The football coach who saved my son


Well-known member
Nov 21, 2008
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Great read. Posts a link to one of the threads on here in the article.

(CNN)—The football coach wept at the podium. He stopped every few words, sought to compose himself and then choked up more. His livelihood, his passion, his dream ripped away.

The state of Minnesota came to a pause. So did everyone within the epilepsy community.

"Last night, when I walked off the practice field," said University of Minnesota football coach Jerry Kill, "I feel like a part of me died."

It was, perhaps, the most gut-wrenching retirement announcement in sports. Kill has suffered from a seizure disorder for the last decade. He'd managed to keep the seizures in check the last two years, but his seizures recently returned. His retirement was immediate and unexpected.

I was choked up watching the press conference, but this had me asking who was cutting onions.

Wayne did my favorite piece on Kill on last year (that's linked in this article) and did a wonderful job yesterday too. This is a must read.

GopherHole cited in a CNN piece. My. God.

All joking aside, excellent article.

Very touching. Really a good story, this should have more clicks.

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