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Well-known member
Nov 20, 2008
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The 40 and younger crowd are awesome and think this is just the beginning. The 50 year old to 60 year old folks are frustrated because we could not beat 1 rival but are happy to be where we are at this point. Us 60 plus are just pissed and getting tired of waiting and were surprised this could have been the year. Thank goodness life expectancy is into the 80's!! Still proud and will be at the bowl game as usual where ever it is. We have a good team and our brand could just be taking hold.

The 40 and younger crowd are awesome and think this is just the beginning. The 50 year old to 60 year old folks are frustrated because we could not beat 1 rival but are happy to be where we are at this point. Us 60 plus are just pissed and getting tired of waiting and were surprised this could have been the year. Thank goodness life expectancy is into the 80's!! Still proud and will be at the bowl game as usual where ever it is. We have a good team and our brand could just be taking hold.

I am 58 as are my long time game buddies. Disappointed to not beat Wisconsin or Iowa, but rolling along and rowing the boat. We ain't going away.

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