New B1G, new budgets and new sports?


Well-known member
Sep 25, 2009
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as the B1G gets B1gger, will athletic budgets increase, will new sports be added, or will the new B1G coalesce around a minimum number of sports?

will the west coast teams add wrestling?
will legacy B1G schools add beach volleyball?

Since the left coast joined the B1G yesterday, I had to find a forum that was a reflective of conference, and you guys seemed like a great fit!
O and Dub will not be getting an increase in our athletic budgets, our take in 2022 was $37 mil per team, which is about what we'll be earning in the B1G (actually less given increased travel) next year, so don't count on us adding wrestling to the mix until the next media rights deal in 2030.
I'm going to miss the Pac-12, but I'm definitely looking forward to competing weekly with the B1G.

I think mostly, no. B1G will just spend more on current. And eventually will put players on salary.

Since the left coast joined the B1G yesterday, I had to find a forum that was a reflective of conference, and you guys seemed like a great fit!
O and Dub will not be getting an increase in our athletic budgets, our take in 2022 was $37 mil per team, which is about what we'll be earning in the B1G (actually less given increased travel) next year, so don't count on us adding wrestling to the mix until the next media rights deal in 2030.
I'm going to miss the Pac-12, but I'm definitely looking forward to competing weekly with the B1G.
thanks for the info. and welcome to the gopher forum. admittedly, you've stumbled into the best team forum in the bigten

fortunately i went to the 2003 Sun Bowl and not the 1999 one.

lastly, delighted to have another bottom of the food chain critter in the bigten. Welcome!

I doubt we will see much in the way of additional sports being added in the immediate future. Also, I think if any sports get added down the road, it is likely going to be things like mens soccer or lacrosse, or schools finally field teams they don't have where they are the only school not participating (e.g. Wisconsin baseball, USC softball, etc.).

I doubt we will see much in the way of additional sports being added in the immediate future. Also, I think if any sports get added down the road, it is likely going to be things like mens soccer or lacrosse, or schools finally field teams they don't have where they are the only school not participating (e.g. Wisconsin baseball, USC softball, etc.).
No mens sports, title IX.

No mens sports, title IX.
Yes, good point. Some schools might need to add a womens sport if adding a mens sport for Title IX compliance, making it less likely anything is added.

I doubt we will see much in the way of additional sports being added in the immediate future. Also, I think if any sports get added down the road, it is likely going to be things like mens soccer or lacrosse, or schools finally field teams they don't have where they are the only school not participating (e.g. Wisconsin baseball, USC softball, etc.).
I do hope they add men's soccer and women's LaCrosse. I am definitely PRO for adding sports even though it seems unlikely in the current system.

USC needs a softball team IMO. They could then add a wrestling team.

I would be supportive of Lacrosse. Otherwise, let's not spread budgets further with more sports.

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