What Mariano Sori-Marin had to say at Media Bowl Day.


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Sep 3, 2019
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Q. Can you explain the concept of rowing the boat to anybody who might not know?

Rowing the boat is the never give up mantra. Never give up. You got the boat, the energy, the oar, everything you look up to. It's really never giving up. Keeping your eyes forward and going forward. Row the Boat. The bowl experience is awesome. We've just had so much fun back here in Arizona.

Q. Have you had a chance to look at West Virginia on film? What stands out?

They have playmakers all over the field. They have explosive playmakers. They have running backs, that makes it difficult for our defense to defend all those things. They also have the wildcat quarterback. They like to mix looks and do things we might not see all the time in the Big Ten. It's going to be a challenge defending the pass game as well as the run game.

Q. How do you feel prep has gone this week with the bowl game? You guys got down here Thursday.
Bowl prep has been tremendous. With bowl prep, we got a jump start on West Virginia last week, and we were able to carry that over into this week. It has just been tremendous. They are a really good football team. Their quarterback is phenomenal. They have really good backs, their O-line is good. It's going to be a great challenge for us.

We're excited for that challenge. I felt like our week of preparation has been great leading up to this game. We've been able to enjoy it in the sun. It's a little different environment than our indoor facility, so we're happy to just be able to come together and enjoy this bowl experience.

Q. A couple bowls got canceled today because of COVID concerns. I suppose you guys have been more diligent than normal.

Yeah, and that's a credit to our medical staff. We're doing all the right things on the field, off the field, making sure that we're staying safe and staying healthy so we can play this great game that we love. And that's just a testament to this team. We value this game. We value each other's safety and things like that, we make sure we do all the right things.
It comes with selflessness. You have to make sure -- if one guy doesn't do the right things, you can

have some spread. We've had zero cases. It's just a testament to the players.

Q. Was it a situation where you fell back to last year during the height of it?

For sure. The biggest way to avoid that is, like I said, doing all the right things that our training staff and medical staff has put in place for us. If we stay together and stay close-knit, we're not going to bring in outside people, that's how we stay safe.

Man these kids really buy in to the culture. You could've substituted Fleck's name in that interview for MSM and not known the difference. Maybe sprinkle in "elite" instead of tremendous though 😂

Interesting that in rowing a boat you are moving forward (or the direction you want to go) but you are looking at where you've been...;)

I have to admit, MSM has won me over. I was his biggest critic last year but I can tell he works hard and has put his heart/soul into the team. I'm glad he's a Gopher!

A united team that plays for each other is a dangerous team. They are the sum of all their parts.

Saw him at Tony’s Diner a few weeks before class started. Let’s just say that he does not lack confidence.

And I don’t mean that as a pejorative.

MSM sounds like PJ.
I love it - great leader and it reaffirms for us more jaded veterans, that type of positivity is embraced and needed for young men maturing into adults

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