Total Apathy


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2008
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I struggled with whether it's numbness or apathy, but I've settled on apathy. I don't care who they hire. I don't care how awful this recruiting class is (and it will be awful). I don't care that half the team is transferring. And I don't care that we'll be fielding a team of walk-ons next year. I also know I won't be spending one cent to support that team. My guess is there is a lot more folks in the same frame of mind.

"Wake me up when September ends."

Without a seriously big hire (and I'm not sure PJ qualifies) I expect that to be the case.

I think a lot of folks looking for TC's head weren't coming anyway and some of whom were coming ... might not now.

Not that it makes the decision right or wrong, but apathy looms over this program until someone makes it go away. Firing TC just invites it.

I'll be at every game, but without a seriously big splash, I'm not sure I'll be waiting in line for food or anything.

Coyle's ticket sales comment and comments about big games might come back to haunt him if he doesn't play is card's right.

Without a seriously big hire (and I'm not sure PJ qualifies) I expect that to be the case.

I think a lot of folks looking for TC's head weren't coming anyway and some of whom were coming ... might not now.

Not that it makes the decision right or wrong, but apathy looms over this program until someone makes it go away. Firing TC just invites it.

I'll be at every game, but without a seriously big splash, I'm not sure I'll be waiting in line for food or anything.

Coyle's ticket sales comment and comments about big games might come back to haunt him if he doesn't play is card's right.

Coyle set his expectations incredibly high with his big game comments. He will eat thise words and fire whoever he hires within 5 years for not winning those games. They gave Claeys no support and he beat who he was supposed to beat and was getting closer on the others then just pulled the plug without giving the guy the support or a chance. How the heck do you expect a guy to win those games that soon?. How do you expect him to recruit without a long term deal?. They handcuffed him from the beginning and didnt care.

Coyle set his expectations incredibly high with his big game comments. He will eat thise words and fire whoever he hires within 5 years for not winning those games. They gave Claeys no support and he beat who he was supposed to beat and was getting closer on the others then just pulled the plug without giving the guy the support or a chance. How the heck do you expect a guy to win those games that soon?. How do you expect him to recruit without a long term deal?. They handcuffed him from the beginning and didnt care.

Honestly I think ticket sales, big game, 4th quarter comeback.... I think he just gleaned that from internet comments and thought it would help his case.

But, nobody cares if he gives that lip service if he doesn't pull through. This is like Brewster's talk all over again...

Ironically I think Coyle might be more clumsy about PR as Tracy, but just in a different way.

Honestly I think ticket sales, big game, 4th quarter comeback.... I think he just gleaned that from internet comments and thought it would help his case.

But, nobody cares if he gives that lip service if he doesn't pull through. This is like Brewster's talk all over again...

Ironically I think Coyle might be more clumsy about PR as Tracy, but just in a different way.

If you go into it with your mind already made up it is easy to interpret comments pretty much any way you want to.

I struggled with whether it's numbness or apathy, but I've settled on apathy. I don't care who they hire. I don't care how awful this recruiting class is (and it will be awful). I don't care that half the team is transferring. And I don't care that we'll be fielding a team of walk-ons next year. I also know I won't be spending one cent to support that team. My guess is there is a lot more folks in the same frame of mind.

"Wake me up when September ends."

Apathy is definitely a major problem for this program right now but that Apathy was there under Claeys as well so not sure this decision is going to change that much. Coyle needs to find the guy that can energize the fanbase and win games, not sure who that is or if the U can find him but that is what this program desperately needs.

If you go into it with your mind already made up it is easy to interpret comments pretty much any way you want to.

Coyle needs to communicate better then.... dude has been pretty quiet.

Let's see what he has up his sleeve.

I have problems believing he thought TC was the ticket sales problem... so yeah I don't buy that.

If he thinks he has a world beaters team that can not drop a 4th quarter lead / win big games for sure, not sure about that evaluation from a "I'm 0-0 as a coach" guy either.

Honestly I think ticket sales, big game, 4th quarter comeback.... I think he just gleaned that from internet comments and thought it would help his case.

