NEW FBS P5 Playoff system


Well-known member
Apr 1, 2019
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The P5 Playoffs

In the P5 Playoff, IMO the NCAA should pick up 2 of the highest ranked P5 schools, or 3 if you did not except the top ranked G5 team, that didn't when their conference. 8 teams are plenty if you add the top 2 or3 teams that didn't when their conferences, but were the most highly ranked teams durring their regular season.

As I stated before, the top 4 teams should be alowed to play the bottom 4 teams on their home field because they earned it, to insure a full stadium and TV coverage. The final 4 games are played in a bowl rotation just as they are now.. The other P5 teams have plenty of bowls as a a reward for a great or good season



The reason that the FCS/1AA teams have a large playoff system is because they do not have or are they invited to bowls. FCS/1aa started their playoff system in 1978 with 4 teams with FAMU WINNING their first & only FCS/1aa National Champioship, thats when they were good. I think in 1985 their were 8 or 10 teans when GSC won our first National Championship. THe FCS then added more teams to 8 or 10 teams. When GSC was playing, I think all playoff bids GSC/ GSU receved after 1985 in the FCS/1aa playoff system. had 16 teams. You had auto bids for the main confrence winners and the rest were chosen from the top ranked teams that didn't get an auto bid. I liked the 16 team playoff system for FCS. Now I think the FCS has 22 playoff bids. I think thats to many teams. The smaller and poorer FCS teams don't have the money, even if they were good enough and make it to the final 4, it is a finatial drain on them for travel.

I LIKED THE FCS 16 TEAM playaff system because the FCS had no bowls to go to.

I really liked the FCS/1aa 16 team playoff system instead of bowls because it pitted the best that had proven themselves durring the regular season and would have to prove themselves against the best of the best from around the country with all those teams having different football phelosophys, offensive and defensive scheems and because your school didn't get to pick the teams you play. Your team has to play the team that won against their opponent its bracket.

I wouldn't want the FBS P5 schools go to a 16 team playoff system.

8 schools in a P5 FBS playoff system would be enough because of all the bowls offered to P5 schools that did not make the 8 team playoff system.

Is it a good idea or bad idea? EXPLAIN YOUR ANSWER

What would be the problems?
Like the idea or not.? EXPLAIN YOUR ANSWER

Yawn...I probably shouldn't have responded. Another slow news day.


Yawn, did you say something?

Did I say something? Well if you had red my firs intro post and read the 3 questions at the bottom of the post you would see that I( did bring up a topic to discuss and even left 3 questions at the bottom of the post that you and others could respond to negatively or positively, but you did neither. So I guessing you're the one that really doesn't have anything to say about the topic!

So you can just leave this topic alone until you can agree or disagree with an opinion to back it up! :)

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