Doogie: Kirksey, Jacobs, Royston, and Lewis really held back this Claeys D last year


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Nov 11, 2008
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Doogie tweet: "I'm starting to think Kirksey, Jacobs, Royston, and Lewis really held back this Claeys defense last year. #gophers"

Go Gophers!!

Saying Lewis merely held back our defense is a massive understatement.

What's the point of ripping past players that put in blood, sweat and tears during their careers that saw 3 different head coaches and numerous changes in coordinators? C'mon Doogie.

Whatever, Doogie. Way to say that now. Why don't you thrown Tinsely under the bus too ... he was on the team. Fact is, nothing is going to be perfect the first time around in a new system. Yes, its possible the personnel didn't match the scheme but its really easy to say that now and I would add we have still not beaten anyone of substance yet. Not your best comment ever.

I think Doogie was tongue and cheeking it guys. I just read his tweets and he gave plenty of props during the game.

OK .. I will stand corrected if need be ... but what is the humor there? What is his point?

Thats either poor taste or just stupid. Those guys were all decent players sans Lewis but the reality was that they were the best we had at that point. Vereen, Thompson and Wells were all corners. Carter wasn't doing his homework. Perry and Amafoula were freshmen. Manuel was a backup safety, Whilite was still undersized and Hageman was still learning to play the position. Plus Johnson wasn't here yet

That's just an absolute bizarre tweet. Sometimes I don't mind Doogie, but then he has a tweet like this and it just makes you scratch your head. It's not only unnecessary but it's just flat out illogical.

#1: Hageman was on the team last year. If Kirksey and Jacobs were really "holding us back", shouldn't he be blasting the staff for not playing Hageman more last season.
#2: Michael Carter was on the team last year but he didn't have his head on straight. Wouldn't this year's version of Michael Carter have been awesome on our team last year? We didn't have him and that hurt a lot, what does Doogie do...blame the guys who played hard for 4 years for the Gophers. Now, i'm not saying to blame Carter, I'm thrilled he turned it around.
#3: Wilhite was on the team last year....was it Kirksey or Royston's fault that Wilhite is a considerably better player today than last year at this time?
#4: Stoud was hurt last season and he plays demanding position on our defense.

In my opinion, our defense is better for a variety of reasons...we have way better cornerback play (see #2 and #4), Wells has emerged as one of our best defensive players in years and our pass rush is great (see #1 and #3). Our defense is better because our younger players have really stepped up and some of the veterans have either stayed healthy or gotten their act together.

If Doogie feels the need to bash former Gopher players, why would he blast the starters? I mean for as much as Kirksey, Jacobs, Royston and Lewis held us back, they were 11 of the best defensive players on the team. If they weren't, he should be blasting the coaching staff. His tweet is a joke, it's his de-evolution into being Reusse-light and generating tweets through absurdity.

Agreed, strange tweet.....but Parski defending a media type?....The end of the world is truly in sight.:confused::confused:

Glad I'm monitored so closely ... it's more proof sarcasm doesn't translate on Twitter. It was a one-liner. Watched the game with a group of friends. All chuckled when I said it, so I went with it on Twitter. Lesson learned.

Or you could go with this is the second year with this staff and the fifth win. Didn't the Ill. game last year look similar with Kirksey, Jacobs, Royston, and Lewis playing. The question to me is, what happens if we improve more with a third year and even get better?

Doogie is a prick. Plain and simple. Your typical Twin Cities media type a hole. Kiss up to the precious pro sports franchises while ignoring all their transgressions and terrible play because he's too busy making searches for gopher athletes arrest records. That's journalism.

Glad I'm monitored so closely ... it's more proof sarcasm doesn't translate on Twitter. It was a one-liner. Watched the game with a group of friends. All chuckled when I said it, so I went with it on Twitter. Lesson learned.

Maybe a "#sarcasm" would be to your benefit next time.

Doogie is a prick. Plain and simple. Your typical Twin Cities media type a hole. Kiss up to the precious pro sports franchises while ignoring all their transgressions and terrible play because he's too busy making searches for gopher athletes arrest records. That's journalism.

I like Doogie and I think he works hard. I don't always agree with him, but he has put together more positive stories on Gopher players at Channel 5/1500 than most media members in this town combined.

