Josh Campion at Fork Union Military Academy

Fork Union is a prep, so JuCo rules don't apply. It's basically like an extra year of HS - a route that Larry Fitzgerald among many others have previously gone.

Also, Prior Lake? I didn't realize I was going to have to drive so far north to go to Mystic Lake now.

Is he still intending to be a Gopher? Most FUMA players end up staying in the area at UVa, VT or elsehwere in the ACC, etc.

If Campion's grades can't get him into NDSU. . .well, finish the thought yourself.

It's a really good move for Josh. But I hate to rain on NDAK's parade, but you don't go to a prep school to get into a school like NDSU. You go there because your sites are higher and you believe there's a payoff for your efforts.

Fork Union is a prep, so JuCo rules don't apply. It's basically like an extra year of HS - a route that Larry Fitzgerald among many others have previously gone.

Also, Prior Lake? I didn't realize I was going to have to drive so far north to go to Mystic Lake now.

So, who do they play, other prep schools around the country?

should we discern from this that Josh Campion did not graduate from HS.

Did he go to community college for awhile? I'm having trouble following all of his academic travails. Seems he's been, or associated with, about three places (CC, NDSU, and now Fort Union) since committing to the Gophers as a high school junior. Good luck to him.

In answer to the question above, he may have graduated but is lacking classes required to gain admittance to a 4-year school.

should we discern from this that Josh Campion did not graduate from HS.

No! His grades were crappy, and with poor test scores, he wasn't getting into college. That doesn't mean he didn't graduate. It is likely, that he is deficient in a core subject area, required by the NCAA clearing house. Without seeing his transcipt the most you can say is that he's at prep scool because he needs it.

No! His grades were crappy, and with poor test scores, he wasn't getting into college. That doesn't mean he didn't graduate. It is likely, that he is deficient in a core subject area, required by the NCAA clearing house. Without seeing his transcipt the most you can say is that he's at prep scool because he needs it.

Got it! thanks for the follow up.

Fork Union Military Academy

Where have we hear that before? Have we hear that before? Yes! One year at Fork Union Military Academy was the prescription for Asad Abdul-Khaliq to get his grades in order. I can only hope Josh Campion will follow.

I spoke briefly with someone with some familiarity of the situation and he said it is most likely a NCAA Clearinghouse issue dealing with core subjects. One of the problems with the Clearinghouse is that they get hung up on the course label as opposed to the course content and that may have contributed to the problem here.

Anyway, good luck to Josh.

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