Patrick Reusse's 2023 Turkey of the Year (Ben Johnson honored, doesn't win)


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
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Per Pat:

Ben Johnson: The Chairman is not yet calling for Johnson's removal as Gophers men's basketball coach. Yet, he's already made Season 3 a fiasco by having the athletic department pay nearly $700,000 to bring in six no-appeal teams for nonconference games. There were fewer than 4,000 observers in Williams Arena for Tuesday night's awe-inspiring victory over Arkansas-Pine Bluff. Turkey Schedule of the Year.

Go Gophers!!

There is always next year. 2024 should be a slam dunk for him to win

Another year where Minnesota's top sports award is being the worst at what you do - and awarded by a cynical old guy whose schtick revolves around imitating a Grumpy Old Men scene. Kinda makes ya wonder...

@CPTMidnight that’s who reads — the paper version, still having it delivered — the STrib.

You write what you think your audience wants to read, not what’s actually reasonable.

I'm guessing, but I believe he listed a bunch of worthy candidates and chose the Wild's ticket buying fans.
He gave it to the Wild Franchise for 20 Years of Playoff failure.

This Wild Turkey is for you, ticket buyers. You have deserved so much more.

I'm actually really surprised that anyone reads him any longer.

I thought he retired.

Honestly, if he was never linked here again, I would not notice he was gone, and I would not ever think about him in the future. He is non-existent to me.

As an aside, it would not surprise me in the least that he will read this in the next day or two. Patrick, you were a talented writer 20 or 30 years ago. To imagine that former talent being used to troll, or to extract an emotion to fabricate a situation where you can enjoy your own schadenfreude is an indictment on how you view the final, golden years of your own life. And that is a pretty shit way to live your life.

I hope your remaining days are as pleasant as you are.

I'm actually really surprised that anyone reads him any longer.

I thought he retired.

Honestly, if he was never linked here again, I would not notice he was gone, and I would not ever think about him in the future. He is non-existent to me.

As an aside, it would not surprise me in the least that he will read this in the next day or two. Patrick, you were a talented writer 20 or 30 years ago. To imagine that former talent being used to troll, or to extract an emotion to fabricate a situation where you can enjoy your own schadenfreude is an indictment on how you view the final, golden years of your own life. And that is a pretty shit way to live your life.

I hope your remaining days are as pleasant as you are.
He is read enough to be signing a 2 Year Extension with the Strib through 2025.


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