Bruininks on SaveGopherFball group: disappointed with their tactics and approach


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
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From a MN Daily Q&A:

What’s the status of the search for a new head football coach?

We’re screening candidates now. It’s very difficult to interview candidates that are actively coaching during their season so we’re doing all the background research, all the due diligence on potential candidates.

It’s a very extensive process that involves deep analysis of rich background information, statistical information, historical information, references on key potential candidates, background information of all types that we think will help us make a very good and informed judgment.

This process will also include a very strong level of expertise in Division I athletics, especially with respect to football. The athletic director is leading the search, but he’s consulting widely with the best athletic directors in the country, particularly those who have recently completed successful major searches.

We’re working with one of the finest search firms in the country, we are consulting regularly with other knowledgeable people including past football coaches, coach Tony Dungy and many other people.

What qualities are you looking for in a football coach?

We obviously want a coach with a strong profile of experience in a Division I football program. This experience should preferably be as a sitting coach with a proven record of achievement.

I think another thing we’re going to look for is whether this coach has had a good record in recruiting, compliance, strong ethical principles and values, and has the experience of really turning around a major football program and putting it into what I consider to be a stronger winning tradition.

That’s what we need to do at the University of Minnesota.

Now I have some other things that I really care about as the president of the University of Minnesota. I want a football coach … deeply committed to the academic values and work of the University of Minnesota along with a strong commitment to link the University to the broader communities of Minnesota.

We’re asking a lot of our football coach. We do justifiably believe that the University of Minnesota should have a winning tradition.

When do you hope to have a coach chosen by?

We hope to get this concluded by the holidays, if possible, but it will depend on the availability of people to talk to us.

Do you plan to meet with the boosters and former players who have been critical of Athletics Director Joel Maturi and started the website

I’ve been following this with great interest. I’m disappointed, quite honestly, with their tactics and approach.

I don’t think it’s representative of former Gopher football players or the broader community.

I fully appreciate and recognize that people are disappointed with the current state of our program. There isn’t anyone in the world more disappointed than the athletics director and the president of the University of Minnesota. …

With respect to whether I plan to meet with them, I don’t plan to meet with any particular subgroup that has particular interests, but I do plan to meet quite extensively with people interested in Gopher football. …

I must tell you I take a rather dim view of some of the behavior I’ve seen. I don’t think it’s in keeping with what I expect of people who have a strong commitment to our program and I quite honestly think some of them have some particular self interests — they’re after the appointment of a particular candidate.

My own judgment is that’s not the way to run a process. We are going out to find the best available football coach; that means we have to survey the field of eligible candidates, and we have to go about this in a professional and confidential manner to be successful in the end.

Go Gophers!!

BleedGopher;307559With respect to whether I plan to meet with them said:
Good answer. Don't give this group a second thought.

Thanks for posting. I enjoy reading any updates on the search. I don't agree with him saying the sub-group has a candidate they would like to see hired. Everyone has that. You can't tell me that If an NFL team called Dungy and asked his opinion he would say Frazier. Both because he is qualified but also because he has his own agenda to pass. I'm sure he has a guy in mind he would like to see hired, just like everyone else, not just this sub-group.

And why should anyone have any confidence that prexy b won't screw this up again?

What does he say about the process that brough us the last football coach? Brother brew baffled our athletic director four years ago and prexy b ok'd the hire. Where was their stinking process then? badger joel also extended brother brew at the end of the 2009 season. I find it rather strange that prexy b questions the methods and motives of a group of M-Men when prexy b has been the chief administrator at the U of M that turned the football program along with the 2nd season of theTCF BANK STADIUM experience into a total waste-land under his much less than "watchful" eyes. You were asleep at the wheel prexy b.

prexy b: you need to look into the mirror and confess your own shortcomings with the way you and your athletic director have mismanaged the football program during your tenures here at the University of Minnesota. Your spin to the DAILY is diminished by your very lame duck status prexy b. You have been replaced, and it is high time for you to go away. The new prexy will pay for any further blunders you may make concerning the Football Program prexy b.

