Man, I didn't know how close U & Penn.St. were in stats!

Yeah well when you ask where our signature win is, or ask how we do against ranked teams...that line of thinking always makes me wonder “how do you enjoy being a Gopher fan?”. And I think it’s a legitimate question for all the overly pessimistic Gopher fans out there. How do you call yourself a fan by being so negative and quick to **** on getting hyped when the Gophers start showing any signs of promise? I’ve seen horrible games too, been going to every home game since 1997. All the bad/mediocre seasons I’ve seen haven’t crushed my spirits enough for me to start saying “well yeah they’re 8-0, but I wanna see a win against someone good first”. Like how about just enjoy the damn ride. You’ve never seen 8-0 in your lifetime, guaranteed. I hate the negativity. Why even post on GH if all you want to be is a Debbie Downer? Only answers that come to my mind are that you hate your life, or you want to stir the pot.

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Yes, we get it. All “real” fans should act as you do. If they don’t they “are not worth talking to”, not a true fan, and must have a miserable life. That’s a great way to look at things.

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The Irish that looked bad against VT? Yeah I wouldn’t call beating the always overrated ND as a signature win

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Nice hot take. You may not like it, but they completely dominated a top 10 ranked team with a high ranked SOS. Gophs have their chance Saturday.

All we can do is beat the teams they put in front of us. Penn State’s best win is against an offensively challenged Michigan team with a massive home field advantage, and they needed a dropped TD pass by a Michigan WR to avoid OT. Don’t get me wrong, I think they’re a good team.

Gopher fans sure seem to get a lot of enjoyment from talking up opposing teams, and downgrading their own. It’s fine, just a little strange.

I really don't get your or mjfelton15 take here...preemptively discounting the Gophs win/loss against PSU. What will your take after the game...they beat/lost to a highly overrated team? So you won't consider beating PSU a signature win?

PSU has the #2 scoring defense in the nation...gee, maybe that had something to do with Mich offense in that game. Nobody is scoring on them. They are a damn good team offensively too, ranked just ahead of the Gophs in scoring.

It’s the type of game that could come down to a turnover, or an untimely penalty. I’m pretty confident Fleck will have the team fired up and ready to play. I won’t rule out a blowout win.

I just can’t believe anybody who follows college football would think the Gophers could “blow out” Penn St. Do you know anything about Penn St? Have you watched them? This isn’t a team ranked 60th or worse like pretty much all of the Gophers opponents to this point. This is the #5 ranked team in the country. Just an itty bitty difference. If anything, this will be an extremely hard fought win.

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One stat that could be a huge advantage for us, we’re one of the least penalized teams in the Big Ten and Penn State is one of the most. We could end up winning by playing a clean game like Fleck usually has this Gopher team playing.

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I agree, a holding call or such can completely change a game. How much does a team's reputation impact the ref's calls during a game? Ideally it shouldn't, but in reality it must make some difference. A ref will know the recent history of a team, and that's gotta play a bit into how they view the game - at least at a sub-conscious level. In my limited experience of being a ref in soccer games, the coaches from both teams would make sure to let us know which players on the other team were hacks so we could watch them more closely to make the calls. There's a reason coaches would do that, to obviously try to influence calls during the game. Back in Claey's tenur, we had a reputation for targeting, and refs seemed to be watching us more closely for targeting than the other team. Any close call would go against us, and that reinforced that reputation that we targeted, and the calls continued to go against us. Although it seems a little strange on the surface, I think Fleck's policy of having players always hand the ball to a ref makes a difference in us getting a bit more favorable calls during the game. It just shows a bit more respect towards the refs versus letting them pick up the ball or tossing it to them.

I get that people can look at our resume and wonder just how good this team is, we haven't been tested, well the test is Saturday and that's exciting. We have some extremely dangerous offensive weapons, with a balance that Penn State hasn't seen yet this year, add a competent defense and the match up gets intriguing. This is why the game is so exciting we will finally get a measure for what the ceiling of this team is, win and the path to the West title is easy, lose close, still doable, get blown out, 1-2 the rest of the way is likely.

Yes, we get it. All “real” fans should act as you do. If they don’t they “are not worth talking to”, not a true fan, and must have a miserable life. That’s a great way to look at things.

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I want to know how you’re a fan if all you can do is pick a team apart and find things to **** on. I’m just sick of Gopher fans being pessimistic. it’s toxic and it’s that kind of bs, and our fans leaving in the 3rd quarter when we’re winning, that drives me nuts. What other fan bases do that? because I don’t see them.

