10-1 MSU allowing students to bring one free person to Gophers game, student or not


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Nov 11, 2008
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10-1 MSU has a promotion where any student can bring another person to the Gophers game for free, whether that person is a student or not:

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>Michigan State to let students bring a friend for free to this week's season ender against Minnesota. <a href="https://twitter.com/darrenrovell">@darrenrovell</a> <a href="http://t.co/JBd0BL8dAF">pic.twitter.com/JBd0BL8dAF</a></p>— rEvolution (@littlerbigE) <a href="https://twitter.com/littlerbigE/statuses/405497367438192641">November 27, 2013</a></blockquote>
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Go Gophers!!

This is the problem with ending the season when the B1G does now. Prior to 2 years ago all B1G games ended the week prior to Thanksgiving but in an effort to remain in pollsters minds longer they extended the season. Now with games over Thanksgiving students/alumni/faculty are all off campus and busy with other obligations and thus stadiums have a hard time selling out. This is the case across every B1G stadium likely with the exception of Ann Arbor this weekend (The Game and all...).

This is the problem with ending the season when the B1G does now. Prior to 2 years ago all B1G games ended the week prior to Thanksgiving but in an effort to remain in pollsters minds longer they extended the season. Now with games over Thanksgiving students/alumni/faculty are all off campus and busy with other obligations and thus stadiums have a hard time selling out. This is the case across every B1G stadium likely with the exception of Ann Arbor this weekend (The Game and all...).

Keep requesting to play last game on the road.

It's a good thing we are going to be ending the year against Wisconsin for the foreseeable future. I don't anticipate attendance problems for that game as long as we continue to improve.

Not surprising considering its Halloween weekend. Lots of their students are going to be home in Detroit or Chicago and unwilling to make the trip back to campus so quickly. On the other hand, there's probably plenty of Lansing area natives that go to school elsewhere but still cheer for the Spartans so this policy helps get them in for a game while they're back in town.

Not surprising considering its Halloween weekend. Lots of their students are going to be home in Detroit or Chicago and unwilling to make the trip back to campus so quickly. On the other hand, there's probably plenty of Lansing area natives that go to school elsewhere but still cheer for the Spartans so this policy helps get them in for a game while they're back in town.

/rushes out to buy candy
//forgets to turn off oven and burns turkey
///buys calendar

Not surprising considering its Halloween weekend. Lots of their students are going to be home in Detroit or Chicago and unwilling to make the trip back to campus so quickly. On the other hand, there's probably plenty of Lansing area natives that go to school elsewhere but still cheer for the Spartans so this policy helps get them in for a game while they're back in town.

There are some crazy looking people in East Lansing, but it might surprise you to know that is just the way they normally look. They only celebrate Halloween around the same time as the rest of the B1G teams...at least as far as I know.

Now with games over Thanksgiving students/alumni/faculty are all off campus and busy with other obligations and thus stadiums have a hard time selling out.

What better way to spend Thanksgiving than with your family at a college football game? Who wants to eat cranberry sauce and dressing at grandma's house on the good china when you can fry up a turkey or heat up some tamales while drinking beer at a tailgate? Priorities, people!

Count me in the camp that wants the regular season over by Thanksgiving. With no fall break, it's a long drag from Labor Day to Thanksgiving.

Count me in the camp that wants the regular season over by Thanksgiving. With no fall break, it's a long drag from Labor Day to Thanksgiving.

Not a huge fan of the dual bye weeks either. One is plenty and the only reason they need two is to make the final week fall when it does. That being said they aren't going to change if they think it helps the conference out on the National stage to be playing games this late and in some ways it probably does I guess.

What better way to spend Thanksgiving than with your family at a college football game? Who wants to eat cranberry sauce and dressing at grandma's house on the good china when you can fry up a turkey or heat up some tamales while drinking beer at a tailgate? Priorities, people!

I love your enthusiasm... But you haven't been outside in Minnesota on Thanksgiving weekend, have you? =P

Not a huge fan of the dual bye weeks either. One is plenty and the only reason they need two is to make the final week fall when it does. That being said they aren't going to change if they think it helps the conference out on the National stage to be playing games this late and in some ways it probably does I guess.

Correct me if I'm wrong but the dual bye week thing is more of an oddity due to how early Labor day was and how late Thanksgiving is this year. Even with the elongated season I don't believe it will be standard to have dual bye weeks. Next year will have dual again but after that it goes back to 1 bye per year. Just a weird calendar thing and not an intentional go-forward norm.

Orange Bowl Reps will be at the game. The Spartans are very worried that Wisconsin will leap-frog them into a BCS Bowl Game if they lose to tOSU. They're also worried about how thousands of empty seats all hurt their chances too. That's why the ticket deal?