Keep the heat on the administration!

What does he say about the process that brough us the last football coach? Brother brew baffled our athletic director four years ago and prexy b ok'd the hire. Where was their stinking process then? badger joel also extended brother brew at the end of the 2009 season. I find it rather strange that prexy b questions the methods and motives of a group of M-Men when prexy b has been the chief administrator at the U of M that turned the football program along with the 2nd season of theTCF BANK STADIUM era into a total waste-land under his much less than "watchful" eyes.

prexy b: you need to look into the mirror and confess your own shortcomings with the way you and your athletic director have mismanaged the football program during your tenures here at the University of Minnesota.

Keep the heat on the administration!

Wish I could argue with you, but to be honest, I'm scared as heck with Maturi making this hire. If a guy like Brewster can go in and sell snake oil to Maturi, someone unqualified may again trick him. That is why I hope he is listening to what everyone has to say and it is not his sole decision

Is maturi consulting with the ad at Notre Dame about the search process? They certainly have had a great record since their lou hoax episode. lou needed to be hurried along out the door at the end of his tenure there since the NCAA wanted to investigate some petty little housekeeping issues and the AD's of the Fighting Irish have certainly had a lot of experience in buying out contracts and making new hires in their football program.

Is badger joel consulting Michigan about their process?

Or, maybe USC or Tennessee?

i would think something similar to this is going on now for football.

if i remember correctly, Wed March 22 rumors of Tubby to UofM. 8AM Thursday March 23 Joel calls Kentucky AD and requests for formal permission to interview Tubby. By the end of the day, March 23, Tubby is the new Minnesota coach

whatever leak that gave Katz some insight into Tubby's hire has probably been plugged this time around.

Joel's been getting to some agreement with some coach's agent. When the time is right, the process should be very quick

I like Bruinicks alot, and in hearing what some former players (such as Bob Stein) have said on the radio, I have feeling hearing this coming from him will sting a bit for those folks. I haven't heard many people be critical of Bruinicks - in fact, quite the opposite, with regards to his support for the football program. Most of the ire (if not all) has been directed at Maturi.

Thus, again, i would think his comments regarding the people will be taken seriously, and may calm them down some. For me, if they go after Bruinicks, they lose more credibility.

Someone please explain to me these three terms and why they are used.

Brother Brew


Prexy B

It will be Bruininks hire this time around no matter how he sugar coats the process. Maturi/etc. will do the grunt work. Sad state of affairs and says a lot about the AD but that is my take. Maturi has lost creditability with the Brewster hire and Bruininks has to do what he thinks is necessary so Maturi doesn't go down the wrong road again.

Is maturi consulting with the ad at Notre Dame about the search process? They certainly have had a great record since their lou hoax episode. lou needed to be hurried along out the door at the end of his tenure there since the NCAA wanted to investigate some petty little housekeeping issues and the AD's of the Fighting Irish have certainly had a lot of experience in buying out contracts and making new hires in their football program.

Is badger joel consulting Michigan about their process?

Or, maybe USC or Tennessee?

And in your sarcasm, your point is what? You're actually pointing out what a crap shoot this whole process is. If schools like Michigan, Notre Dame, and Tennessee with their resources and tradition can get burned in hiring a coach, there's no guarantee it won't happen here again no matter what the process or decision-making. Yes, you can shorten the odds by not going for some guy with no head coaching experience, but you (and he) still have to be lucky. That's why I love these lists of candidates who people would be happy with. In several years you might be pretty unhappy again. Just look at Colorado as an example. Doesn't mean I don't think we can get the right guy. It means I hope the timing and circumstances are also right along with the new coach.

— they’re after the appointment of a particular candidate.

My own judgment is that’s not the way to run a process. We are going out to find the best available football coach; that means we have to survey the field of eligible candidates, and we have to go about this in a professional and confidential manner to be successful in the end.

