often get information confidentially from college coaches in a wink-wink, nod-nod arrangement to skirt NCAA rules. For every five-star recruit who pans out, like Alabama safety Landon Collins, there's a two-star recruit who overachieves like Arizona linebacker Scooby Wright III.

I've written it before, and I'll say it again: Swooning over recruits has always reminded me of Jerry Seinfeld's observation of pro sports. Given how frequently players leave teams, cheering for pro teams amounts to rooting for laundry.

Except, in college football, you aren't simply rooting for laundry. You're rooting for hormones.

You're hoping hormones honor commitments. You're hoping hormones don't get in trouble. You're hoping hormones live up to the hype at a time when teenagers typically aren't physically or emotionally mature yet.

Throw in the fact that football is -- by far -- the most difficult team sport in terms of evaluating prospects at such a young age. We might think a player will put on weight, stay healthy and compete when knocked on his butt. But so much of it is a guessing game until their careers actually play out.

Year after year, the hype builds for recruits. Some will pan out and become stars or regular contributors, others will flame out. Some others, of course, will get left out in college football's machine as the next wave of players get built up.

If there's one certainty about recruiting, it's this: There will always be new hormones for coaches and fans to pin their hopes on next year.

Go Gophers!!

It seems that Jerry Seinfeld doesn't understand the concept of 'team' - it's not just shirts. Recruiting is important, and there is good reason for fans to be interested. True, it is uncertain, but that doesn't make it silly.

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It seems that Jerry Seinfeld doesn't understand the concept of 'team' - it's not just shirts. Recruiting is important, and there is good reason for fans to be interested. True, it is uncertain, but that doesn't make it silly.

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The only part that gets silly is just how invested some people get in it. Too the level of being angry at a kid for picking a different school or labeling so and so as a can't miss superstar based on their highlight video or the words of some recruiting "expert".

Recruiting is fun to follow but until a kid actually signs on the dotted line there is little reason to get invested in him at all and even then it is far better in my opinion to wait until he has a chance to show what he can do on the practice/game field before making any assumptions as to his skill level.


I know some hate espn, but for ease of my use. Go to 2010 espn rankings, they only have 12 5 star players listed. So is it that much of a suprise that of the thousands of 2 star players out there you can find a one for one for those that become stars? How about the other thousand who didnt develop? Also when talking about teams without high ranked recruits in the top 15, remember highly ranked recruits are much more likely to leave early. I'll take any 5 higher ranked guys before hand and you can pick 5 2 star guys and we can compare in 4 years. Rankings do matter, is it an exact science--no.

per CBS:

. For every five-star recruit who pans out, like Alabama safety Landon Collins, there's a two-star recruit who overachieves like Arizona linebacker Scooby Wright III.

Go Gophers!!

The most popular recruiting site is open 24/7, Monday thru Saturday. :cool02:

You had to say it, didn't you?:rolleyes:

Speaking of paying...the prostitutes of the recruiting sites collect money their way. I get all of the expert recruiting advice I need for free right here from our GopherHolers.

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