How old is too old?


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2008
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First I want to preface this by saying that I understand some 55 year olds run circles around 45 year olds. There are people who have incredible energy for their age and people who age prematurely.

That said, I feel like the Gophers job is going to require a ton of energy, especially in the first two years. The new coach is going to need to hit the ground running from a recruting standpoint as this class BADLY needs more speed. In addition to recruiting, there will be demands from the media and the importance of marketing himself and his program to a fan base that is showing very little interest in Gopher football. I worry about a Fullmer or Bellotti at 60 years old and a couple years out of the game being able to meet these demands. Once the program got established and talent was coming in and the fan support was there, I'd be far less worried about an older coach.

I wouldn't mind an older coach, get the program back on it's feet and then prepare for an orderly transition to the new coach when he retires. A coach that is young and ambitious may take this job, but a coach who is getting a little up there in years may be reluctant, if it doesn't work out here will they be able to get another job? It's been a lifetime since the last coach Minnesota has fired has gone onto a new HC position.

it's qualifications, not age. We need a coach who can hire and train his successor, young coaches rarely do that.

Two old is only if a coach is unable or unwilling to put in the effort to recruit. For example: Glen Mason was to old.

it's qualifications, not age. We need a coach who can hire and train his successor, young coaches rarely do that.

Passing the baton is a lot more pleasant that stumbling around to pick it off the ground. People keep saying that this team has no talent, but I am not sure about that. It may well just need better coaching. Next year's coach may get a lot more out of the talent we have. It's not going to be ab overnight turnaround, but should be a pleasant improvement.

No no, the joke last week was that you were coach Brew. We didn't get your victory predication last week and put 2 and 2 together.

No no, the joke last week was that you were coach Brew. We didn't get your victory predication last week and put 2 and 2 together.

Sorry, I was thinking of AdamWeberfor... guy. Sorry, we will win this week?.

As I get older, I start to ponder the opposite question. How young is too young?

:D Need a rimshot emoticon.


I think Maturi meant a well established proven winner whose people will float his name for every good that comes up at a major university until he gets exactly what he wants for his program without having to wait his turn in line. However, I have been accused of reading to much into things in the past. :)

This is the formula I use, where X equals your current age:

X/2 + square root of X = Y

if Y < 21, than round up to 21. If you're a younger person, make sure you consult your age-of-consent wallet card and be aware of what state you are in.

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