But, nobody cares if he gives that lip service if he doesn't pull through. This is like Brewster's talk all over again...

Ironically I think Coyle might be more clumsy about PR as Tracy, but just in a different way.

Or he just attended and watched the games.

Or he just attended and watched the games.

Just this year?

It's a pretty high bar to set, we've gone through a lot of coaches who haven't jumped over it.

I think he was just piling on for reasons. I don't buy that was it. Not with the bowl game.

The best we can do is a Kill type hire. I don't recall how far down the list he was but that's the best Coyle can do if that.

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Big name coach? Such quixoticism. 1. Big name coaches already have big time jobs at big time football schools. 2. Big time coaches aren't interested in a school that's not interested in football. 3. Big time coaches don't need to improve their resumes by salvaging a sunken program. 4. Big name coaches don't need a pro market where their program is behind four, five, six other programs in town in fan and media interest. 5. Big time coaches don't need the headache of trying to recruit to a scandal-prone school. We Gopher fans have learned to expect very little of our program -- I'm afraid we're going to have to settle for even less.

Coyle set his expectations incredibly high with his big game comments. He will eat thise words and fire whoever he hires within 5 years for not winning those games. They gave Claeys no support and he beat who he was supposed to beat and was getting closer on the others then just pulled the plug without giving the guy the support or a chance. How the heck do you expect a guy to win those games that soon?. How do you expect him to recruit without a long term deal?. They handcuffed him from the beginning and didnt care.

Brewster and Mason 2.0 Same problems and similar results with rivals. You don't hire a coach with no HCing experience in recruiting crunch time and expect him to have everything in place from day one. They knew Mason need more support to beef up the defensive side of the ball and upgrade facilities.

I am nolonger confident that even a Saban could come in here and right the ship. I am beginning to believe some at a very high level want this to be a failing venture. Or at the maximum an mediocre program.

Team will need to be electric on offense to make people interested. Winning / Losing the close / defensive games will continue to drive people away.

Suspect Coyle will be gone in two years. He has alienated his base to appease a group that no interest in funding sports.

Hopefully I am wrong but I see no positive long term.

Coyle set his expectations incredibly high with his big game comments. He will eat thise words and fire whoever he hires within 5 years for not winning those games. They gave Claeys no support and he beat who he was supposed to beat and was getting closer on the others then just pulled the plug without giving the guy the support or a chance. How the heck do you expect a guy to win those games that soon?. How do you expect him to recruit without a long term deal?. They handcuffed him from the beginning and didnt care.

Coyle will not be around in five years.
His problems go beyond Football. Many in the Media are already disgusted with him.

I struggled with whether it's numbness or apathy, but I've settled on apathy. I don't care who they hire. I don't care how awful this recruiting class is (and it will be awful). I don't care that half the team is transferring. And I don't care that we'll be fielding a team of walk-ons next year. I also know I won't be spending one cent to support that team. My guess is there is a lot more folks in the same frame of mind.

"Wake me up when September ends."


I struggled with whether it's numbness or apathy, but I've settled on apathy. I don't care who they hire. I don't care how awful this recruiting class is (and it will be awful). I don't care that half the team is transferring. And I don't care that we'll be fielding a team of walk-ons next year. I also know I won't be spending one cent to support that team. My guess is there is a lot more folks in the same frame of mind.

"Wake me up when September ends."


Go Hawks Go! (My new adopted team.)

That's how far I've been driven away from my beloved Gophers:cry:

My chili certainly ain't hot... :(

This program is just floundering around and going through the exact same type of shat it's been going through since I first became a fan as a very young boy. That's been 40+ years ago and counting, and yes, it does get really, really old.

Team will need to be electric on offense to make people interested. Winning / Losing the close / defensive games will continue to drive people away.
I take it you were a diehard fan of Jim Wacker.

Wow, you all would be a blast to hang out with. Probably complaining because the hoops team didn't win by enough on the road at NW tonight.

There won't be a mass exodus of players, most of the recruits who had committed and Fleck (likely) or Miles wants will still come. Many thought we'd have a terrible class last year with Kill going down and Tracy stepping in. It turned out pretty good.