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I want to know how you’re a fan if all you can do is pick a team apart and find things to **** on. I’m just sick of Gopher fans being pessimistic. it’s toxic and it’s that kind of bs, and our fans leaving in the 3rd quarter when we’re winning, that drives me nuts. What other fan bases do that? because I don’t see them.

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You are continuing to prove my point. You have a certain way that you expect someone to act if they are a “real” fan. It just so happens to be exactly how you act. Sorry Dude, that is just ridiculous.

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I agree, a holding call or such can completely change a game. How much does a team's reputation impact the ref's calls during a game? Ideally it shouldn't, but in reality it must make some difference. A ref will know the recent history of a team, and that's gotta play a bit into how they view the game - at least at a sub-conscious level. In my limited experience of being a ref in soccer games, the coaches from both teams would make sure to let us know which players on the other team were hacks so we could watch them more closely to make the calls. There's a reason coaches would do that, to obviously try to influence calls during the game. Back in Claey's tenur, we had a reputation for targeting, and refs seemed to be watching us more closely for targeting than the other team. Any close call would go against us, and that reinforced that reputation that we targeted, and the calls continued to go against us. Although it seems a little strange on the surface, I think Fleck's policy of having players always hand the ball to a ref makes a difference in us getting a bit more favorable calls during the game. It just shows a bit more respect towards the refs versus letting them pick up the ball or tossing it to them.
While I agree somewhat with your take on handing the ball to the refs could possibly impact the refs approach to penalties, I believe it has a higher meaning in creating men who do things for others because its the right thing to do.

It's a very small thing on it's own, but if it generates a lifetime of trying to help others by showing respect and trying to make their lives easier or better, then the players will live a happier and better life themselves.... It fits right into Fleck's M.O. of coaching in all aspects of a players life...boys to good men!

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You are continuing to prove my point. You have a certain way that you expect someone to act if they are a “real” fan. It just so happens to be exactly how you act. Sorry Dude, that is just ridiculous.

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My only expectation is for “fans” to not **** on an 8-0 team and shoot down other fans for being in dreamland right now that the Gophers are in uncharted territory. What’s the purpose of ****ting on people that want to be excited and happy? That’s what sports are about aren’t they? Maybe I misunderstood the purpose behind being a fan of a team, my Dad must have done a bad job raising me in that area.

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You are continuing to prove my point. You have a certain way that you expect someone to act if they are a “real” fan. It just so happens to be exactly how you act. Sorry Dude, that is just ridiculous.

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I’m going to start a thread titled “For the Pessimistic Gopher”. It will be so we can streamline all the bitching into one thread, that way all the pessimists, skeptics, Debbie downers, naysayers, etc. can congregate in one big crap on the 8-0 Gophers together. they can talk about how we haven’t played anyone good, they can talk about Fleck leaving, they can talk about how good the remaining schedule is and how we’ll be lucky to go 1-3, they can talk about how tickets are too expensive and not worth buying for the biggest game since the 60’s. All in one big thread, instead of infecting all the other threads.

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Yeah well when you ask where our signature win is, or ask how we do against ranked teams...that line of thinking always makes me wonder “how do you enjoy being a Gopher fan?”. And I think it’s a legitimate question for all the overly pessimistic Gopher fans out there. How do you call yourself a fan by being so negative and quick to **** on getting hyped when the Gophers start showing any signs of promise? I’ve seen horrible games too, been going to every home game since 1997. All the bad/mediocre seasons I’ve seen haven’t crushed my spirits enough for me to start saying “well yeah they’re 8-0, but I wanna see a win against someone good first”. Like how about just enjoy the damn ride. You’ve never seen 8-0 in your lifetime, guaranteed. I hate the negativity. Why even post on GH if all you want to be is a Debbie Downer? Only answers that come to my mind are that you hate your life, or you want to stir the pot.

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You've completely missed the point. A fan is a fan despite the record, good or bad. Being a fan doesn't mean you're incapable of being realistic about the team. You're confusing fan with fanatic.

I’m going to start a thread titled “For the Pessimistic Gopher”. It will be so we can streamline all the bitching into one thread, that way all the pessimists, skeptics, Debbie downers, naysayers, etc. can congregate in one big crap on the 8-0 Gophers together. they can talk about how we haven’t played anyone good, they can talk about Fleck leaving, they can talk about how good the remaining schedule is and how we’ll be lucky to go 1-3, they can talk about how tickets are too expensive and not worth buying for the biggest game since the 60’s. All in one big thread, instead of infecting all the other threads.

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Great idea. You can then avoid everyone who doesn’t act and think like yourself. Don’t limit this to fandom tho - strive for that in your whole life. Filter out everyone that doesn’t act or think like you. Life would be great then.

