Are You Cheering For Wisconsin?


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2008
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Great seeing the Gophers get some deserved national recognition. Want to see them climb the Polls and end-up in a January Bowl in California or Florida. Want to see them hammer the Badgers, beat MSU and demolish somebody in a Bowl game.

Know that the higher the Badgers are ranked going into the game at TCF, the better it is for the Gophers. Know that having Gameday here would a be great. Also know all of that means that I'd want to see the Badgers win on Saturday.

Won't do it, can't do it. Want to see the Hoosiers put up 63 in Madison. Can't cheer for the Badgers. If you can do it good. It makes sense.

I just can't.

Know that wouldn't help the Gophers but week, maybe next week will be happy but not now. Just can't do it.

Even if it wasn't Wisconsin at this point don't we want anyone in the Big Ten (regardless of division) to lose minus Ohio State? Wouldn't that help us possibly jump up to a better bowl game? I never know how to approach these situations, but to answer the you can never cheer for Wisconsin.

Yup I won't ever hope they win. Not for the sake of the B1G when they play OOC, and not because it makes our win or loss against them any better.

Also, wanting Indiana to win for Indiana's sake is not a bad thing when it comes down to it. They get the shaft even more than us many years.

Don't care. Just want the gophers to beat them when we play. If they win or lose this week doesn't change much for me. Whatever bowl happens, all I want is for the Gophers to make Wisconsin lose when we play them.

Go Gophers!

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I think we need to cheer for the Big Ten to do well frankly at this point they are going to win one way or the other. The question is do you think the Gophers can beat certain SEC Teams or Big 12 teams depending on the bowl matchup? To me its not about what bowl we go to because no matter what bowl we go to the money for the University will be the same. The key is going to a bowl where we can play a team that is a good matchup. As good as the year has been a bowl win no matter where it is or who its against would be huge for the program especially with the less than regular fans. The Big Ten looks pretty poor in the yes of the nation right now so Big Ten success is very important especially when it comes to recruiting where the Big Ten in general has struggled compared to other conferences.

I would never hope for a Becky win over anyone but it doesn't matter anyway. All that matters is what the Gophers do.

I will watch the game and want them to lose, as them losing makes me happy. But when/if they beat Indiana I will be happy that the matchup has more meaning and national attention. I can't root for them to win, but if they do, the result is good for the Gophers (short-term, long-term it might come back to bite us in the butt when talking bowl pecking order).

I just about always cheer against Wisconsin. For me to cheer for them, there would need to be a much more direct connection between them winning and our success. If Wisconsin were playing MSU this weekend, I would root for them to pull us to within a game of MSU. Everything is a double edged sword. If Indiana beats Wisconsin, the quality of a potential Wisconsin win is diminished, but our Indiana win is better. Also, as pointed out above, helping to clear Wisconsin out of our way in the bowl pecking order would be nice. Go Hoosiers.

I'm hoping for a Wisconsin loss to Indy. Then watching Wisconsin get hammered by the Gophers. The next week Wisconsin loses a close one to Penn State. A 7-5 team that does NOT go to a Rose Bowl will seem about right.

We all should be cheering for Nebraska to beat Michigan State in a slugfest.

We are better off beating a BADger team that has only 1 loss.

Go Hoosiers!!!

Go Huskers!!!


The last thing I want to see is the Wisconsin lucking into a Rose Bowl for the 2nd straight year.

Great seeing the Gophers get some deserved national recognition. Want to see them climb the Polls and end-up in a January Bowl in California or Florida. Want to see them hammer the Badgers, beat MSU and demolish somebody in a Bowl game.

Know that the higher the Badgers are ranked going into the game at TCF, the better it is for the Gophers. Know that having Gameday here would a be great. Also know all of that means that I'd want to see the Badgers win on Saturday.

Won't do it, can't do it. Want to see the Hoosiers put up 63 in Madison. Can't cheer for the Badgers. If you can do it good. It makes sense.

I just can't.

Know that wouldn't help the Gophers but week, maybe next week will be happy but not now. Just can't do it.

Unfortunately, Indiana still would stand a chance of losing.

If the Gophers should beat Wisconsin it is better if Wisconsin has a better record, better for rankings and better for bowl selection. If he Gophers should lose to Wisconsin, UW remains the best chance for the big ten to get a 2nd BCS berth.

The pragmatic, unemotional rooting interest of a Gopher fan this weekend includes favoring OSU, WI, and whomever is playing everyone else ranked in front of MN, especially those playing against MSU, AL, FSU, UNI, & FRESNO.

That said, if you're persuaded that neither FSU or Bama will lose again - embrace the hatred :)

If the Gophers should beat Wisconsin it is better if Wisconsin has a better record, better for rankings and better for bowl selection.

Absolutely correct! GO HOOSIERS!!!

I just hope IU doesn't get rolled. If they can at least hang with WI, or even beat them, it'll expose some of WI's weaknesses, and I'll be that much more confident going into the game.

I want Bucky in here fat and happy....that will make it much sweeter. Wisconsin has a great program and a better team, but we only have to be better on this one day.

When Wisky and Iowa play, I don't care who loses.

Yes I will root for the badgers. They are my second favorite team besides the gophers

Yes I will root for the badgers. They are my second favorite team besides the gophers

The Badgers and Hawkeyes are both my third favorite teams, Mean Joe. All other Big Ten teams are tied for second favorite, and needless to say, the Gophers are first.

Don't care about GameDay at The Bank if it means I have to cheer for the Badgers to win. Not only do I hope Indiana beats them, I hope they HURT them.

NOTE: I said hurt, not injure. There's a difference


It's pretty clear in the book of 1 Nagurski chapter 5 verse 32-33.

"Thou shalt cheer for no other team than Minnesota and if thou dost cheer for another team thou must surely not cheer for Wisconsin lest the wrath of Goldy Gopher burn against you with a righteous and unquenchable fury."

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Don't care about GameDay at The Bank if it means I have to cheer for the Badgers to win. Not only do I hope Indiana beats them, I hope they HURT them.

NOTE: I said hurt, not injure. There's a difference

Ditto. I hope they physically pound on them (not bloody likely though, given the softness of Indiana's defense, but a guy can hope, right?) and give them a tough game so as to hopefully soften Becky up a little bit heading into TCF. And no, I never hope for injuries either, but there is a vast difference between injuring someone and physically wearing on them/beating them up.

At any rate, I hope it's a good game and the Hoosiers can hang in, and I would love, love, love to see them be able to exploit Sconnies defense somehow, some way.

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