Tonight's National Anthem and "The Barnyard Singers"

Singing along is fine but doing it in a way that is intentionally done to stand out above others by saying the words in a weird way and get laughs from it is wrong. I hope you weren't burning flags. :)

That's pretty much all i have to say about this those, gents and gals. I'm not going to argue with you guys over it. People know they were wrong and I hope it doesn't happen again for the sake of the rest of our fans, visitors, and the U of M. Sing along loud and proudly and do it in a respectful way. You guys are adults or close to it and should know what is acceptable. Enough said.

Singing along is fine but doing it in a way that is intentionally done to stand out above others by saying the words in a weird way and get laughs from it is wrong. I hope you weren't burning flags. :)

That's pretty much all i have to say about this those, gents and gals. I'm not going to argue with you guys over it. People know they were wrong and I hope it doesn't happen again for the sake of the rest of our fans, visitors, and the U of M. Sing along loud and proudly and do it in a respectful way.

You're not speaking to the right people then. You're message isn't going to get out speaking to those of us that sat in the front row and sang along to the best of our abilities. That being said, if you think its us you're absolutely wrong and I'm not going to argue that anymore.

None of us were saying the words in a "weird way"...if you want to go with weird, go with the way the actual singers sang it. When hardly anyone can hear them or keep up with their terrible tempo. it's kind of difficult. Next time maybe we should all just be dead quiet and kind of zone out like all the other zombies in the place right?

Hey, I thought the singers did a great job. I think this discussion has been driven into the ground. Mocking the anthem isn't cool. Maybe the first row didn't do it, but some of the students definitely did somewhere in that section. It just needs to not happen again. Because not only does the anthem deserve respect, but so do the singers. They were just kids on a big stage, and I thought they were excellent.

I love this spin job. You two are coming across like the little spoiled kids you are. Trying to cover your sorry asses after getting caught acting like idiots.

-We were trying out best. Really!
-It was the weirdos singing it in harmony and all slow that sucked.
-It wasn't us in the front row. It was those other people.

All a bunch of sh!t. The entire front of the student section was yelling and laughing. They all jumped around and screamed "home of the GOPHERS" together and, unless they are complete idiots, had to know they were way ahead of the anthem being sung (and sung well, according to many).

And yes, Tubbytown. Next time shut your cakeholes during the National Anthem if that's the way you try to respect it. Better yet, stay home next time.

Spoiled? I bet you weren't out plowing snow this morning until 7 am only to go to a boring lecture afterwards.

Why don't you come down to the front row on Saturday and say that to our faces?

I love this spin job. You two are coming across like the little spoiled kids you are. Trying to cover your sorry asses after getting caught acting like idiots.

-We were trying out best. Really!
-It was the weirdos singing it in harmony and all slow that sucked.
-It wasn't us in the front row. It was those other people.

All a bunch of sh!t. The entire front of the student section was yelling and laughing. They all jumped around and screamed "home of the GOPHERS" together and, unless they are complete idiots, had to know they were way ahead of the anthem being sung (and sung well, according to many).

And yes, Tubbytown. Next time shut your cakeholes during the National Anthem if that's the way you try to respect it. Better yet, stay home next time.

I don't know if I can take something this stupid seriously. So did you not sit in the student section? If you're going to spin and accuse the entire student section for the actions of just a few, then it goes both way. The crowd outside of the student section is usually very quiet. So if you sit outside of the student section GoGoGophers, then you should just stay home and give your tickets to someone who will actually cheer. Stay home next time.

The National Anthem is awesome when sung by the audience! Not sung for you! The best is when the pep band plays it and the crowd will the sing along!!! If they have to have someone sing it - then Ross U. the ex football player is the best hands down!

Again, the focus of this topic has shifted.

No one has had a problem with the actual singing of the students in the past, so I wonder why there was an incident just this one game? Maybe its the singers who can't sing a little louder, be a little clearer, or sing a version of it that most of us would know?

-You're right, nobody does have a problem...if you sing it right.

-Don't blame the singers...I was able to hear them, and believe it or not, I was in the student section, not far from 110. Amazingly enough, I heard it just fine. This whole idea that you couldn't hear them is baseless, and anyone who banks their argument based on this is grasping at straws.

-Further, if you don't like their rendition, tough. It's with it. It still gives people no reason to ruin it. They're doing it different, but that doesn't make it wrong or bad, just different.

-If you're having trouble following their rendition, just stop singing. Listen to it, and wait for your cue to shout for the Gophers.

-Again, sing along every chance you get, but do it right. And if you can't, then don't. One of the other guys that I go with to the games sings along, and only sings one note...I have no problem with it.

The fact is, you knew you were off, it was painfully obvious. Nobody's blaming anyone specifically, but there was a faction that did it, knew they did it, and did it - in my opinion - on purpose.

