Ajok Modal Enters Portal

I was very intrigued by Madol's potential. You can tell that Madol had some athleticism but Ajok also appeared, strangely, uncoordinated. Almost like watching a newborn fawn taking their first wobbly steps... you just know that they will be bounding across a field in no time.

Madol got limited playing time for multiple reasons so I don't know how her career will progress. I was left with a bad taste as she kept chucking up 3 pt shots during the NIT final.

Think we will see a few more. This coaching staff will be determined to make sure there's plenty of girls to compete in the ever challenging BIG conference. Makes me excited to see potentially who else will be added. If you're going to play against UCLA and USC you got to up the game.

McKinney is better and should get to play quite a bit. I was impressed with her play in the state tournament.

I was very intrigued by Madol's potential. You can tell that Madol had some athleticism but Ajok also appeared, strangely, uncoordinated. Almost like watching a newborn fawn taking their first wobbly steps... you just know that they will be bounding across a field in no time.

Madol got limited playing time for multiple reasons so I don't know how her career will progress. I was left with a bad taste as she kept chucking up 3 pt shots during the NIT final.
I liked her potential. I thought that she would get alot of playing time next year. She needed to refine skills.

Upward and onward


She was fighting a leg injury for a good part of the season, so we never really got to see what a healthy Ajok could bring.

Coaching transitions are hard. Madol and Dalan were prime candidates to get lost in the transition. Will be surprised if Dalan stays if she wants to play.

I was intrigued with Ajok, she was good defensively and looked to have potential offensively. She was on the Canadian National Team for her age group that won Bronze (I think) last summer but she did not play much. I watched those games on You Tube and I really liked her defense but she needed more production offensively.

I could tell the Gopher coaches and players have confidence in her shot given they let her and passed to her to take open 3s, she did make some but was not very efficient. I think she mostly needed more experience and I was very disappointed she didn't get more opportunity before her injury or since. She seemed to relate well to her teammates and I am sad to see her go .

I didn’t realize that she had an injury. I’m sure it set her back. She definitely had potential.

I didn’t realize that she had an injury. I’m sure it set her back. She definitely had potential.
She was out about 1.5 months this winter, wearing a walking boot.

Best of luck to her, she wouldn’t have seen too many minutes with the talent coach P is recruiting

Not surprised. I don’t see a ton of playing time if she didn’t get it this year. Dalan wouldn’t surprise me either, but I think it was always going to take her a couple of years. I think she is more of a project.

I hope the best for her! IMO she has to go somewhere where she can get more playing time. During the championship game I didn't see her pass once. She was not moving the ball much. Has a lot of developing needed.

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