Go Gophers!!

Who's the particular candidate this group is pushing? Trestman? If so, they can all take a flying leap.

Someone please explain to me these three terms and why they are used.

Brother Brew


Prexy B

Brother Brew is a nickname I think Tom Powers of the PPress invented.

I don't know the origin of Macturi, but it's just a reference to Maturi coming to Minnesota from Miami, Ohio.

Prexy B. Prexy is another way to refer to a university president and the B is for Bruinicks.

Who's the particular candidate this group is pushing? Trestman? If so, they can all take a flying leap.

Good question. I also heard that someone in their group wishes to be the next AD.

Prominent alumni can be a risky group to consult. Often there is a warehouse full of axes that they would like to grind.

I am sure that the search firm is contacting a lot of the people in this group already.

Someone please explain to me these three terms and why they are used.

Brother Brew


Prexy B

Brother Brew - as already mentioned, Tom Powers invented it because of his disdain for Brewster's perceived proselytism

Macturi - because some think that Maturi is a MAC-level AD; also because his previous job was as Miami (OH)'s AD

Prexy B - because Bruininks is old and apparently fl. 1930s when people still actually used this term

Those are the specifics; in a more general sense, it's because Wren is an insufferable idiot who brings nothing to the table other than his incessant rants against the administration and his piss-poor, juvenile attempts at humor.

Hopefully this has helped to answer your questions.

What does he say about the process that brough us the last football coach? Brother brew baffled our athletic director four years ago and prexy b ok'd the hire. Where was their stinking process then? badger joel also extended brother brew at the end of the 2009 season. I find it rather strange that prexy b questions the methods and motives of a group of M-Men when prexy b has been the chief administrator at the U of M that turned the football program along with the 2nd season of theTCF BANK STADIUM experience into a total waste-land under his much less than "watchful" eyes. You were asleep at the wheel prexy b.

prexy b: you need to look into the mirror and confess your own shortcomings with the way you and your athletic director have mismanaged the football program during your tenures here at the University of Minnesota. Your spin to the DAILY is diminished by your very lame duck status prexy b. You have been replaced, and it is high time for you to go away. The new prexy will pay for any further blunders you may make concerning the Football Program prexy b.

Keep the heat on the administration!

The president had a few more things on his plate than football. On the great list of leading the University, football, ranks about 99th on a list of 100. Even with a supportive administration, it might rise to 98th. Of the 98 items that President Bruinicks worked on in the last few years, I would say he was successful on most of them, none of which had even an ioda relationship to football. It wasn't high time he went away. He served well and deserves respect for his accomplishments.

Well, then, oneoldgopher" what the hell is he doing now other than wasting all his time trying to hire a new football coach. The foolsih prexy b spent darn near 300 million on a stadium and then watched as it started going to crap in just the second year. The so-called student section shrank to near nothing half way through the second season in the new stadium. How bad is that? prexy b signed off on the brewster hire and he signed off on the brewster extension. What is he doing over there? And, he keeps raising tuition. He can't con the legislature out of enough money? prexy b has slipped up pretty badly. And it certainly IS high time for him to be gone. The fool extended macturi's contract a few years ago and as recently as a few months ago he was talking about extending macturi again. Based upon the huge tuition increases and the way he has allowed the football program to be run into the ground and the way he is risking that 300 million dollar investment in the stadium, they need to get him OUT now. prexy b just is NOT getting it done over there. He hasn't for a long time. Good riddence that he has finally been replaced. Keep the heat on the administration.

Goodbye, Wren. I'm surprised you haven't been thrown out of here for the umpteenth time.

Now that he is retiring, could we all please start referring to President Bob BruiniNks with the correct spelling of his name? Seriously, I've never understood where people get the C. His name doesn't SOUND like Bruinicks, the last syllable sounds like INKS.

