I don't expect a blow out tonight - here's why,,,


Active member
May 24, 2009
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I think this team is the best Gopher team I have seen in 20 or 30 years. I think by the middle of the second quarter it will become obvious that the Gophers are totally dominant. Never the less, I don’t expect a blow out tonight because I think the coaches will want to give the twos some work and evaluate some of the threes. Also I think they will want to give Leidner some real game experience. The BIG10 is a rough conference and it is possible than Nelson may miss a few games. I think Leidner will play in every nonconference game and even some of the BIG10 games during mop-up time. Final score = 35 -7.

A 28 point victory by our Gophers is a blowout. Hate to burst your bubble.

I think Kill is a little like Tressel in that respect. Not the tattoos or cheating, but in how he manages a game. I remember OSU would rarely blow people out, even MAC opponents and the like. Everyone would wonder how good OSU really was, but then they would just keep winning. I think Kill and Tressel have a similar approach to game management. (At least I'd like to think so!)

35-7 is definitely a blowout. Anything more than a 3 TD win is pretty much a blow out.

Nonsense! Someone recently posted some of NI's scores and Kill ran 'em waaay up. Besides, I think with our depth and the heat, the second teamers will be going up against a beaten down first team. Gophers roll against a bad UNLV squad.

anything over 21 (given the last td wasn't in garbage time) is definitely a blowout

Must agree with people saying your predicted score is a blowout. However, I think you are right about him going into the depth chart to give people playing time; this will happen no matter what due to the weather (unless the rain makes it cool way down).

I don't expect a blowout for the simple fact that this team hasn't consistently shown an ability to score a lot of points yet. They were like 105th in the country last year? And people are expecting them to roll up 30-35+ points against a veteran-laden UNLV defense? The Gophers scored more than 17 points ONCE, just ONCE, in 8 Big Ten games last year. A blowout requires that the winning team actually score a relatively large number of points.

UNLV will be mostly overmatched at many positions, but they are experienced. A convincing victory wouldn't surprise me, but I don't expect it in any way, shape, or form. I expect the first half to be a pretty good battle, with the Gophers depth and physical advantages to take over the game in the second half.

I'm thinking 27-17, but we'll see. I don't expect UNLV to score more than 13-17 at MOST, but I have no clue how many points the Gophers will be able to pile up.

Gopher's win by 30 and I win my FIRST predict the score week! mark it down...it has already happened in my head.

You can blow a team out without blowing them out on the scoreboard. If the game is comfortably in control and you clearly call off the dogs winning by a couple scores in that scenario is the same as blowing a team out by 50.

I just want to see us in control from the beginning and to not have to sweat the second half of the game hoping we can hold on.

I appreciate your optimism, but the 1999 squad (in my opinion) was the best Gopher squad in many decades and I'd be unbelievably enthused if this year's version is even close to that good.

Sigh... I guess you guys are right - three touchdowns should be considered a blowout but... I remember many, many games when the big boys would roll up 50, 60 even 84 against the Gophers. I guess what I was trying to say was this Gopher team is much better than people expect. Kill would be able to name the score (In the 84-13 game, Osbourne left the first team in until 1/2 way through the 4th quarter - I have hated Nebraska ever since then) but he is interested in building the team and preparing for the Big10 season. It will be clear early on that the Gophers are the totally dominant team but the score won't reflect that total dominance.

Good grief.

Hope we win!

Still wondering how we will score this year.

The thing to watch for: offensive line play. If we are not clearly superior, we are in trouble.

I appreciate your optimism, but the 1999 squad (in my opinion) was the best Gopher squad in many decades and I'd be unbelievably enthused if this year's version is even close to that good.

I saw that team, I remember that team and I think this year's team will be better. Let's hope I'm not as dumb as I look and that you are wrong. I would like to see you enthused!!! I think the next few games will tell the story - let's see what tonight brings/

Good grief.

Hope we win!

Still wondering how we will score this year.

The thing to watch for: offensive line play. If we are not clearly superior, we are in trouble.


This forum is pure comedic gold sometimes.

Gopher's win by 30 and I win my FIRST predict the score week! mark it down...it has already happened in my head.

We will make sure the GH Admin gets your address via PM to mail you the Gopher T-Shirt. :)

I saw that team, I remember that team and I think this year's team will be better. Let's hope I'm not as dumb as I look and that you are wrong. I would like to see you enthused!!! I think the next few games will tell the story - let's see what tonight brings/

Nothing in these first few games will tell us if this team is as good as the 1999 squad. We won't be able to make that call until the Big Ten season gets going. A very good sign heading towards Big Ten season will be if these non-conf games are cake walks.

I think this team is the best Gopher team I have seen in 20 or 30 years. I think by the middle of the second quarter it will become obvious that the Gophers are totally dominant. Never the less, I don’t expect a blow out tonight because I think the coaches will want to give the twos some work and evaluate some of the threes. Also I think they will want to give Leidner some real game experience. The BIG10 is a rough conference and it is possible than Nelson may miss a few games. I think Leidner will play in every nonconference game and even some of the BIG10 games during mop-up time. Final score = 35 -7.

Have to admit that the 28-point prediction was pretty accurate for a prediction that wasn't even close.

this is the way things should be when a Big Ten team plays a team like UNLV. They dominate, but are still left thinking they didnt dominate. Very good win. those 3 non offensive TDs took away from some of the offensive stats as well that some people seem worried about. That is 3 offensive possessions we did not have.

this is the way things should be when a Big Ten team plays a team like UNLV. They dominate, but are still left thinking they didnt dominate. Very good win. those 3 non offensive TDs took away from some of the offensive stats as well that some people seem worried about. That is 3 offensive possessions we did not have.

I disagree... teams like UNLV should be beaten & you should leave thinking you dominated them because you ARE supposed to dominate them...

I disagree... teams like UNLV should be beaten & you should leave thinking you dominated them because you ARE supposed to dominate them...

I left thinking that had the Gophers not gotten some huge plays from the special teams, it was a pretty even matchup. You?

I disagree... teams like UNLV should be beaten & you should leave thinking you dominated them because you ARE supposed to dominate them...

4 TD win, we dominated. There are obvious flaws, but I am fine with having flaws exposed that can be worked on while winning by 4 TDs.

I left thinking that had the Gophers not gotten some huge plays from the special teams, it was a pretty even matchup. You?
Those plays happened though....I suppose without those 3 non offensive TDs it would have been close, but if you take away the 2 TDs from Sherry, we still win by a significant amount.

I left thinking that had the Gophers not gotten some huge plays from the special teams, it was a pretty even matchup. You?

Yes... & I agree. That's probably why I'm slightly concerned is that we did seem evenly matched with them... but they're UNLV...

We scored 51. After halftime, the game was never in question. We sputtered out of the gate.

Do we have some work to do? Yes.

Did we score 50 and win by multiple TDs? Yes.

People, it's ok to have an opinion that lies somewhere in the middle. We're not terrible. We're not going to win the national championship.

Some questions were answered. Some were created.

4 TD win, we dominated. There are obvious flaws, but I am fine with having flaws exposed that can be worked on while winning by 4 TDs.

I love the win... & would rather win by 28 while playing with flaws then win by 3 while playing with flaws yes... but I guess being hyped about "Year 3" & it looks like we're going to still have "Year 2" problems down the line...

We scored 51. After halftime, the game was never in question. We sputtered out of the gate.

Do we have some work to do? Yes.

Did we score 50 and win by multiple TDs? Yes.

People, it's ok to have an opinion that lies somewhere in the middle. We're not terrible. We're not going to win the national championship.

Some questions were answered. Some were created.

Well put...

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