Sid actually made (a little) sense this morning


Pretty Sure You are Wrong
Jun 4, 2009
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Well Sid went on a WCCO tirade this morning (on at least two different segments) that the Henderson's shouldn't have allowed the dog and pony show to go on at the U and waste their time if they knew the whole time they'd go elsewhere. I nearly fell over because it is a rare situation where I agree. I can't believe I just said that.

However, the rest of his babbling had to do with comparisons to Mobley and Walker Ashley and hinting how it will go the same way for Henderson. Sid apparently forgot that those two players were not as highly regarded. For icing on that cake, he said that Henderson might only look good because he was playing against smaller weaker opponents. Apparently all those things registered in Sid's mind and the fact the kid was the nation's #1 recruit did NOT. He stopped just short of his famous "he'll never get a job in this town" line. So, thankfully after briefly making a little sense, Sid restored order to the universe by sounding like an idiot.

I didn't hear him this morning but I think it's time for him to hang up the headphones if not the typewriter. I used to be a faithful listener to Sid and Dave on Sunday mornings but Sid is making it very difficult. He's fading quickly and I hate to see it happen.

Sid is right on this one. Henderson had absolutely no intention of coming to Minnesota, but for PR purposes strung us along. I say good riddance.

Well Sid went on a WCCO tirade this morning (on at least two different segments) that the Henderson's shouldn't have allowed the dog and pony show to go on at the U and waste their time if they knew the whole time they'd go elsewhere.

And it sounds as if it is still going on picking a school that may face sanctions and the Kiffin Factor. If they are concerned about that, why go there?

Oh, I forgot. Hollywood, mega stars, hoopla, music producers, etc. seems to be calling.

What we have is another Hollywood Henderson

if anyone remembers him.

I honestly think his wanna be rap star dad made this decision for seantrel. I think it became very apparent that he is being viewed as a meal ticket. I hope for this young man's sake that I'm wrong but in all the interview with Seantrel's dad I never read anywhere that it said "Seantrel feels..." or "Seantrel wants..." It was always we. I have a feeling his dad was in his ear from day one to get out of Minnesota.

Well Sid went on a WCCO tirade this morning (on at least two different segments) that the Henderson's shouldn't have allowed the dog and pony show to go on at the U and waste their time if they knew the whole time they'd go elsewhere. I nearly fell over because it is a rare situation where I agree. I can't believe I just said that.

Completely agree as a Gopher Fan.

Now if I was the one being recruited, , I am not so sure I wouldn't take the free tickets and such. It is all part of recruiting.

I didn't hear him this morning but I think it's time for him to hang up the headphones if not the typewriter. I used to be a faithful listener to Sid and Dave on Sunday mornings but Sid is making it very difficult. He's fading quickly and I hate to see it happen.

Listening to Sid is still enjoyable. It's just that in the days gone by we listened to find out good sports information. Now we listen for a good laugh.

Sid "What do you know, you're from Chicago get outta here"
Dave "No Sid he's from Chisago"
Sid "Huh,.....Oh"

It is all part of recruiting.

Only if you want it to be. One can always make their choice and move on without all the hoopla.

I can only imagine the home life that existed in the Henderson home the past year. Lack of privacy, schedules, living out of a suitcase, etc. My wife would go nuts will all the traffic/coming & going in the house and she would be in a constant "gotta clean the house" mode.

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