Shannon Brooks - night of the train

He is not the only Gopher football player who has struggled with depression. The pandemic isolation exacerbated depression and anxiety.

PJ Fleck aged tremendously during the pandemic. Consoling and being a father figure to his players has taken a toll on him. I can see why the Gophers as a team develop a strong bond. They become dangerous to play against them.

tOSU better not take them for granted.
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Sorry if this has been posted before or not appropriate, but I was at a conference a couple weeks ago and this was shown. The video was done by the Fargo Police Department and is about bringing awareness to mental health. Shannon is interviewed along with a couple others about how mental health has affected their lives. Moving stuff.

Mental illness and depression know no socioeconomic boundaries. It can strike even the most stable or wealthy families.

I am speaking from my own experiences of struggling with suicidal thoughts early on while in college. Everything can look hunky-dory on the outside. A storm can be brewing on the inside. You never know or even notice something is wrong.

Going to college can be very exciting and simultaneously can be a very traumatic experience. Depression and anxiety are real.

Triggers can be from unrealistic or self-inflicted expectations. It can be from a sense of failure testing your ability to adapt and cope with changes.

Everyone has different levels of adapting and coping to the tremendous amount of changes in one's life. Sometimes, existential thoughts come to your mind. My wake-up call was the suicide of an older brother of a friend from my hometown who went to St. Thomas.

Counseling is needed much more today more than ever. Support groups can benefit a lot of kids going through a transition.

Kids have a lot more anxiety today than ever in my opinion. Sudden changes, chemical imbalance in your body, or significant events can lead to suicidal thoughts.

Suicide rates are rising in the United States, with the suicide rates among men 3.7 times higher than women.

The Athletic Village is a game-changer for student-athletes with their counseling resources and their proximity to the athletes. It is incumbent upon colleges and universities to take care of the needs of their student-athletes mental health. At least, make those resources readily available.

There is a greater need among the general student population.

Attention President Gavel: How can the U help the general student population? Offer classes on the Psychology of Personal and Social Adjustment to all students. Make it a general education requirement. Offer it free or at a reduced amount.
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