shooter: Gophers' next AD can win national titles, president says


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Nov 11, 2008
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"Gophers coaches, major donors and alumni told the committee that the new AD should have these attributes: disdain for mediocrity; strong communicator; skilled negotiator; strong fund-raiser (especially in the business community); a competitor; willingness to interact with business leaders, former athletes and other alumni; and, ideally, a former "M" letter winner."

Go Gophers!!

So what would these little birdies say if the last part (a former "M" letter winner) is the one thing the best candidate (i.e. strongly posses the other attributes) is lacking?

This is why provincialism is stupid.

So what would these little birdies say if the last part (a former "M" letter winner) is the one thing the best candidate (i.e. strongly posses the other attributes) is lacking?

This is why provincialism is stupid.

As you allude to, being an "M" man (or woman) really has no bearing on being a successful AD (here or anywhere else). The other attributes listed are applicable.

As you allude to, being an "M" man (or woman) really has no bearing on being a successful AD (here or anywhere else). The other attributes listed are applicable.

Hahaha, "(or woman)"... now that's funny. :)

I agree that we need to find the best candidate for the job but you cannot underestimate the hometown factors and their importance. Its the mentality that if we have an idiot in the job, at the VERY least he's our idiot.

That being said I think a letterwinner should be the gravy as opposed to the meat of the choice.

Having a connection to and a great love for the U of M may mean NOTHING to harry's ghost or GoAUpher...BUT, someone with those qualities may be the ONLY person who would have a chance to succeed in the job. b(s)jm had decided to attend Notre Dame over the University of Minnesota...lived in madison wisky for about 20 years and bled wisky red while he was employed at that hell-hole universiy...Sure, he was born a ranger...BUT...he totally rejected anything to do with the University of Minnesota for MOST of his life. He certainly NEVER really was or is " of us..." He will always be badger joel macturi...

So, we have TRIED ditching the provincialism that hiring someone with U of M ties and connections made us guilty of when "the great contract extender followed by a huge contract buy out artist, formerly known as badger stinking joel macturi..." was our acting ad for ten years...and counting. We didn't go provincialistic either with our last woman athletic director when we had an athletic director for the Women's Sports Programs. That NON-Provencial person, named pam voelz mostly had ties and connections to Illinois State, chicago-land and Oregon. That's about as NON-Provincial as you can get in Minnesota.

So, what the heck? I say: let's get provincial as all get out! Let's go with a guy with U of M...Twin Cities ties. With as many contracts to sign, buy out, legal issues, law suits and other "IN-COURT", not to mention off-court disputes and issues, our guy should have some abilities with the LAW. Let's make our guy someone who will always be associated with FOOTBALL in Minnesota. Yes...we could go with an All-American Football player like Bob Stein...OR...perhaps this might be the perfect role for Marc Trestman! Marc certainly was, is and always will be a football-guy! Bob Stein could certainly fit the bill...yet...Marc Trestman may be the perfect compromise candidate for prexy k! Certainly BOTH could adequately meet the criteria expressed by so many: "..."Gophers coaches, major donors and alumni told the committee that the new AD should have these attributes: disdain for mediocrity; strong communicator; skilled negotiator; strong fund-raiser (especially in the business community); a competitor; willingness to interact with business leaders, former athletes and other alumni; and, ideally, a former "M" letter winner..."

I never could back Marc Trestman for the Football Coaching job...BUT, after having lived through a decade of b(s)jm at the helm of the athleitc department, I want to POUND THE TABLE supporting Marc Trestman for AD. His Juris Doctorate awarded by the University of Miami, FL most certainly should satisfy any anti-provincialism freaks out there that Marc Trestman has a much more global reach than any average run-of-the-mill candidate who MAY be interested in this job search...This guy would be a GREAT candidate for this position! It is time to be provincial and it is time to be provincial NOW! Bring Marc Trestman back home to RUN the Athletic Department at the University of Minnesota. He wouldn't need a prexy to create a job for him. He'll negotiate everything he wants and needs and IF need be, will put on a full-court press...representing himself in any court in the land...

Thoughts? Comments? Discussions?

; 0 )

Screw provincialism. Get the best person for the job and no one will care if he (she) came from Mongolia, Mars, or WI. Well, maybe not WI.


per Shooter:

"Gophers coaches, major donors and alumni told the committee that the new AD should have these attributes: disdain for mediocrity; strong communicator; skilled negotiator; strong fund-raiser (especially in the business community); a competitor; willingness to interact with business leaders, former athletes and other alumni; and, ideally, a former "M" letter winner."