Hollis said Tuesday that Orange Bowl representatives will be at Spartan Stadium on Saturday. According to recent bowl projections, it appears the Miami-based game probably will go with the No. 2 Big Ten selection against the No. 2 ACC selection — provided, of course, Florida State advances to the national championship game.

The stadium could be at least a third empty Saturday, considering the combination of anticipated bad weather, a holiday weekend with students away from campus, and the relative insignificance of the Minnesota game in relation to the final standings. Might that negatively influence Orange Bowl officials?

“We’re hoping for a good turnout,” Dantonio said, “because we still have plenty of goals attainable that involve the outcome of this week’s game. This could give us an 11-win regular season. That’s a pretty important accomplishment.”


Even Tom Izzo is lobbying for a strong turnout.

East Lansing – The division championship is taken care of and a trip to the Big Ten championship game is set for next week.

But that doesn't mean there is no reason to show up for No. 11 Michigan State's matchup with Minnesota on Saturday. At least, that's what coach Mark Dantonio is trying to get across.

"We need you there," he said at his weekly news conference on Tuesday. "If you're a Spartan, you need to be there. I'm not going to be mad, but if you can make it, come."

Empty seats have been a problem at many schools, Michigan State included, especially in the student section. And this weekend could be even more difficult with students on Thanksgiving break and temperatures expected to be in the 30s.

Dantonio hopes it won't be an issue for the final home game for 18 seniors.

"I've always tried to recognize the fans who come and not those who don't," Dantonio said. "I think it's important to recognize these seniors."

Basketball coach Tom Izzo has also had issues with crowds lately. He was upset last week after a victory over Portland when he saw empty seats at the Breslin Center. But he plans to be at Saturday's game along with his entire team, as well as the following week at the conference championship game.

"I understand about the weather, but I've sat in every rain game," Izzo said. "That's why God invented jackets. … But forget about coaches and everything else, the players have really rebuilt the base that maybe we had way back in the ’60s. They deserve (a big crowd). … I hope it is jam-packed."

From The Detroit News: http://www.detroitnews.com/article/20131126/SPORTS0202/311260084#ixzz2lsdE37L0

I love your enthusiasm... But you haven't been outside in Minnesota on Thanksgiving weekend, have you? =P

Good point. It's 55 here today, and by early next week the highs will reach 80. Perfect football weather.

Orange Bowl Reps will be at the game. The Spartans are very worried that Wisconsin will leap-frog them into a BCS Bowl Game if they lose to tOSU. They're also worried about how thousands of empty seats all hurt their chances too. That's why the ticket deal?

Hollis said Tuesday that Orange Bowl representatives will be at Spartan Stadium on Saturday. According to recent bowl projections, it appears the Miami-based game probably will go with the No. 2 Big Ten selection against the No. 2 ACC selection — provided, of course, Florida State advances to the national championship game.

The stadium could be at least a third empty Saturday, considering the combination of anticipated bad weather, a holiday weekend with students away from campus, and the relative insignificance of the Minnesota game in relation to the final standings. Might that negatively influence Orange Bowl officials?

“We’re hoping for a good turnout,” Dantonio said, “because we still have plenty of goals attainable that involve the outcome of this week’s game. This could give us an 11-win regular season. That’s a pretty important accomplishment.”


Cloudy with a high temp of 38 degree is considered bad weather in late November?

10-1 MSU allowing students to bring one free person to Gophers game, student or not

So they're not allowed to bring a slave?:rolleyes:

10-1 MSU allowing students to bring one free person to Gophers game, student or not

So they're not allowed to bring a slave?:rolleyes:

That's the first thing I thought of when I read that too...

Keep requesting to play last game on the road.


But why? We have an alumni base of I estimate 350,000+ and of these I am guessing 75 percent live in the metropolitan Twin Cities. So even over Thanksgiving break, one would hope we could fill TCF Bank Stadium when we are playing > .500 ball in Big Ten Conference play. A Golden Gopher home game last weekend of November is to our every advantage, not only with the alumni base in close proximity, but the cold weather is our friend.


But why? We have an alumni base of I estimate 350,000+ and of these I am guessing 75 percent live in the metropolitan Twin Cities. So even over Thanksgiving break, one would hope we could fill TCF Bank Stadium when we are playing > .500 ball in Big Ten Conference play. A Golden Gopher home game last weekend of November is to our every advantage, not only with the alumni base in close proximity, but the cold weather is our friend.

1. The team will play the same number of home games no matter when they are scheduled.

2. Do you really believe the Gophers have a cold weather advantage over teams from Wisconsin, Michigan, Penn or even Iowa? It's not like they are playing a team from the deep south or the L A Rams.

3. Are you sure the network announcers, with their constant yapping about MN weather, haven't gotten into your head?:cool02:

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