Can the Big Ten win NIL?


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Aug 27, 2022
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On average, aren't Big Ten universities wealthier? Larger endowments, more alumni, wealthier states, etc.? Shouldn't that mean there is more NIL money available on average? Some of the Pac 12 and ACC schools also have large endowments and wealthy alumni bases. I get that people say the south is more rabid about football and they certainly have better access to fast athletes. Could NIL free agency actually even the playing field a bit? Maybe more athletes go north for money? Maybe this quietly worries some coaches like Lane Kiffin?

Are we seeing this in, it seems, relatively better recruiting rankings this year for the Big Ten then last year? Ohio State is a good example. They admittedly screwed up NIL out of the gate and say they have their act together this year. How about Minnesota? We have a relatively large endowment and alumni base and strong, local, economic base with very little local competition...aside from a lot of pro sports which I'm not into. I did only five minutes of research to back up my idea so I'd like to hear all your thoughts, especially those with similarly skewed Gopher colored glasses!

The schools in the southeast have far and away more money being injected into their programs and more support from local industries.

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