Go Gophers!!

Lou Nanne possesses all those qualities to a greater degree than anyone who comes to mind or has been mentioned. Very successful business man.

GoAUpher said:
So what would these little birdies say if the last part (a former "M" letter winner) is the one thing the best candidate (i.e. strongly posses the other attributes) is lacking?

This is why provincialism is stupid.

It's not like Pat Richter worked out for Wisconsin or anything!

Only half serious. I think it shouldn't be much more than a tiebreaker.

Kaler said he's committed to providing the necessary resources.

Mr. Kaler understands the value that successful teams bring to a university. IMO, his statement is huge and is an integral part in making football and basketball more competitive.

It will be interesting to see the Kaler version of providing the necessary resources compared to Bruininks and other past presidents. TCF came under Bruininks watch which was huge but the big three also struggled.

Somehow I feel that Kaler will actually get "it" done, get behind the coaches and pick the right AD who will put the pieces in place for us to succeed.

Lou Nanne possesses all those qualities to a greater degree than anyone who comes to mind or has been mentioned. Very successful business man.

He's 71 years old and in the past had many OCD issues. I think not.

I like Lou Nanne, and he would be a great candidate if it were 1992 instead of 2012.

I agree that we need to find the best candidate for the job but you cannot underestimate the hometown factors and their importance. Its the mentality that if we have an idiot in the job, at the VERY least he's our idiot.

That being said I think a letterwinner should be the gravy as opposed to the meat of the choice.

Just like buying a car. You make a list of the "Must have" attributes and a separate "Nice to Have's". Being a letterwinner is analagous to a power moonroof. It's kinda cool, but I'd rather have 0-60 in less than 6 seconds and 35mpg.

My only concern with this list is that "Disdain for mediocrity" thang. I guess being able to get along with the local media isn't necessary.

I love the "disdain for mediocrity" point. Really starts hitting at the type of person we need as AD.

I love the "disdain for mediocrity" point. Really starts hitting at the type of person we need as AD.

My previous kidding about this line aside, I totally agree. One could argue that this means we SHOULD bring in someone from outside the program. Other than a few of wrestling, hockey, and baseball teams, what former athletes have been part of a championship team here at Minnesota in the past 40+ years (I'm leaving out Clem's squads from the late 90's). Anyone who was on the 1967 football team would be looking south at 60.

That's not to say that any of the student-athletes who have attended the U since the 1970's didn't try their hardest or that they didn't excel, either in their sport, their studies, or life after college. But if you want to instill a championship culture here at Minnesota, I think you need to bring in someone who's been a part of such a culture. And unfortunately, that means it didn't happen here.

I like the "disdain for mediocrity" evaluation and I agree that changes need to be made. This University has jaw dropping resources at its disposal and should be able to compete and create winners.

We need to market the program better above all else in my honest opinion. The perception is always that Minnesota has been a doormat, an afterthought, too "nice" to be feared. Minnesotans have pride in their state but just seem not to show it often, and when we do it always seems to come in the form of 60-70 year old maroon and gold clad fans who can't bring themselves to stand up off the rocking chair much less on a 3rd down. We need to have young alumni be the ones replacing these season ticket holders in the future.

I'll be realistic and call out the students as well, I would've killed for the opportunity to have on campus football and have the whole Saturday experience. They need to go out and support their classmates on the field and on the court. We have 30k+ undergrads, and even a fifth (pun intended) of them can't drag their ass out of bed on a Saturday and start drinking? Puhlease.

That being said, the largest obstacle has been the administration no doubt. It all starts at the top and the commitment to excellence needs to be shared throughout the entire faculty and staff. Close off University on gamedays, turn TCF and the whole stadium village into a party on weekends, make Saturdays MEAN something.

The AD hire is going to frame the next decade or so of Gopher Athletics minimum, and I want to get off on the right foot. Having top-notch athletics in addition to academics makes for a powerful marketing combo, just ask Stanford.