You simply don’t get it. Kinda sad.

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Great idea. You can then avoid everyone who doesn’t act and think like yourself. Don’t limit this to fandom tho - strive for that in your whole life. Filter out everyone that doesn’t act or think like you. Life would be great then.

You simply don’t get it. Kinda sad.

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You don’t think the overwhelming majority of people should be positive and glad right now? What have the 8-0 Gophers not done for you Spoofin? I don’t really think anyone is justified in being negative right now. I understand negativity if we’re speaking of other seasons where the Gophers blow wins they should have easily had. This isn’t one of those seasons yet. So tell me your reasoning for supporting the bitching from fans of an 8-0 team.

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You've completely missed the point. A fan is a fan despite the record, good or bad. Being a fan doesn't mean you're incapable of being realistic about the team. You're confusing fan with fanatic.

Realist and pessimist are two different things.

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You don’t think the overwhelming majority of people should be positive and glad right now? What have the 8-0 Gophers not done for you Spoofin? I don’t really think anyone is justified in being negative right now. I understand negativity if we’re speaking of other seasons where the Gophers blow wins they should have easily had. This isn’t one of those seasons yet. <b>So tell me your reasoning for supporting the bitching from fans of an 8-0 team. </b>

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Because I don’t think there is a “right” way or a “wrong” way to be a fan. Everyone has their opinion and this message board is designed to be a place to express it. Argue and debate if you don’t agree, but your expectation that everyone do things the way you do is absurd. That same mentality outside of sports has been at the root of some of the World’s biggest tragedies.

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Because I don’t think there is a “right” way or a “wrong” way to be a fan. Everyone has their opinion and this message board is designed to be a place to express it. Argue and debate if you don’t agree, but your expectation that everyone do things the way you do is absurd. That same mentality outside of sports has been at the root of some of the World’s biggest tragedies.

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Yeah, but this is a sport. Not a world issue. Not a religion. Not politics. It’s meant to be strictly fun and competitive. I’ll never understand the insane negativity, and I don’t see it amongst other fan bases the way I do with Gopher fans. How do these negative fans sleep at night with all the complaints they have about an undefeated team? Will they be happy with a national championship, or find something about that to criticize?

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Because I don’t think there is a “right” way or a “wrong” way to be a fan. Everyone has their opinion and this message board is designed to be a place to express it. Argue and debate if you don’t agree, but your expectation that everyone do things the way you do is absurd. That same mentality outside of sports has been at the root of some of the World’s biggest tragedies.

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Sure their is Spoo. "ON ANY GIVEN DAY" You should always think your team should win, no matter the odds, until PROVEN otherwise!

Man, I didn't know how close U &amp; Penn.St. were in stats!

I really don't get your or mjfelton15 take here...preemptively discounting the Gophs win/loss against PSU. What will your take after the game...they beat/lost to a highly overrated team? So you won't consider beating PSU a signature win?

PSU has the #2 scoring defense in the nation...gee, maybe that had something to do with Mich offense in that game. Nobody is scoring on them. They are a damn good team offensively too, ranked just ahead of the Gophs in scoring.

WTF are you even talking about? You think I was preemptively discounting a win against a top 5 team? Really? Were you drinking when you wrote that?

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I really don't get your or mjfelton15 take here...preemptively discounting the Gophs win/loss against PSU. What will your take after the game...they beat/lost to a highly overrated team? So you won't consider beating PSU a signature win?

PSU has the #2 scoring defense in the nation...gee, maybe that had something to do with Mich offense in that game. Nobody is scoring on them. They are a damn good team offensively too, ranked just ahead of the Gophs in scoring.

It’s a signature win in terms of us beating the #5 team, but I think people are over playing the skill difference between the two teams. I see so many people saying how Penn State is an 8-0 power house, but we’re 8-0 and it’s debatable if we deserve to be ranked #13 due to our schedule. I don’t see I huge difference in schedule strength, their best win is against Michigan. They won by 7. They beat Iowa, yet to be determined how good Iowa is. Personally I think Iowa is lucky to be ranked where they are. I think Penn State should probably be ranked closer to us, or us closer to them. and I think our teams are very similar in talent and skill. I think it’ll be a close game. I can see it going either way, and I won’t be pissed at a loss or shocked at a win. I just want to enjoy the ride. Hoping like crazy for a win, mentally prepared for a loss. This team has already gone above and beyond what I expected to see of them starting with the win against Wisconsin last season.

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I don’t really get Spoofin’s schtick either. I think I can remember when he wasn’t such a glass half empty fan. He is a very active poster and quick to be negative.

