Phil Miller: Kill is sending thank you notes to fans who watch practice


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
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per this tweet:

"Been to a Gophers practice? Check your mail. Kill is sending thank-you notes to fans interested enough to come watch."

Go Gophers!!

Sweet!! I showed up today and watched for over an hour. Pretty fun to watch, and be close to the action.

Wow, an email blast by some intern that takes all of 4 seconds. It's not like a wedding or graduation party where they're hand written and mailed out.....

Wow, an email blast by some intern that takes all of 4 seconds. It's not like a wedding or graduation party where they're hand written and mailed out.....

Dear Mr. Vandelay
Thank you for your interest and support. We are continuously looking for ways to show appreciation to our fan base.


Coach Kill

Wow, an email blast by some intern that takes all of 4 seconds. It's not like a wedding or graduation party where they're hand written and mailed out.....

Thank you for your unbridled enthusiasm, Art. You can go back to sleep now.

Wow, an email blast by some intern that takes all of 4 seconds. It's not like a wedding or graduation party where they're hand written and mailed out.....

Art, would you please stop being such and a$$hole all the time?

Seriously Art? There are certainly things to whine about when it comes to Gopher sports, but whining because Coach Kill sends out thank you notes to people that have an actual interest in MN fb makes you look like a total dumba$$ and you also lose credibility when you do whine about something that is abhorrent. Use discretion in your whining.

Seriously Art? There are certainly things to whine about when it comes to Gopher sports, but whining because Coach Kill sends out thank you notes to people that have an actual interest in MN fb makes you look like a total dumba$$ and you also lose credibility when you do whine about something that is abhorrent. Use discretion in your whining.
When did he have any? :rolleyes:

Also, here's a more complete note from Miller's blog:

"Speaking of Kill and the fans, the coach is spending time each evening writing notes to those who show up to practice. 'I've always done it. I appreciate the support. It's their team,' Kill said."

Sounds exactly like an e-mail blast from an intern.

Thanks for the clarification.

Now Art can go disappear for another 3 weeks.

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