And as stated President Bruininks, like any university president, has a lot on his plate. Frankly he's been very supportive of Gopher football and really bears none of the blame for the Brewster disaster. Maturi deserves some, but you also have to look at his whole record of accomplishment. If he hits a home run with this hire people (Wren notwithstanding) will view him very favorably in a few years.

Now that he is retiring, could we all please start referring to President Bob BruiniNks with the correct spelling of his name? Seriously, I've never understood where people get the C. His name doesn't SOUND like Bruinicks, the last syllable sounds like INKS.

How dare you lecture people about spelling on a message board! I mean, who really cares?!? I just type as quickly as I can! Just pay attention to the thought behind the words, not the fact that I can't spell 2nd-grade level words correctly!

Prexy B...

Prexy B. really put himself in the line of fire driving the efforts for the stadium at the University of Minnesota. I don't know how much Former-President Yudof did to get the TCF Stadium process started, but history will not remember him as the leader and decision-maker of the U of M when this enormous investment in athletics was made. President Bruininks DESERVES credit for being the visionary who stuck his neck out and saw this through.:clap:

As for their selection for who would coach the Gophers in the new era of football at the U, he and Maturi tried to catch lightning in a bottle when they hired Tim Brewster. They failed, as did so many presidents and athletic directors who let the program languish downtown.

4 years has taught us a lot about what doesn't work at the U of Mn. I believe these intelligent men (Joel Maturi and President Bruininks) have learned a great deal and I'm confident they will do their darndest to bring a winner to Gopher Football. When he said he was looking for a Tubby-type hire, Joel Maturi has the belief that he can hire a coach that will equip Gopher football to play with the same poise, determination, confidence and skill that Tubby's guys have shown over the past few weeks. Man has that been fun seeing our Gophers win against the media's perennial darlings (NC) and squads that are really good (WV)! I am excited to see the coach that will have our football players playing like champions. It will happen folks. I know it's hard to be a sports fan in Minnesota. We tend to have our optimism rewarded with heartbreak, but shoot, come on, being optimistic is a heckuva better time than being a grouchy, whiny, angry poutin' pessimist.

Optimism: Does that have a place here in the 'Hole? I dare you to join me and Year of the Gopher.

Prexy B. really put himself in the line of fire driving the efforts for the stadium at the University of Minnesota. I don't know how much Former-President Yudof did to get the TCF Stadium process started, but history will not remember him as the leader and decision-maker of the U of M when this enormous investment in athletics was made. President Bruininks DESERVES credit for being the visionary who stuck his neck out and saw this through.:clap:

As for their selection for who would coach the Gophers in the new era of football at the U, he and Maturi tried to catch lightning in a bottle when they hired Tim Brewster. They failed, as did so many presidents and athletic directors who let the program languish downtown.

4 years has taught us a lot about what doesn't work at the U of Mn. I believe these intelligent men (Joel Maturi and President Bruininks) have learned a great deal and I'm confident they will do their darndest to bring a winner to Gopher Football. When he said he was looking for a Tubby-type hire, Joel Maturi has the belief that he can hire a coach that will equip Gopher football to play with the same poise, determination, confidence and skill that Tubby's guys have shown over the past few weeks. Man has that been fun seeing our Gophers win against the media's perennial darlings (NC) and squads that are really good (WV)! I am excited to see the coach that will have our football players playing like champions. It will happen folks. I know it's hard to be a sports fan in Minnesota. We tend to have our optimism rewarded with heartbreak, but shoot, come on, being optimistic is a heckuva better time than being a grouchy, whiny, angry poutin' pessimist.

Optimism: Does that have a place here in the 'Hole? I dare you to join me and Year of the Gopher.


