Season Ticket Renewal Rate


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2008
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Charley Walters reports in today's Pioneer Press that "The Gopher football program reports season ticket renewals of nearly 95%.

I had hoped to add two tickets. The ticket office said they'd let people known in June.

I think the answer will be "no".

While this may be what the Gophers are reporting, I spoke with someone with intimate knowledge of the ticket situation just YESTERDAY who said that the renewal rate is currently 87%. The 95% may be what they ultimately achieve but as of yesterday they aren't close to that. FWIW.

While this may be what the Gophers are reporting, I spoke with someone with intimate knowledge of the ticket situation just YESTERDAY who said that the renewal rate is currently 87%. The 95% may be what they ultimately achieve but as of yesterday they aren't close to that. FWIW.

Clyde, Was he an ESPN guy?:)

Just from talking to people I know who had tickets last year I have a hard time believing the 95% number.

Just from talking to people I know who had tickets last year I have a hard time believing the 95% number.

So you've found at least 2,000 people who aren't renewing? You really know people!

It sounds like they'll have to hire someone to stop the tumbleweeds from affecting play in what will likely be a ghost stadium.

Just from talking to people I know who had tickets last year I have a hard time believing the 95% number.

It's possible that Clyde's estimate is correct and the 95% figure takes extra ticket requests from renewing Saeson Ticket holders into account.

Or eveybody's wrong!

Clyde, Was he an ESPN guy?:)

No - I don't know anyone at ESPN.

I think that they are still contacting non-responders for ticket renewals - so after they track people down (e.g. snowbirds, forgetful folks, undecided folks, etc.) they might in fact get the number up closer to that 95%.

I'm not sure what renewal % would be considered good - 90%? 95%? No idea what other programs have seen after year 1 in a new stadium. I know that they are asking those who choose not to renew why they have made that decision. It would certainly be interesting to see a summary of those responses.

Yes they are contacting the non-repsonders, and apathetic

Those of us that are procrastinators, and have foot draggers in our groups are getting the phone calls. Got the call yesterday, have to call them back by today to let them know your in. So far collected three checks and mine so all four of us are in even though it was like pulling "teeth" to get everyone to commit again. Check's in the mail today. My buddy said he has never been this "down" on Gopher football even during the Mason years. The outside crap and news stories are affecting people and a lot of fellow fans are really down on Brew. This could be a tumble weeds year unless the Gophs get off to a hot start. Our group has the same pairing of seats since 1996, and one season 1993. People have kid's now and other priorities I guess.

Just a lot of apathy and feeling of the directionless coaching staff, to a lot of haters for Maturi from fellow fans. I try to hang my hat on the recruiting but not getting a lot of buy-in after this last class. Who know's maybe we catch lightening in a bottle this fall with Lamonte Edwards at tailback or one of the other guy's we need it. Seem's like a big kid that can shed tackles hopefully he stay's healthy and out of the current blotter mode, knock on wood.

Just from talking to people I know who had tickets last year I have a hard time believing the 95% number.

He knows three people (including himself) and one didn't renew (including himself)...

A somewhat related question: for those of us who submitted request for seat upgrades, will we get called and asked if we want to accept certain seats, or will they just move us on their own?


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