We're now in the Curtis Thomas/Clint Brewster/Harold Howell portion...

UpNorth, you sound like you are becoming a bit unhinged.

Smoke a heater, kick your dog, or do something passive aggressive (re-watch the movie Fargo if you do not know what that means) so you can calm down.

If hard work in your world equates to sleeping on an air mattress in your office and micro-managing shoe colors and helmet paint, then ol' Brew was a great success.

In my world those actions are signs of an out of touch person who has not clue on what matters. In that regard, Brewster and Maturi were on the same page.

On the other post, if Brewster had coached another 13-15 years, then he might have made it to that magical 32 Big Ten win mark you so frequently fixate on.

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