Well, then, oneoldgopher" what the hell is he doing now other than wasting all his time trying to hire a new football coach. The foolsih prexy b spent darn near 300 million on a stadium and then watched as it started going to crap in just the second year. The so-called student section shrank to near nothing half way through the second season in the new stadium. How bad is that? prexy b signed off on the brewster hire and he signed off on the brewster extension. What is he doing over there? And, he keeps raising tuition. He can't con the legislature out of enough money? prexy b has slipped up pretty badly. And it certainly IS high time for him to be gone. The fool extended macturi's contract a few years ago and as recently as a few months ago he was talking about extending macturi again. Based upon the huge tuition increases and the way he has allowed the football program to be run into the ground and the way he is risking that 300 million dollar investment in the stadium, they need to get him OUT now. prexy b just is NOT getting it done over there. He hasn't for a long time. Good riddence that he has finally been replaced. Keep the heat on the administration.

So, you are saying that the Presidente controls inflation, state aid, federal grants, public donations, patent revenue, federal and state aid to students, the endowment's performance and the price of tea in China? That, and the natural creep of the budget. Wow. I never knew he had it in for the students and faculty! Creepy bastard! I hate the fact that he has mystical powers and a Maroon cape!

I voted some of those fiscal conservatives into power. I worked on a few of their campaigns and been one of them a while back. Hey, a guy's got a do, what a guy's gotta do! But, Mr. Bruinicks can lobby all he wants and he won't change too many minds. You can't just sprinkle magic pixie dust on the State and Federal budget and whip up low tuition for students, without breaking somebody else in the chops. Sorry, my pal, and sometimes cursed T-Paw, made some tough alumni love decisions. It hurt. I disagreed. But, it became the law of the land. Tough noogies to all of us. But, we got a stadium out of the deal. And, for some mystery all the ills of the U, according to you, fall on Bobby dearest.

Hey dude! Find a new mantra. Stretch your personality a bit. Come out of the cold! Get into the closet. Put a stopper in it. Lay low. Get a life. Post something new for a change.

MSGOPHER<--- You are full of S---. The group has no coach to push. All they wanted is a seat at the table, and Maturi not making the decision. Until you know what you are talking about, keep your thoughts to yourself!!

Having reviewed the website, I'm not sure what the value of this movement really is. In fact, if you were a prospective coaching candidate at this juncture, how would you view the in-fighting and disillusion? If a group is very publicly screaming about how worthless Maturi is, why would you want to get hired by Maturi?

Trying to bull-rush your way into the hiring process after it's well underway is shortsighted, to say the least.

Well, then, oneoldgopher" what the hell is he doing now other than wasting all his time trying to hire a new football coach. The foolsih prexy b spent darn near 300 million on a stadium and then watched as it started going to crap in just the second year. The so-called student section shrank to near nothing half way through the second season in the new stadium. How bad is that? prexy b signed off on the brewster hire and he signed off on the brewster extension. What is he doing over there? And, he keeps raising tuition. He can't con the legislature out of enough money? prexy b has slipped up pretty badly. And it certainly IS high time for him to be gone. The fool extended macturi's contract a few years ago and as recently as a few months ago he was talking about extending macturi again. Based upon the huge tuition increases and the way he has allowed the football program to be run into the ground and the way he is risking that 300 million dollar investment in the stadium, they need to get him OUT now. prexy b just is NOT getting it done over there. He hasn't for a long time. Good riddence that he has finally been replaced. Keep the heat on the administration.

Methinks the strike of the banhammer is imminent.

You stick to your talking points, I'll give you that. Are you this ponderous IRL? If so, I bet you're a hit with the ladies.

MSGOPHER<--- You are full of S---. The group has no coach to push. All they wanted is a seat at the table, and Maturi not making the decision. Until you know what you are talking about, keep your thoughts to yourself!!

Are you part of the group? If so, why does the group feel specially entitled to a seat at the table? Wondering what makes them feel that they have more insight into the process than other donors etc... If you are not a part of the group, how are you certain they don't have an agenda/candidate? This is not a rip, but a serious question. I can't see why but am willing to hear out the reasoning. Thanks!

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