Another Commit!


Well-known member
Nov 17, 2008
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GI is reporting another commit, James Manuel - a 6'2 200 safety out of Indianapolis. He has a decent offer list - Michigan State, Iowa, Cincinnati and Lousiville.

Nice, welcome aboard James.

GI is reporting another commit, James Manuel - a 6'2 200 safety out of Indianapolis. He has a decent offer list - Michigan State, Iowa, Cincinnati and Lousiville.

Are they really reporting this? The headline makes it look uncertain.

GI is reporting another commit, James Manuel - a 6'2 200 safety out of Indianapolis. He has a decent offer list - Michigan State, Iowa, Cincinnati and Lousiville.

From what I can tell that is not what they are reporting. GI has this as a question mark.

Unless you saw something I didn't?

Yes, the article makes it clear that he committed.

Good deal. A good player at a position of need.

Speedy LB or hard hitting safety?

Either way works for me!!

Loved K Cooper on Saturday, give him another year in the weight room and experience - wow.

Can anyone here elaborate on the apparent grade concerns that he has? Apparently they are bad enough that Iowa backed off of him because of it. Hopefully not true as he looks like an absolute solid prospect to add to the team.

Scout had him listed as a 4* earlier this year but now have him as a 3*. Either way it sounds like we are getting a pretty good player if he has indeed commited.

Can anyone here elaborate on the apparent grade concerns that he has? Apparently they are bad enough that Iowa backed off of him because of it. Hopefully not true as he looks like an absolute solid prospect to add to the team.

From Scout:

Manuel plans to major in education and reports a 2.5 core GPA and a 15 ACT which he is retaking in September.

nice, gladly have someone that Iowa, Mich St and Cincy have offered :)

I was reading Sid's article this morning (you've got to do something while you're taking a reusse) and he reported it as well. Seems like a great addition if he can get his academics righted.

Three stars. Not bad. Let's start nailing down some blue-chippers to round out the class.

he is a player, and could very well be a 4 star by the end of his senior year

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