Eight key Gophers football players are ready for their close-up


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Nov 11, 2008
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Per Randy:



Quite simply, no one will impact how the Gophers fare this season more than Kaliakmanis, the third-year sophomore who’s entering his first full season as Minnesota’s starting QB after replacing injured veteran Tanner Morgan. After facing an intimidating first start at Penn State on White-Out night, Kaliakmanis acquitted himself well, leading a second-half surge to beat Nebraska, engineering a fourth-quarter comeback to secure Paul Bunyan’s Axe at archrival Wisconsin and heating up in the Pinstripe Bowl win over Syracuse before leaving with an ankle injury.
Be it with his strong right arm or his nimble feet, the Antioch, Ill., native is poised to bring a balanced pass/run split to a Gophers offense that’s been heavily reliant on the rushing game. Kaliakmanis is growing as a leader, taking the reins of an offense with multiple weapons.
“He’s got a little of this moxie, this ‘X’ factor that he can create,” coach P.J. Fleck said.

Go Gophers!!

I believe Athan will be like a 4 step forward, 1 step back for a bit in the first game. Hopefully the 1 step back type errors won't be critical. He has much potential to be a game changer.

A secondary meaning, for sure, but actually a pretty common secondary meaning: to have conducted oneself in a certain way. Usually used in conjunction with the adverb "well."

Good job googling and copy/pasting!

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