Spoiled? I bet you weren't out plowing snow this morning until 7 am only to go to a boring lecture afterwards.

Oh my! A college student plowing snow early in the morning and then sitting in class for the rest of the day. How does your body survive the strain? I meant your reactions have been childish and spoiled in this thread, I have no idea if that carries over into your every day life.

And listen, Tubbytown, I've been attending (and cheering at) Gopher games long before you got your cute little student tix and jumped on the Tubby bandwagon, and will no doubt be there long after you are gone. You're a mere blip on the Gopher fan radar, son.

And listen, Tubbytown, I've been attending (and cheering at) Gopher games long before you got your cute little student tix and jumped on the Tubby bandwagon, and will no doubt be there long after you are gone. You're a mere blip on the Gopher fan radar, son.

Go ahead and think whatever you want of us :)

All I can say is that as a member of the student section, I was embarrassed by what occurred during the National Anthem. I know of other people around me who were embarrassed by this as well. People on the board are embarrassed by what happened.

Now, regardless (or as Timmy Brew would say "irregardless") of what the front few rows intentions were, it is obvious that what occurred offended and embarrassed many people.

I understand that the rendition may not have been one you liked, but the song has been performed in many different styles over the decades. Some you can sing along to and others you can't. If you are going to sing, sing with the performer. If you find it hard to sing with the performer, maybe then you just sit out that time or sing quietly to yourself. Trust me,you'll get your chance to hear and sing the song again.

Once again, I am not saying you intentional did anything, just that what occurred did offend and embarrass many people and that in the future if the situation arises again, people choose another course of action.

As a fellow student section member, I thought it was ridiculous and embarrassing to have that occur during the national anthem. The "home of the GOPHERS" has always been fine, but to shout gophers and start cheering when they are at "and the home..." is foolish. If fans would like to sing along, obviously that is commendable. The key word is sing--not try to shout out loud and scream it to draw in attention. You're just making an ass of yourself. However, hopefully this is a one time occurrence, because it was embarrassing to be sitting near the front 10-odd rows.

Let's quit beating a dead horse. This has become like taking sides on women arguing about whose boobs are bigger. Either way, everybody is on the same team :)

How many different people need to say the exact same thing on this topic?

If you're not one of the people who was the problem, then what do you care?

I thought it was really disrespectful as well, I was in the student section but I wasn't close enough to grab the guys and get them to be more respectful, and yelling at them during the anthem would probably only make the situation worse. Hopefully the punks won't show up again, but if they do they'll realize that it's not "take me out to the ball game", let the guest singers sing the Star Spangled Banner, if you like singing it so much sign up to do it yourself.

Oh my! A college student plowing snow early in the morning and then sitting in class for the rest of the day. How does your body survive the strain? I meant your reactions have been childish and spoiled in this thread, I have no idea if that carries over into your every day life.

And listen, Tubbytown, I've been attending (and cheering at) Gopher games long before you got your cute little student tix and jumped on the Tubby bandwagon, and will no doubt be there long after you are gone. You're a mere blip on the Gopher fan radar, son.

I'll still be going to game's long after you've seen your better days.

I'll still be going to game's long after you've seen your better days.
Shoot, once you hit 60, every day you wake up is a "better day." ;)

I'm planning on holding onto my season tickets for at least 18 more years so I can take "Grandson-of-Snowman" to a few games a year. Maybe longer if we have a few more grandchildren. I've already been practicing banging my cane against the oxygen tank in rhythm to The Rouser ... the Alma Mater is more difficult. :rolleyes:

Please put this subject to rest. National Anthem Ethics says: "If a band plays, remove your hat/cap, place hand over heart, and sing along. If there is a live performance of the National Anthem, remove hat/cap, place hand over heart, and listen while singing the Anthem to yourself, if you so choose." It is very simple to do it right.

FWIW, Dick the Announcer (who I like just fine) generally invites folks to sing along regardless of whether it's being sung by others or not. IIRC, ditto when the Gopher men's hockey team plays.

If we're not careful, this thread will surpass the "Iowans caught in bathroom" thread on the football side. :eek:

You're no prude. That was over-the-top offensive and embarassing. I wonder what the visiting players and their party thought. We don't come off well as a community with jerk-holes pulling crap like that. I'm pretty liberal about people expressing themselves, but disrespect to the flag and the country is a horse of a different color. I've always felt that should be some sort of criminal offense.

Thumbs down to you, Barnyard animals. Booooo. Middle finger.

Next time maybe we should all just be dead quiet and kind of zone out like all the other zombies in the place right?

now that might not be such a bad idea tubbytownusa. it was really sad to see those kids trying to finish the anthem with the student section, of which i am a part, acting like immature 7th graders. i agree with you that it wasn't everybody but nobody said anything including me. i am sorry. And i apologize to the university, to the fans and especially to those kids.

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