I heard Johnny Athletic say something about Fleck recently. He said, while on the Barrero show, to back up the truck and pay Fleck when the time is right because Fleck has had success, AND because he is a rare coach that has enough positivity to overcome a very cynical media and fan base. It is going to take a while to turn around the local fan base and I hope that it happens.

Yeah, but this is a sport. Not a world issue. Not a religion. Not politics. It’s meant to be strictly fun and competitive. I’ll never understand the insane negativity, and I don’t see it amongst other fan bases the way I do with Gopher fans. How do these negative fans sleep at night with all the complaints they have about an undefeated team? Will they be happy with a national championship, or find something about that to criticize?

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I see - you are open minded on important topics, just not sports. Well, hopefully you get your wish of all posters who are being fans wrong getting relegated to their own threads so you don’t have to see them. Then they can talk amongst themselves and you will only have to deal with those that see things the same way as you. If you are really lucky this can all happen before you turn 12.

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I don’t really get Spoofin’s schtick either. I think I can remember when he wasn’t such a glass half empty fan. He is a very active poster and quick to be negative.

How am I a glass half empty fan? I haven’t been negative toward the Gophers. I predicted us to be 8-0 and win 9+ games this year. I also don’t have an issue if folks want to be negative about certain things. This stupid quest for all positivity has been an ongoing issue for years on GH.

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How am I a glass half empty fan? I haven’t been negative toward the Gophers. I predicted us to be 8-0 and win 9+ games this year. I also don’t have an issue if folks want to be negative about certain things. This stupid quest for all positivity has been an ongoing issue for years on GH.

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I dunno. It seems like during the first almost two years of Fleck you were quite negative. Maybe his personality rubbed you wrong, but I got the sense you were hoping for him and the team to fail.

The Gophers will be focused and I doubt seriously they will embarrass themselves. That doesn't translate into a win, but it does give them a legitimate chance. As a fan, its all I can ask for.

I dunno. It seems like during the first almost two years of Fleck you were quite negative. Maybe his personality rubbed you wrong, but I got the sense you were hoping for him and the team to fail.

I don’t like PJ. Not really a secret. I have most certainly been negative about PJ. That’s a big no-no on this site because that’s not how “real fans” feel.

Truth is that doesn’t have anything to do with being a Gopher Fan. I’ve been a Gopher Fan for over 4-decades, graduated from the U, donate to the U, and I have never once in my life wanted them to fail. Not in football or in anything else. So ridiculous to say that. I have posted a lot of positives about our B1G wins, our recruiting, our academics, and even our coaching - but again, I don’t like PJ so none of that really matters on here.

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I see - you are open minded on important topics, just not sports. Well, hopefully you get your wish of all posters who are being fans wrong getting relegated to their own threads so you don’t have to see them. Then they can talk amongst themselves and you will only have to deal with those that see things the same way as you. If you are really lucky this can all happen before you turn 12.

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I never said people can’t have their own opinions. Never said people can’t be negative. I obviously deal with people being negative, I remain involved on these forums. I’m saying it’s just pathetic to be so negative and we should just streamline it elsewhere into one big rant board, because I don’t understand why people like to rain on any parade that someone tries to start. Find any upbeat thread title, and not even 10 comments into it you’ll find someone ready to shoot the entire OP down. I think there are just some really unhappy people that find their way to these forums. I’m 27 by the way, I’ve been a Gopher fan for 2 decades, and I’ll never become one of these negative Nancy’s, I’m not a bitch.

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I never said people can’t have their own opinions. Never said people can’t be negative. I obviously deal with people being negative, I remain involved on these forums. I’m saying it’s just pathetic to be so negative and <b>we should just streamline it elsewhere into one big rant board, </b>because <b>I don’t understand why </b>people like to rain on any parade that someone tries to start. Find any upbeat thread title, and <b>not even 10 comments into it you’ll find someone ready to shoot the entire OP down. </b>I think there are just some really unhappy people that find their way to these forums. I’m 27 by the way, I’ve been a Gopher fan for 2 decades, and I’ll never become one of these negative Nancy’s, I’m not a bitch.

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The bolded parts above continue to show you just don’t get it. You say you do, maybe think you do, but you don’t. Message boards are not a place to expect everyone to think just like you. Their point is discussion and debate between differing opinions. You may be 27 but suggesting we segregate people that don’t think the same way you do is pretty childish.

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Sure their is Spoo. "ON ANY GIVEN DAY" You should always think your team should win, no matter the odds, until PROVEN otherwise!

Can't believe I'm siding with Talon on this one.

But I also feel people can feel how they want and express their opinion here freely.

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