Paul Carter's sister facing amputation


Leave my member out of it!
Nov 12, 2008
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Per Myron
Doctors recently told the Carter family that amputating Bria's lower right leg "will be necessary to save her life." Bria will have to undergo four more months of chemotherapy after the pending surgery, which could happen as early as Tuesday, according to her father, Ronald Carter.
Bria's cancer was discovered after the 6-foot eighth-grader was injured during a basketball game in December.
She's already gone through three rounds of chemotherapy at a Chicago hospital.
The Carter family has maintained its faith during a difficult time. Ronald Carter said his family has relied on "the power of prayer" and continues to hope for a miracle in the days before Bria's anticipated surgery. Ronald Carter said his family is also seeking another opinion from doctors in St. Louis this week.
"Bria's chemotherapy was unsuccessful," Ronald Carter said via email.
He added: "We believe we have no other option but to approve the surgery. It may not take place Tuesday. We are consulting with a third set of physicians in St. Louis today and/or tomorrow. However it is highly likely we will resort to surgery by next week. We are asking for a third opinion and a miracle simultaneously."

Can't open the link, but sad, sad news. Hopes and prayers go out to the Carter family.

Prayers go out yet again. Sad news.. i guess we knew it wasn't good when he decided to transfer before his senior year. Probably wouldn't have done that if things were going well.

If there ever was a guy to provide the support neccessary for his family, its Paul Carter.

Wow that is terrible. I'm pulling for Bria, Paul and the entire Carter family.

Not horrible news if this means it is operable and after the surgery she'll be done with this whole thing. A lot better than inoperable cancer.

Horrible news but as From the Barn says maybe a positve development. Prosthetic legs are getting really advanced so hoepfully she will be able to function pretty normally in the future.

God what a tragic story. Thoughts and prayers to the Carter family.

Since this morning when I read about this, I haven't been able to get Bria, Paul and their family out of my head. This is just something no one should have to go through, much less a 14 year old girl.

My heart just goes out to their whole family. I wish for a miracle for them. I feel like cancer always strikes the best people.

Just a terribly sad situation. My thoughts and prayers go out to Bria and family.

I too wish Bria and the rest of the Carter family the best through this terrible ordeal.

Hey GL

do you or anyone else know what the Carter family's situation is in regards to health care?

I don't remember reading anything about their circumstances - good or bad. And if it's not good, is there any way to contribute either directly or indirectly to help?

do you or anyone else know what the Carter family's situation is in regards to health care?

I don't remember reading anything about their circumstances - good or bad. And if it's not good, is there any way to contribute either directly or indirectly to help?

You actually read my mind, I had just emailed Paul about that after I read about this. No matter how good her health care is, I'm sure they can always use extra support.

Edit - just read the page, they could to incur $20,000 in, to add the financial strain onto the emotional strain makes this even more sad.

Here's a link to a site that appears to be managed by the family and has a link for donations:

Thanks for linking this, Buck!

Its hard not to get emotional after browsing their website.

I agree with FTB. Possibly good news considering some of the alternatives. I pray for Bria, Paul, and the entire family.

While reading the website pages, I noticed a note about Paul graduating from the U of M in May. I did not realize he would graduate before transfering. A huge congratulations to Paul! Now, more than just being a former player with a great heart, he will forever be a member of the Gopher family. Definitely a true student athlete, and a role model to all current and future Gophers.

Go Gophers!

I actually have some family history with this type of cancer.

The really scary thing about this type of cancer is that it is a sarcoma, which means that the biggest concern is that it could spread to the lungs (via the blood). What they usually do is give 3 months of chemo, surgery, and then 6-9 months more of chemo. They give the initial 3 months to attempt to shrink the tumor, and unfortunately it sounds like that didn't work for Ms. Carter. She will almost certainly face amputation. I know that will be incredibly difficult for the entire Carter family and especially Bria (and my thoughts and prayers are certainly with her).

However, it is a TREMENDOUS sign that you haven't heard any mention of her lungs. Like I said, that is the real danger in this type of cancer. If you catch this disease before it moves to the lungs, your chance of beating this thing are exponentially higher.

So yeah, as some people said, it is an absolute tragedy that she even has to go through with any of this, but there are some hidden positivity (or perceived positivity). Good luck Bria, good luck Carter family...all of Gopher nation is behind you.

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