2022-2023 Roster

From the Parkinglot

Well-known member
Feb 6, 2011
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Always sensed something was a miss between the head coach and Chaz. He never talked about him when Chaz was hurt even though he talked about the other hurt players. I can’t say I am disappointed as he hardly played and maybe this can be addition by subtraction. Of course he was a 1st round pick in the nhl draft so the talent is there. Would shock me if he plays in the nhl next year as he just doesn’t seem big enough.

The Broz news is a surprise. Thought he played well and got playing down down the stretch. Be interesting to see if Cruz sticks with his gophers commitment or if he moves on based on his brothers experience.

Another player leaving. Again not that big or a surprise as he was hurt a lot and never played even when they needed a back up.

The Broz news is a surprise. Thought he played well and got playing down down the stretch. Be interesting to see if Cruz sticks with his gophers commitment or if he moves on based on his brothers experience.

He gone. That was a sure thing once Chaz left.

Sucks that forward depth became a major concern almost overnight, but we should have the best D core in the country next year and frankly it's not even close.


Having guys like Staudacher and Fish as 7th/8th D men is a huge luxury.

Goalie and forward depth are the question marks.

I know the potential return of Walker has been a divisive topic among the fan base but I can't imagine anyone at this point saying they don't want him back.

I know the potential return of Walker has been a divisive topic among the fan base but I can't imagine anyone at this point saying they don't want him back.
Tons of people don't want him back. But he might be the only option, despite that.

Tons of people don't want him back. But he might be the only option, despite that.
I could understand that opinion when we had Broz and the 2 Lucius brothers on the roster. If anyone doesn't want him now when guys like Schmidt might have to see regular minutes, and/or a freshman or two brought in earlier than they're ready, they are out of their mind.

I could understand that opinion when we had Broz and the 2 Lucius brothers on the roster. If anyone doesn't want him now when guys like Schmidt might have to see regular minutes, and/or a freshman or two brought in earlier than they're ready, they are out of their mind.
I don’t want him back if he is gonna play center. If he is a wing and can push the pace without having to worry to much about defense great. Otherwise the time has come and he needs to move on. I’ve seen enough of the Lucia recruits and players that it’s time for a fresh start. Plus I don’t want him to be the captan, it needs to be Knies and Fabre and Johnson. Just my perspective from the outside.

I don’t want him back if he is gonna play center. If he is a wing and can push the pace without having to worry to much about defense great. Otherwise the time has coma and he needs to move on. I’ve seen enough of the Lucia recruits and players that it’s time for a fresh start. Plus I don’t want him to be the captan, it needs to be Knies and Fabre and Johnson. Just my perspective from the outside.
Walker is a good college hockey player. The problem is he came in as a freshman at a time when the program was in tough shape, and got unfairly annointed as the savior. If we evaluated him simply on his own play, he's easily a top 9 forward on this current roster. If we had Broz and the Lucius brothers on the roster, I could see an argument for moving on. As far as the captain thing, I agree he doesn't strike me as a leader, but I think that's voted on by the players anyway.

Walker is a good college hockey player. The problem is he came in as a freshman at a time when the program was in tough shape, and got unfairly annointed as the savior. If we evaluated him simply on his own play, he's easily a top 9 forward on this current roster. If we had Broz and the Lucius brothers on the roster, I could see an argument for moving on. As far as the captain thing, I agree he doesn't strike me as a leader, but I think that's voted on by the players anyway.
He’s a wing not a center. Too much defensive responsibility at the center position. You have Snuggerudd and Cooley coming in next year who I think will be the #1 line with Knies. If walker wants to come back and be a 3rd line wing have at it and kill some penalties.

He’s a wing not a center. Too much defensive responsibility at the center position. You have Snuggerudd and Cooley coming in next year who I think will be the #1 line with Knies. If walker wants to come back and be a 3rd line wing have at it and kill some penalties.
In a perfect world I agree, but center depth is an issue right now. One way or another, having him back next year is better than the alternatives.

In a perfect world I agree, but center depth is an issue right now. One way or another, having him back next year is better than the alternatives.
They will have Cooley, Huglen, and Nelson as the first three centers on the team. 4th center could be Garrett Pinoniemi who will be a 21 year old freshman. I would be just fine with those as the 4 centers.

Honestly, addition by subtraction. If the way Chaz milked his injury was any indication of Lucius family I don’t want them here. Motzko is trying to turn this from a bunch of suburban softies into a lunch pale group of older players.

I am only a casual follower of hockey but I will follow anything Gopher related and do enjoy playoff Wild hockey. I just led on a mock NHL draft and saw 4 predicted 1st round picks will be playing for the Maroon and Gold next year. That’s awesome!

Anywhere between 2 and 4 probably. Percentages reflect odds of being on campus + odds of being a first round pick. Johnson is already.
Logan Cooley (95%) - Unless he goes pro before college
Ryan Johnson (95%) - Seems like he's coming back
Snuggerud (70%)
Chesley (55%)

Anywhere between 2 and 4 probably. Percentages reflect odds of being on campus + odds of being a first round pick. Johnson is already.
Logan Cooley (95%) - Unless he goes pro before college
Ryan Johnson (95%) - Seems like he's coming back
Snuggerud (70%)
Chesley (55%)
Rinzel is not coming until 2023, correct? I've seen some say he has an outside shot at being a first rounder.

Faber and Knies are both second round picks but if there was a re-draft I guarantee both would be first rounders as well.

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