Kirk Cousins speech representing B1G players

To quote the great Roseanne, Rosanna Danna. ... "Never mind."

To quote the great Roseanne, Rosanna Danna. ... "Never mind."

I think that was Emily Litella. When Jane Curtain corrected her, it was "Never mind... bitch..."

Roseanne Rosannadanna's think was "if it ain't one thing, it's another."

Thanks to wikipedia, we all have massive trivia at our fingers.

They say the mind is the first thing to go. ... thanks for the correction.

At least I didn't attribute the quote to Fred Garvin.

I only know it because I just looked it up. I remembered the "never mind" line, and I wanted to verify that she used "never mind... bitch". I had forgotten all about Emily Litella until I looked this up. It's easy to confuse they were both portrayed by Gilda Radner, and both were "commentators" on Weekend Update.

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