Tim Doyle is a douche!


I am certainly not some Kentucky fan. That's actually good humor. I went to my first game at Williams Arena when I was about 10 or 11, back in the early 80s. I've probably seen 200 Gophers games at Williams Arena. Was there when Ricky Birdsong went into the stands. Was there when Vo went crazy in that OT game against Iowa. Was there when VG went off against Wisconsin and when Kevin Burleson threw it to the tuba player against Illinois. I'll be there Wednesday night and Saturday morning.

But I am also a bit skeptical by nature and try to look at things without being a homer. I try to have perspective the way Selection Sunday does.

I think Tubby has done a very good job getting the Gophers back to a point where they are again on the radar and are above average. I still think this team/program has work to do before it is in position to fight for a Big Ten title.

There are two things that drive me crazy, however. The first is constant whining about the officials. The second is this idea that there are all of these members of the media that are biased against a team or program or whatever. Knowing a number of people who are reporters and working somewhat in the communications field in my real work, I truly believe that almost all of those people really work hard and try to be fair. My biggest thing is whether these people are accurate, or close to accurate. I don't think Tim Doyle was inaccurate the other night. The reality is that the Gophers have been sliding backwards for more than a month.

Teams, companies and individuals largely get what they deserve in the media. If they play well or perform well, they are showered with praise. When they don't, they get hammered. It doesn't matter if it is the Gophers or Target or Best Buy or a politician. I just find that calls of bias are made when people don't like what is being said or don't like what is happening. At the same time, nobody really says "So and so is biased towards my team. We're not playing nearly as well as they say we are."

So Ky, that's my take. But you can think whatever you'd like.

Anonymous, just remember to come on here and shower the Gophers with praise when they win instead of only popping up when they lose.

Also, I never said BTN was biased. I said Tim Doyle was. He's as biased as Spencer was against the Badgers. The commentary after the Illinois game was not the only instance. He's always accentuated the negative anytime talking about the Gophers. And yes, Louisville was a long time ago, but a win is a win is a win. If we would've lost the Louisville game, you would've been on here crowing about how the Gophers haven't beat any good teams. All non-conference games are a long time ago, so I'm not sure why that's somehow a factor.

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