PP: UMN marching band prepares for an unprecedented season


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Nov 11, 2008
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In addition to their plumed hats, this year’s members of the University of Minnesota marching band will wear masks, and so will their instruments.

Go Gophers!!
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Band will need to get creative to keep the players excited.

Given what I've seen from sports that have started playing. I really don't think that there is going to be a marching band at any game this year. I don't even think that fans will be there. I can't imagine that having 50+ people blowing in every which direction and emptying their spit valves on the ground is going to fly.

I could maybe see a socially distanced drum line.

If attendance is limited to say 25%, the band spread out into the student section. Which might actually be a cool effect.

Great, background checks coming for deadly weapons. Trumpets with spit valves.

Given what I've seen from sports that have started playing. I really don't think that there is going to be a marching band at any game this year. I don't even think that fans will be there. I can't imagine that having 50+ people blowing in every which direction and emptying their spit valves on the ground is going to fly.

I could maybe see a socially distanced drum line.
Did you read the article? Band members will cover their mouths AND the ends of their instruments (see http://www.unitedsound.org/mask for some concepts of how this works) meaning your first point is taken care of.

As for spit valves, it would be a learning curve, but I would expect something were you have to go inside and empty you spit valve in a designated place to reduce potential spread being implemented.

My kid is currently auditioning for the marching band. From what I know I am not optimistic that the band will be playing live at any football games...if there even are football games.

My kid is currently auditioning for the marching band. From what I know I am not optimistic that the band will be playing live at any football games...if there even are football games.
Man that's rough.

Yeah, if there aren't fans I don't see the band performing unless there is is some sort of deal figured out where the Pregame show and Halftime are televised with the game. Otherwise they are performing for no one, and I don't see just playing in the stands for the team as enough of a reason to go through all the trouble.

If there are fans, I expect there to be a band in some form.

To me this makes no sense. They won't be able to be in their stands because of social distancing. Plus, on the field they will not be able to march because just the 6' bubbles will take up most of the field. Not to mention, there probably won't be fans anyway. Just pipe in music for a year.

Did you read the article? Band members will cover their mouths AND the ends of their instruments (see http://www.unitedsound.org/mask for some concepts of how this works) meaning your first point is taken care of.

As for spit valves, it would be a learning curve, but I would expect something were you have to go inside and empty you spit valve in a designated place to reduce potential spread being implemented.

Ah yes, the ultra-hygienic communal spit pool.

Ah yes, the ultra-hygienic communal spit pool.
I mean, they could clear spit into a large garbage can, and then sanitize their hands and instrument afterward . . . I don't see how that isn't a viable solution?

I mean, they could clear spit into a large garbage can, and then sanitize their hands and instrument afterward . . . I don't see how that isn't a viable solution?

That's okay because I'm sure that most other people do.

That's okay because I'm sure that most other people do.
How about you explain it to me? Like honestly if I am missing something please tell me.

And please don't say something like "It's obvious" or "You wouldn't understand" because that helps no one.

How about you explain it to me? Like honestly if I am missing something please tell me.

And please don't say something like "It's obvious" or "You wouldn't understand" because that helps no one.
All you have to do is post stupid smart a*s sh*t and you can fit 'right in' on this message board.

How about you explain it to me? Like honestly if I am missing something please tell me.

And please don't say something like "It's obvious" or "You wouldn't understand" because that helps no one.

Using instruments that create aerosol sprays of spit during the middle of a pandemic that spreads via aerosol sprays of spit is a bad idea. Of all the aspects of game day, that one should come back last.
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I had the privilege of being in one of Betsy's concert bands at school, and she is easily one of the best directors I have ever had. I'm sure she and the rest of the staff are doing their absolute best to allow the band members to have some kind of marching experience this fall, despite the increasingly bleak outlook college football is having.

Using instruments that create aerosol sprays of spit during the middle of a pandemic that spreads via aerosol sprays of spit is a bad idea. Of all the aspects of game day, that one should come back last.
The instruments will be covered to prevent the aerosol spray, we've been over this...

I had the privilege of being in one of Betsy's concert bands at school, and she is easily one of the best directors I have ever had. I'm sure she and the rest of the staff are doing their absolute best to allow the band members to have some kind of marching experience this fall, despite the increasingly bleak outlook college football is having.
Good to hear! Band directors are often overlooked for a few years. Looking for good things from her!

I had the privilege of being in one of Betsy's concert bands at school, and she is easily one of the best directors I have ever had. I'm sure she and the rest of the staff are doing their absolute best to allow the band members to have some kind of marching experience this fall, despite the increasingly bleak outlook college football is having.
Along with you, we have several recent various Band alum posting out here.

The instruments will be covered to prevent the aerosol spray, we've been over this...

There is no way those work. If you put it on the mouthpiece then you're still spraying your spit around you. If you put it on the end of the instrument then you're still dumping your spit on the ground and splashing after every song. There is no way to blow into a trumpet without blowing spit everywhere. Same with a flute. Same with any other instrument that relies on blowing the contents of your lungs into it to make a noise.

There is no way those work. If you put it on the mouthpiece then you're still spraying your spit around you. If you put it on the end of the instrument then you're still dumping your spit on the ground and splashing after every song. There is no way to blow into a trumpet without blowing spit everywhere. Same with a flute. Same with any other instrument that relies on blowing the contents of your lungs into it to make a noise.
I take it you didn't follow the link I provided earlier then, because it has solutions for basically every potential problem you brought up (images from http://www.unitedsound.org/mask):

mask 1.jpg
This prevents the brass players from spraying spit around themselves from their mouthpiece.

mask 2.jpg
This bell cover prevents "aerosol spray" from coming out the end of the instrument.

mask 3.jpeg
A version of this for every woodwind instrument would prevent spit from spreading after coming out of the holes in the instrument.

Like I said earlier for clearing spit from brass instruments, a process where the musician leaves the stands and goes to a designated area alone to clear their spit into a deep sink or garbage can and then disinfect their hands and the outside of their instrument would prevent spread from clearing their spit.

Now you did point out 1 potential problem that isn't explicitly covered, flutes, as they have a gap between their mouth and the mouthpiece. However I believe you could likely modify the first mask shown above in such a way to accommodate that and still allow the instrument to be played.

What about any of that specifically won't work?

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