Go Gophers!!

Glad I'm monitored so closely ... it's more proof sarcasm doesn't translate on Twitter. It was a one-liner. Watched the game with a group of friends. All chuckled when I said it, so I went with it on Twitter. Lesson learned.

Maybe you need some new friends!! #sarcasm (see, it works).

Glad I'm monitored so closely ... it's more proof sarcasm doesn't translate on Twitter. It was a one-liner. Watched the game with a group of friends. All chuckled when I said it, so I went with it on Twitter. Lesson learned.

The biggest lesson to be learned? Once you hit send, you can never get it back.

I don't even think it qualifies as sarcasm. It is merely a typical smart ass media comment that sells in a close circle of friends. If you thought it was kinda hip in a Fat A$$ manner, think again.

Glad I'm monitored so closely ... it's more proof sarcasm doesn't translate on Twitter. It was a one-liner. Watched the game with a group of friends. All chuckled when I said it, so I went with it on Twitter. Lesson learned.

Thanks for clarifying. No harm no foul.

Doogie is a prick. Plain and simple. Your typical Twin Cities media type a hole. Kiss up to the precious pro sports franchises while ignoring all their transgressions and terrible play because he's too busy making searches for gopher athletes arrest records. That's journalism.

We know each other? Glad to discuss your thoughts on me away from a message board with anonymity. Give me a ring at 651.642.4449.

When you have to explain the sarcasm usually that is a bad sign.

Although Doogie's post was not funny it should have been obvious to almost everyone that he was trying to be sarcastic. He failed miserably at it but that doesn't mean he should be ripped for it. Sarcasm is hard to get right - especially on the internet. Most people should use a smiley face as a safety net when they try to do it.

If you were trying out for a lead line for Sue or Patty they would have had column. Its the typical smart a$$ humor everyone heard in the locker room in junior high. If he had them laughing, were they in the press box? Maybe you could tell it to Coach Claeys and see if he sees the humor or better yet doogie send one out about Coach Frazier and see how it flys.

I like Doogie and I think he works hard. I don't always agree with him, but he has put together more positive stories on Gopher players at Channel 5/1500 than most media members in this town combined.

Go Gophers!!

BINGO ... I wouldn't lump Doogie in with Ruesse & Souhan

BINGO ... I wouldn't lump Doogie in with Ruesse & Souhan

The text is pure Patty. If Doogie thinks he has carte blanche with his text. Then he needs to hear its out of line. We don't read or care for Patty, and Doggie has chosen to text this little diddy and it is what it is. A shot at the program, the blood, sweat, and tears of last years team. As I wrote earlier, it he thinks its that funny. Try it out on Coach Claeys. Or Coach Kill. See how they like it.

When you have to explain the sarcasm usually that is a bad sign.

Not true, Butch. Sarcasm on a message board is worthless, because words speak for themselves and no tone of voice, gestures, etc. can be used to display sarcasm. Hence, all comments on a message board are to be taken seriously so as to piss everyone off.

Whatever, Doogie. Way to say that now. Why don't you thrown Tinsely under the bus too ... he was on the team. Fact is, nothing is going to be perfect the first time around in a new system. Yes, its possible the personnel didn't match the scheme but its really easy to say that now and I would add we have still not beaten anyone of substance yet. Not your best comment ever.

I will give Doogie the benefit of doubt on his intent on this one but I didn't like his inclusion of Royston in his list. Royston was our defense in 2012!:confused:

The defense had a lot of problems last year, I don't think any of those 4 were the main culprits. Royston was their best defensive player last year. Kirksey and Jacobs were solid, albeit not spectacular, in the middle, they also had nobody else ready to step in for either of them. Lewis played mainly due to injuries, he was less than stellar but they really had no other options. The big problem last year was the lack of a pass rush and a porous secondary, but like the rest of the team, they did play better as the season moved along.

It was people need to calm down! Like there is no sarcasm in the media or Gopherhole.

Glad I'm monitored so closely ... it's more proof sarcasm doesn't translate on Twitter. It was a one-liner. Watched the game with a group of friends. All chuckled when I said it, so I went with it on Twitter. Lesson learned.

Nice group of friends you have. Friends don't let friends use Twitter. At least during a game.

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