The Gophers will get a coach that most of the rest of the public not on Gopherhole will see as an upgrade, and I say that being a strong supporter of the past staff.

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Go Hawks Go! (My new adopted team.)

That's how far I've been driven away from my beloved Gophers:cry:

If you are now an Iowa fan, sir, your purported "love" for the Gophers was merely superficial. Hope you enjoy that boorish, delusional crowd.

Wow, you all would be a blast to hang out with. Probably complaining because the hoops team didn't win by enough on the road at NW tonight.

There won't be a mass exodus of players, most of the recruits who had committed and Fleck (likely) or Miles wants will still come. Many thought we'd have a terrible class last year with Kill going down and Tracy stepping in. It turned out pretty good.

The Gophers will get a coach that most of the rest of the public not on Gopherhole will see as an upgrade, and I say that being a strong supporter of the past staff.

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Thank you for supplying some balance to the litany of hopeless posts that preceded yours.

I struggled with whether it's numbness or apathy, but I've settled on apathy. I don't care who they hire. I don't care how awful this recruiting class is (and it will be awful). I don't care that half the team is transferring. And I don't care that we'll be fielding a team of walk-ons next year. I also know I won't be spending one cent to support that team. My guess is there is a lot more folks in the same frame of mind.

"Wake me up when September ends."

Dear Mr. Sparlimb- Your grim post surprises me. I'm used to reading upbeat and enthusiastic contributions. I understand your disgust with administration but am hopeful you will come back to the fold.

Thank you for supplying some balance to the litany of hopeless posts that preceded yours.

Who's hopeless? Speaking for myself, I am far from hopeless, and if I did ever get to that point of feeling like all hope was lost, well then I'd stop following the team altogether, as life is way too short for that. I am just incredibly upset with the way the whole situation was handled with Claeys and suspect that I will feel that way probably forever. That unfortunate feeling tends to override all else, and the reality is the two sh*tbirds remain in place at the top, Kaler and Coyle, and meanwhile we're looking once again towards our newest and latest 'savior', whomever that might be. It's just like a tape loop, ya know, where the names, faces, and details might change, but at heart it's just the same thing being repeated over and over and over again.

Hell no I haven't lost hope, as I will be rooting for the Gophers just as fervently as ever come September, but that will not lessen nor change the anger and bitterness I feel toward how Claeys and his staff were treated here at the very end. That will always make me feel sick, because it was so, so wrong.

Wow I am so excited for Brew Crew 2.0

Dear Mr. Sparlimb- Your grim post surprises me. I'm used to reading upbeat and enthusiastic contributions. I understand your disgust with administration but am hopeful you will come back to the fold.

I'm assuming this was a joke? Sparlimb is one of the most negative posters here. This whiny "look at me" thread is very typical.

Coyle set his expectations incredibly high with his big game comments. He will eat thise words and fire whoever he hires within 5 years for not winning those games. They gave Claeys no support and he beat who he was supposed to beat and was getting closer on the others then just pulled the plug without giving the guy the support or a chance. How the heck do you expect a guy to win those games that soon?. How do you expect him to recruit without a long term deal?. They handcuffed him from the beginning and didnt care.

You nailed it. If the new coach doesn't exceed next season what Claeys did this season the I expect him to be fired. I would also expect Kaler to fire Coyle assuming Coyle doesn't resign because of his high standards.[emoji6]

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Coyle and Kaler didn't handle this situation all that well, but if you guys have been listening to Mason on Barreiro, one of his strongest points in this whole mess is the need for stability. The U has gone through Presidents and Athletic Directors at a rate much faster than your average major university over the past couple of decades and that lack of stability filters down through the whole school, including the athletic department. What this place needs now is a five years of the stability so we can see how things play out instead of starting a new round of higher-ups needing "their guy" in place below them. What we will probably get instead is an activist Board of Regents, a hyperactive Legislature, various offices within the University, and a persnickety media stirring the pot and keeping the place in chaos.

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