Next coach is going to benefit from previous coaches talent


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2008
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This program is not dead. Dead was what it was after coach Wacker, nobody cared. At least now people care.
Just like coach Mason did from coach Wacker, the next coach is going to really benefit from the hard work that coach Brewster and his current staff did in recruiting and getting players to come to Minnesota. I'm sure a lot of players are pissed right now that they have lost there leader and how it was handled. Nothing about how this situation turned out is enviable or really should have happened this way. That said things will get better and there will be a reward for all of the hard effort and passion Brew and his staff put into this. The mistake that Maturi made the last time in firing coach Mason so late in the game after the bowl game will get righted this time. Brewster was hampered coming in so late and having to implement so much change so quickly.

Think about it there are only 3 players around from 2007 on the current roster. A lot of us were over-optimistic including I, in thinking the young and inexperienced on defense would be better than some of the seasoned veterans we had because they appear to be better athletes. We are 1-6 but not all of what the head coach was saying was untrue. We were a few mistakes, and a few plays away from being 3-4, 4-3 and we would not even be talking about the coach if that had happened. In a round about or long way what I'm saying is there is quite a bit of talent on this football team. You could see it, Purdue was a crap football team and we let them off the hook because of attitude being down and media reports. Minnesota had better talent then Purdue at home. Under different circumstances they would have beat that team. Minnesota has talented football players, it is hard to see right now with the record but this is a lot different than the 2001 season when everything went so bad.

The cupboard is not bare here, Minnesota has talent, and if the guy's can come together get past there loss of a leader and rally around each other things can get better. This team can still ding a few folks and take a couple trophies away. OSU is going to be way confident, we have talent that can hang with them even run a scare into them if few even believe that. Everyone is down, everything seems to stink, all you can do is pick yourself back up and say if you believed in Brew than you need to show Maturi he was wrong in that room. The coaches that are still here will come to work and they will still continue to work hard because they are committed to these kids.

I fully agree, there is enough talent to give the next coach a good shot and having a breakout season sooner than later. And I'm still going to enjoy the remaining 5 games this year.

I was pumped going into this season thinking of all the talent we finally have on the roster. After the 1-6 start I am reeling some of that optimism in and say this team has a ton of 'depth' and hopefully the next coach can polish that depth into talent.

I hope few if any guys on the team will transfer. Hopefully the staff can keep them together until the new coach is hired.

Thing is, the new guy is going to be going into it with a QB who has only taken a few snaps and question marks in the backfield. Further, who knows if a lot of these guys with 2 or more years of eligibility are going to stick around.

I think there's more talent here than when Mason left, but we don't know how much will be there for spring practice and who will be in this year's recruiting class.

I agree that there is alot of talent here. But I see coaching as a problem!! Now the head coach doesn't coach much, just coordinate and put in the scheme. But you can't tell me that all these kids can't tackle. Most are still using the skills that they had in HS where they were better athletes than most. Now they are with comprable athletes and are trying to rely on HS technique. We have people in position but they accept blocks and do not fight them or take them out to blow up a play. D-line stands up and gets pushed into the LB's so they can't make plays. Ends don't contain and secondary doesn't watch the QB and break on the ball. Example of coaching is yesterday when the snap went over the punters head and he did not try to get the kick off. Coaching would have him practicing handling bad snaps and how to run and get the kick off. All coaching. I think a good example is how much the O-line has improved with coach Davis. He is the one coach that should be retained, but I doubt that any will. At least Cosgrove will be gone!

I've really been disappointed in the D-line play this season. I don't either Edwards or Kirksey has been playing that well.

I think you are dead wrong

The biggest problems facing this program right now are not enough talent and a horrible lack of depth. Right now there are around 67 eligible players who signed letters of intent in the program. I think time will show that the class Brewster brought in this year is badly lacking in talent. Yes, some will emerge. But there are too many suspects (Wilson, Hutton, Ragoo, Eggen, Epping, Parrish, Simpson, Euree, Ferguson, etc) in this class. It is time to realize that way more is needed than just a few players. To win in the Big Ten, you need lots of great players. This is going to be a complete re-building job. Expect it to take a long time. There will be many players who will leave or be asked to leave. The last four weeks of the season are not going to be pretty playing at Illinois and MSU and home against OSU and Iowa. There is nothing to play for. 18-23 year olds think two weeks from now is way into the future. There will be a sour taste in their mouths at the end of the season. Hence the reason many will leave. With the 25/28 scholarship limit and the loss of the current senior class, it is going to take 2-3 years just to get the numbers up to a point where you can even think about being competitive. Hate to be a Debbie Downer, but just sayin'.................

Could/would Gray consider transferring? Ouch if it happens.

If the talent is so improved, one would expect that said talent would allow the team to play "up" on occasion, even to the point of at least one upset in 3.5 years, not to mention beating IAA teams - lousy coach notwithstanding.

If the talent is so improved, one would expect that said talent would allow the team to play "up" on occasion, even to the point of at least one upset in 3.5 years, not to mention beating IAA teams - lousy coach notwithstanding.

Development(or lack thereof) is a key factor also.

We have a lot of untapped potential for some of Brew's recruits who havent developed as players despite their talent. The sad part is that we have plenty of upperclassmen like that who wont be able to get those crucial first 2 years back where they basically stalled out.

With the right coach, staff, and system in place. We definetly could contend for the Big 10 North Title.

The biggest problems facing this program right now are not enough talent and a horrible lack of depth. Right now there are around 67 eligible players who signed letters of intent in the program. I think time will show that the class Brewster brought in this year is badly lacking in talent. Yes, some will emerge. But there are too many suspects (Wilson, Hutton, Ragoo, Eggen, Epping, Parrish, Simpson, Euree, Ferguson, etc) in this class. It is time to realize that way more is needed than just a few players. To win in the Big Ten, you need lots of great players. This is going to be a complete re-building job. Expect it to take a long time. There will be many players who will leave or be asked to leave. The last four weeks of the season are not going to be pretty playing at Illinois and MSU and home against OSU and Iowa. There is nothing to play for. 18-23 year olds think two weeks from now is way into the future. There will be a sour taste in their mouths at the end of the season. Hence the reason many will leave. With the 25/28 scholarship limit and the loss of the current senior class, it is going to take 2-3 years just to get the numbers up to a point where you can even think about being competitive. Hate to be a Debbie Downer, but just sayin'.................

+1 - they thought that there is all this talent on the roster is pure fiction.

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