Marc Trestman...the man...the coach...the man who could lead the Gophers out of the wilderness in the position as the new Golden Gopher AD! Wake up prexy k...HIRE Marc Trestman as your new AD and chief counsel. This man is a U of M graduate...a football attorney...a man who has worked for & with many great coaches. He has been a part of a college football national championship playoffs...CFL championships. Marc Trestman will return Gopher Revenue Sports to respectability, competetivness and he will NOT back off and he will NOT back down. He will overwhelm the local corporate community with his agressive salesmanship, his presence and football experince. Under Marc Trestman's directorship the revenue sports programs will come alive, will thrive and most certainly will prosper.

Read all about him! Get on board prexy k. This COULD BE your new AD man!

; 0 )

Honestly, with the "success" in football and men's bball over the last 40 years, I'd go so far as to say I'd rather not have an "M" man. I'd rather have someone from a different, successful culture. Yes understanding the Twin Cities and U of MN is important, but so is knowing where the system should be going. Everyone knows we want more wins, but unless you've experienced what that looks like first hand it's hard to figure out what exactly a winning culture is, let alone how to get there.

Marc Trestman...the man...the coach...the man who could lead the Gophers out of the wilderness in the position as the new Golden Gopher AD! Wake up prexy k...HIRE Marc Trestman as your new AD and chief counsel. This man is a U of M graduate...a football attorney...a man who has worked for & with many great coaches. He has been a part of a college football national championship playoffs...CFL championships. Marc Trestman will return Gopher Revenue Sports to respectability, competetivness and he will NOT back off and he will NOT back down. He will overwhelm the local corporate community with his agressive salesmanship, his presence and football experince. Under Marc Trestman's directorship the revenue sports programs will come alive, will thrive and most certainly will prosper.

Read all about him! Get on board prexy k. This COULD BE your new AD man!

; 0 )

For the love of mud. This post makes it look like you're trying to make fun on yourself. Just stop.


Just stop.

imthewalrus said:
Marc Trestman...the man...the coach...the man who could lead the Gophers out of the wilderness in the position as the new Golden Gopher AD! Wake up prexy k...HIRE Marc Trestman as your new AD and chief counsel. This man is a U of M graduate...a football attorney...a man who has worked for & with many great coaches. He has been a part of a college football national championship playoffs...CFL championships. Marc Trestman will return Gopher Revenue Sports to respectability, competetivness and he will NOT back off and he will NOT back down. He will overwhelm the local corporate community with his agressive salesmanship, his presence and football experince. Under Marc Trestman's directorship the revenue sports programs will come alive, will thrive and most certainly will prosper.

Read all about him! Get on board prexy k. This COULD BE your new AD man!

; 0 )
Are you the guy that everyone calls Wren?

Are you the guy that everyone calls Wren?

imthewalrus, Parski1.

I have officially gone on record supporting Marc Trestman for the lame duck athletic directorship position that is currently opening up at the University of Minnesota. If prexy k wants the job done...and done WELL, he will attempt to convince Marc Trestman to take the position. Marc is the right man for the job and this is the RIGHT TIME for Marc Trestman to come to the University of Minnesota. He is not an M Man, he IS a graduate and he is a FOOTBALL MAN. He can hang his shingle at the U and will be able to talk a LOT of football talk on the fund-raising trail. That is what is needed for this job!

Can we count on you for your support for Marc Trestman, Parski1? Join the Trestman for AD Movement now! Mark Trestman can lay down the law within the athletic department at the University of Minnesota.

; 0 )

To the original point of the thread, I agree with it. I agreed with Brew when he said he was excited to bring the Gophers to Pasedena. Brew failed miserably, but I really believe that the Rose Bowl should be our goal.

Winning the Big Ten Conference NEEDS to be our goal Bob_Loblaw. Get the Big Ten Title and the rest will all fall into place. Keep it simple. The Big Ten Title means EVERYTHING!

; 0 )

Winning the Big Ten Conference NEEDS to be our goal Bob_Loblaw. Get the Big Ten Title and the rest will all fall into place. Keep it simple. The Big Ten Title means EVERYTHING!

; 0 )

That's what I meant about the Rose Bowl....

Our goal every season should be winning the Big 10....thus going to the Rose Bowl. (I suppose with some of the BCS nonsense that isn't always a gurantee, but that was my point with saying the Rose Bowl).

I want us to at least qualify to participate in the Amish Bowl in Intercourse, Pennsylvania.

Dr.Don said:
I want us to at least qualify to participate in the Amish Bowl in Intercourse, Pennsylvania.
Intercourse, Pennsylvania - come on!

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